Do you read/watch hentai for the art or for the plot?

Do you read/watch hentai for the art or for the plot?

Total Votes : 5,089
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
If you absolutely had to pick one, which would it be? I'm not saying that for an amazing plot the art would look like it was drawn by a three-year-old or anything, but let's go with something more reasonable.

Normally I love amazing art. As do most people, I guess. But if I absolutely had to choose one in the Art vs Plot battle, I'd have to go with plot. Something can be visually stunning, but if it's boring as hell I'm not gonna enjoy reading it.

What about you all?
I may be a bit superficial, but no matter how excellent the storyline may be, the art is where it's at. I can't watch/read some hentai if the art looks like a 3rd grader drew them
Nikon wrote...
...Something can be visually stunning, but if it's boring as hell I'm not gonna enjoy reading it...

I won't even bother to read if I'm not intrigued by the description or whatever there is on the book...
I have to agree with ezrah, plus hentai are just hentai we all know what the main purpose of it is for us... :) Story takes much bigger role in normal anime/manga but not so much in H.
This is actually a tough one to give a direct answer to.
I've seen works that have had great art but the story sucked or was non existent.
Then again, I seer others where the art was bad but the story was fantastic.

Personally, I think the two go hand in hand. You've got to have an equal balance of both to have good hentai.
i only watch more on the art and less on the plot...
This is a hard choice for me I watch hentai for the "art" but i read hentai for the plot.
Have to go with art.
I'd say plot over art... but they both matter equally really...
Can't really have one with great art, but a terrible storyline... it'd be painful to read
Can't have a story with terrible art, but an awesome storyline (I mean you can, but it'd be painful as well)

Overall, I'd like to say both, but plot wins it for me...
both are important but if i had to pick i'd say plot
I'd have to go with art but if the plot is good its just an awesome bonus.
If its for the plot read some other manga not something to fap to.
Consider Kamino Ryu-Ya. The plot actually makes things incredibly sexy, but Ishikei's art is just delicious even though there rarely is any plot. I'd go with art, though, as I can easily curb my plot hunger with non-H mangas.

Therefore art.
Hentai's are only for fapping. If its a Hentai that has a story, then it will belong to the "Ecchi" category of Anime
LOL who does that?
Plot makes the difference for me. It either adds a level of eroticism or kills the boner instantly.
Both of them are equally important, but I'd choose plot over art.
I'd have to say I read hentai for plot, I don't watch much hentai so I can't say its for the art
Since when did Hentai ever HAVE a good plot? :) Hence the term "Hentai Logic".
Actually, between art and plot, I choose both. Seriously. Both.
Monster Girl
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