Do you participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping?

Do you participate in Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping?

Total Votes : 3,224
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Didn't have money this year but if I did I would have spent it on the Fakku store.
I'm missing the "We don't have a Black Friday where I live" option.
Bought my self a sound bar for my TV, a new headset for my Xbox and plan to shop at the Fakku store tomorrow!

Edit: damn just made it in time, I went to the Fakku store and saw 2 hours,10 mins left and went on a spree!
I shop sometimes on those days, but I do not wake up early in the morning or camp out. I wont go that far.
Half of the fun is just watching the chaos ensue. Some deals are great but I mainly go for the entertainment value.
It gets so crazy on black friday i just stay home and send someone else with my shopping list
I tend to avoid all physical shopping, and buy everything I need online.
WitnessX Starship Captain
I never participate because I generally never have the money to buy anything for anyone.
The fact that the last option is winning pleases me to no end, considering I worked my first Black Friday today and all the customers were so rude and insufferable. I understand you've been out all night, but I've been out all night, too, working. Not sitting my behind in a chair for the last ten hours. Have some common courtesy, at the least, please. Ugh.
I wish I could buy myself a birthday present from Fakku for the Black Friday sale, but I'm dirt poor T^T
This is the first time I bought anything. I only got xbox live cards (3 3-month, I ordered two online). The sad thing is that I probably won't activate any of them until January or so. Hopefully I'll be able to get something off of the Fakku! store. I really want that So long Mr. Despair poster.
online. screw goin through that crowd
Yup and everytime I pray I don't get trampled by every shopper who automatically becomes a football player when the doors open.
With each year and stores wanting to open earlier, I groan internally.
I have to work Fridays so I can't go shopping, but I don't really feel like I'm missing out. I'm willing to camp out in line at conventions, but not for cheap gifts and electronics that will be considered outdated in 3 months.
Skrew the chaos, I'm kinda surprized nobodys been shot at an opening yet. Well, it is still early...
Screw black friday!
I usually don't participate in that madness, but I did this year to get some games. It wasn't that bad.
do it online, no crowds t worry about + way better deals.