FAKKU Writers' Lounge

Meanwhile I'm still racking up for inspirations hurr...
I'm almost done compiling my finalist, IDK how the others are progressing, gotta ask for updates soon.

But yeah it's coming to an end. And I'm trying to do it as fast as possible, because I don't want the translators to wait for long.
Good work. Whatever the result is, I'm looking forward to celebrate it along with the winners, they all had tried their very best on putting their mind on their respective pieces and I salute them for that~

I hope they will serve as a solid backbone for our promising future writers, and all the existing ones who's still burning with passion of writing (or those kinda uninspired and lazy with stuff). Let us toast glasses in honor of their victory, may the best also happen to us along the way =D
I certainly hope a lot of the writers that appeared don't leave.

But for some reason I'm hoping for more usual readers to come and stay rather than writers though~
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
I certainly hope a lot of the writers that appeared don't leave.

I'm sure if we welcome them in the lounge, they will stay ^^
@High: Well, to be honest, most of the readers are the writers of the section... lol.

@Vega: You may try. But remember, our trusty Moogle left us. =/
Yeah so like we need few people who kind of dedicates themselves to reading for enjoyment~

It doesn't have to be someone who have background in writing and I kind of prefer those who have little to none of them, so we will also know the perspective of ordinary readers towards our works. And I think that's quite a decent thing to have~
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
@High: Well, to be honest, most of the readers are the writers of the section... lol.

@Vega: You may try. But remember, our trusty Moogle left us. =/

I do miss him :< I think he's too busy, I've noticed his blog has been updated a lot
For increasing the number of readers you can probably start by linking the stories of others posted here, that you find interesting enough~

I figure it has higher chances of attracting readers than when the writer try advertising his own =0

Of course : Advertising Techniques Apply
I post things i write on gaia sometimes.
Never been to that place, how's it?

I tend only to focus on being active in one or two places only since well...being at many different places is tiring for me~
Find_Vega wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
@High: Well, to be honest, most of the readers are the writers of the section... lol.

@Vega: You may try. But remember, our trusty Moogle left us. =/

I do miss him :< I think he's too busy, I've noticed his blog has been updated a lot

Never entered his blog before. :D
Okay let me demonstrate it to you how it works :
Recently I've read a story that made me warm and fuzzy inside, how should I put it? The story makes me feel close to the characters, heart warming in a way, and although the ending kinda feels a bit lacking in sorts I still like it. Truly epic and I felt compelled to share it with you guys here =D

Don't forget


We need to be moar mainstream~

Also, lolmebeingalimpdickmotherfucker now.
high_time wrote...
Never been to that place, how's it?

Gaia is an interesting place. Its more of a social gathering for anime and game nerds still wet behind the ear (in my opinion). The avatar customization and the games make it a popular place. I used to go on it a few years back, but then High School took priority.
Find_Vega wrote...
Gaia is an interesting place. Its more of a social gathering for anime and game nerds still wet behind the ear (in my opinion). The avatar customization and the games make it a popular place. I used to go on it a few years back, but then High School took priority.

Oh I see, so I figure there will be many people?

I think I'll pass since I prefer things to be peaceful and quiet =)
high_time wrote...

Oh I see, so I figure there will be many people?

I think I'll pass since I prefer things to be peaceful and quiet =)

Its not that big. There are many servers that people log onto... its complicated, I guess. Think of it as one big MMO, but instead of questing and dungeon crawlin, you socialize and stuff. You can even buy a house in there.
Monster Girl
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