Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Rise of the Guardians: 9/10
The Bourne Legacy: 8/10
The Expendables 2: 3/10
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
High Tension [2003]

This particular movie is going to be a little tough to review. [Avoiding anything that can lead to a massive spoiler] Basically it's about a woman heading over to her friends house out in the middle of nowhere to study. The night that she gets there, a man breaks into the house and kidnaps her close friend. The rest of the movie is about hunting down the kidnapper.

On paper, barebones anyway, this sounds like the dullest fucking movie you had the misfortune to watch. But High Tension is exactly the opposite... turned up to 11. The dialog is on the slim side which the movie uses to its advantage [thus the name]. None of the conversations were filler just mere hints and nods towards small, seemly pointless, information about the main characters. What is interesting is that the side characters that have smaller dialog still bring up a feeling of caring acquaintance [namely the family].

As a horror film, the violence in this movie is actually well planned out. No senseless cop outs, gorehound service 'just cause', etc. The incidents in the movie fuel the plot. Hell 'every' action of the big bad was executed with 'High Tension' in mind. Once the movie is near the end, however, is when viewers will understand completely how the big bad planned his attacks out.

The film is not without a few flaws namely after the big reveal there will be ,without doubt, a few questions as to how certain scenes could have been plausible in light of the new information about the big bad.

Still, small issue aside, this is a pretty damn good movie. 8.5 out of 10
Clear skin 8/10 limes
Lord of the Rings The fellowship of the ring.


Never seen it before and I loved it.
The Dictator 4/10
it was pretty boring.
the passion - 10/10
Hmm. Let's see.

Total Recall (the one with Scwarzenigga in it) - 9/10, judging on the time it was made.

Total Recall (2012) - 8/10 It's a rewatched one, so it didn't awe me that much anymore. But then this time, I now got to point out the major difference of this one from the older one, especially at the immigration scene (with the lady...)

Hotel Transylvania (2012) - 10/10 It was fun watching the movie. It got me in the puns (like when Dracula saw that Johnny was watching Twilight and said "This is how we're represented. Unbelievable."). Really had a fun time watching this.
Disappernce of Haruhi Suzumiya - 9/10
Forum Image: http://i.picresize.com/L7M

8.5, good movie, sweet and yet a bit awkward.
Catch Me if you can - 10/10
Nice movie. Even nicer to know that it's based on a true story.

One Day - 5/10
Rewatching it again made me wait for that crash scene.

Mall cop - (Haven't watched it fully, but I'll give it an automatic 8/10).

Monsters, Inc. - (skipped) 8/10

Room in Rome - 10/10 for the Yuri sceneS. Yes. SCENES.
The Brass Teapot - 7/10

I just like how they hurt themselves. Funny.
The Elite Squad - 8.5/10

Maybe a bit fictionalized, but still a nice portrait of one of Brazil's most infamous/feared spec ops teams.
The Host 8/10

I was going into it knowing that this was also a story written from the woman who wrote Twilight. That alone made me worry if I should spend my money on it. That aside it turned out to be an okay chick-flick to watch with my friends. I had a few issues with the two-minded people talking thing, but it was nothing too much to complain about.


The Slow motion scenes were really cool, albeit a bit glittery
Mall Cop - 9/10
It's somewhat predictable, but it ain't that much of a cliche.

Shaolin Soccer - 9/10
Kung Fu and Soccer (or football, whatever you call it) is just... ridiculous...
Evangelion Death and Rebirth:

My reaction:

Forum Image: http://i1069.photobucket.com/albums/u470/Cloudycomet/Warrior%20Cats%20RPG/2444_zps6ed34490.jpg
Story is confusing without reading "possible interpretation" wiki online.
The ending is also somewhat disturbing (mixed with concepts and dogma from Cabala/Christianity)
Would you rather - 5/10

The story is so predictable. Just good for a one-time-watch.
Jurassic Park in 3D - 9/10

Not a big fan of 3D, but I saw it because I hadn't seen Jurassic Park before. 3D was modest, no "in your face" shots (thank god!) The movie itself was brisk, very well-written, with excellent acting and character development. To me, it lived up to its reputation.
Evil Dead - 7.5/10