Who would win in a fist fight?

Who would win in a fist fight?

Total Votes : 6,580
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Goku would win, but I don't like Goku so I'm gonna say they tie
godhand78 wrote...
I grew up on goku & to Be honest I think so did everybody who voted 4 him in the first place to B honest this question is the same as who would win a Saiyan or Superman however I beleive the Nine Tailed Demon who destroyed cities would have no problem killing a monkey which is what Goku really is Think about but whatever let your Heart think 4 rather than your mind

Do you realize that Goku can destroy FAR MORE than simple towns, right?

But, my vote goes to Gary motherfucking Oak
I cant help my self but to say Gary.
just sayin'

Forum Image: http://2damnfunny.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Goku-Spirit-Bomb-Needs-your-Gangsta-Energy.jpg
Natsu(fairy tail
He kills dragons hence dragonball z
He has magic fire fire beats rubber hence onepiece
He just doesn't give up ik naruto nine tails fox destroys planets yea but natsu and naruto have honor it wuld come to a hand to hand fight and natsu. Magic fire lighting=blaze wuld cook/eletrify him
Goku FTW! Every time you think he's outta energy he just pulls more out of his ass, and gets to whuppin' more ass.
TetraSky wrote...
As much as I would want to vote for Gary for the lulz, power wise, Goku would win. He can pretty much blow up the planet and breathe in space... The others just can't compare, he's that overpowered.

Right on all accounts but one. He cannot breathe in space. He can, however, hold his breath for an insane amount of time and breathe in high atmosphere/low oxygen conditions. Frieza and his family, on the otherhand, can breathe in space.

Also, fuck Gary. If I could, I would vote for Pro-fucking-fessor Oak!
Littshepkid wrote...
who is gary oak?

Please, I'm begging you, find your childhood...........
Goku, hands down :D
Go Naruto!!!!!! Just wondering, how much regeneration does Naruto have? Also, Naruto is not a reckless dumbass he used to be :D Shadow clone Justsu + sage/tails mode = op, but if it is just a fist with no powers errrr... Guess the most muscly and fastest one wins, which I have no idea who it would be... (-.-")
one thing is clear.. no matter who wins, it'd take 500 episodes to figure it out.

personally, I vote for Nanoha using Starlight Breaker to blow the fuck out of the planet the fight takes place on.
Dude I think if goku would punch you in the face I think your insides would come out your ass lmao
Gary Oak hands down!!!
Drifter995 Neko//Night
Garry Oak; You can't ignore his girth
YouCan wrote...
Bleach Ichigo, anyone??

nah kenpachi hes straight up badass
In a all out fist fight.... Gorky would win. Mostly because all the energy attacks of his that take time to charge would not be allowed, and he can move faster then light and is insanely strong. Naruto is also extremely fast, but he lacks Goku's attack power. Gary oak isn't even worth mentioning. And Luffy..... He doesn't have the speed to match goku, but his endurance is enough that he would wear goku down enough to the point to where it would be very close. But goku would win in the end.
are you kidn'? Yusuke Yurameshi would win landslide victory
wut? Gary Oak would destroy Goku
lakers4life36 wrote...
wut? Gary Oak would destroy Goku

idk why everyone thinks gary oak would even have a chance against goku, luffy or naruto.... it would only take one kamehameha wave, one rasenshuriken, or one jet bazooka to kill gary oak