How do you feel about zombie fiction?

How do you feel about zombie fiction?

Total Votes : 4,223
I don't like the standard, slow moving, "Braaaaains" groaning zombie. All other (forms of) zombies are OK with me.
Personally, there are a LOT of decent zombie themed things out there. For example, Video games like Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and Dead Island are all great. The Walking Dead tv show is amazing, and of course, Highschool of the Dead is great also. Movies i can't really say much about, because i don't enjoy many movies anymore. But overall, i like zombie stuff, but i'm not going to buy EVERY little thing about them that i can find.
There are some great zombie games out like Left 4 Dead, RE, Dead Island, and Dead Rising. As far as shows; The Walking Dead was great and Highschool Of The Dead was pretty good, too. Some movies like 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later were amazing zombie movies if you haven't watched them yet.
Zombies in general are a pretty cool topic to begin with, and seeing it expand to the point of anime and movies is always fun to see
I love zombies >_< and I want to make zombies that have micro chips in there brains that I can control and take over the world with Muhahaha :p
DAWN OF THE DEAD!! Zombie Fiction is my personal Favorite, I love it all even Zombie Comedies.
yoshihiro669 goes Fapping mode!
I like Zombie's, Too bad they don't exist >=D
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Seriously, I like the way its going so far...I just hope it doesn't go overboard and have zombie girls biting off dicks and shit.
I got a katana now LET ME AT THEEEEM!!!!!

Seriously though I love zombie thrillers and games in fact me and a few freinds would probly resemble the crew from highschool of the dead (mines the big boobs sad day)
Never really liked the Zombie theme, seemed overplayed and not very interesting
So naturally I didn't think I'd like High School of The Dead... but it turns out I love it
I don't know what it is about HOTD but its more fun to read/watch than any of the other zombie stories I've seen
no not because of fan service, just the story and characters themselves
I think it's essential to be prepared in case of a zombie apocalypse scenario.
I am a big fan of Highschool of the Dead personally, but never got that into much other zombie stuff. I do feel it is getting pretty played out now as well. Almost to the point where zombies are the new vampires. Almost.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Love the walking dead and George A Romero films.
Vladimir Makarov wrote...
It's okay without the fucking fan-service every 5 seconds (I'm talking to you high-school of the dead). However I love Nazi Zombies.

and yet the anime is still awesome
Honestly, scientifically sound is irrelevant as criteria for something to be enjoyable or cool. It's a great addition for something to be scientifically sound.

Zombies are awesome in the sense of if it were possible, what would YOU do? How would humanity play it's cards?
I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but... Sankarea. That's the sole reason I have interest in zombies (^.^)
In regards to your "not scientifically sound" comment, it really depends on the type of zombie. Not going to argue about this, just going to let my robot-bear-zombie army do the talking.
I love zombie-infested-world survival stories and all but there was just one thing that kept bugging me after watching/reading them...
How the hell did the Military, Navy, Police Departments or anyone trained in the arts of war go down first while total strangers with almost zero combat experience survive?

Sorry to have offended some people out there, I just can't get that idea out of my mind... -_-
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