League of Legends (LoL)

once u play ranked and get to play games up in the high elos, tossing games only occur rarely, if not at all. It's just that this game takes so long to master a lot of minor details, like the amount of magic resist/armor the enemy has, the item builds the enemy has, location, cooldowns, and most importantly WHEN TO ENGAGE OR DISENGAGE. Getting caught for low elo players is so common that when i smurf i just find enemies in their jungle alone 40 minutes in. 1 death late game could change a whole game
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I'm 1 IP away from being able to buy Taric so I can expand my support roster.
PandarasBox wrote...
once u play ranked and get to play games up in the high elos, tossing games only occur rarely, if not at all.

I assume you never played 'high elos' then.

Cyndas wrote...
Sometimes no matter how much effort you throw into this game, your teammates decisions ultimately affect the outcome of the game. That's why I always find myself laughing when I hear about MLG / eSports League.

And what exactly is the problem with eSports league? These professional teams are not made up of 5 random players chosen by matchmaking.
Takerial wrote...
Meanwhile, in BronzeVI

Forum Image: http://st.elohell.net/images/chill/c577794c137d16421db2ef970cc1c450.jpg

Can't stop laughing!
nacho wrote...
[quote="PandarasBox"]once u play ranked and get to play games up in the high elos, tossing games only occur rarely, if not at all.

I assume you never played 'high elos' then.

No, because i'm only in gold 2, but I constantly watch my diamond friend's games when I have the chance and watch a few non-popular high elo player's streams constantly, so I'm pretty confident in what i'm saying
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
fucking Dyrus making i was hopeing this was going to get put up :D
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Tsamari wrote...
fucking Dyrus making i was hopeing this was going to get put up :D

I spectated that one live. Was very funny watching it.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Takerial wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
fucking Dyrus making i was hopeing this was going to get put up :D

I spectated that one live. Was very funny watching it.

yeah so was i xD
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
TSM has had a really good showing these last couple of weeks. I think it would be amazing if Dignitas and TSM won the same amount of games this coming week so second place is decided solely with their game with each other at the end.
Hopefully wrinkles such as miscommunication will be ironed out in the remaining games of LCS, though the loss vs Vulcan didn't seem to hinder TSM's steamrolling of CRS the last couple weeks. I expect DIG to come back strong after disappointing losses with a substitute jungler, so expect great matches between DIG/CRS and TSM/DIG.

As for the NA All-Stars it seems the team will be: Dyrus at top, Saint in the jangle, Scarra mid, and Doublelift/Xpecial for botlane. Pretty much the picks I chose at the start but with the exception of Regi in mid, and Scarra as my second choice.

For EU it will probably be: sOAZ top, Diamondprox jangle, Alex Ich mid, Yellowpete/EDward in bot. Even though Gambit has 4/5 members of the team leading the votes, the rules state only 3 members from the same team with the highest total votes can be chosen for the All-Star roster.
Wickd had a toplane 1v1 showdown against Soaz to determine who's gonna play in allstars. His stream had 140k viewers at some point.

I missed the first match, but Soaz won 3 to 2.
I really need an EUW Ranked team. I don't want to solo queue.
Did I miss something?

Is the concept of building Liandry's on Mundo completely foreign to everyone still?
I literally see two reactions when I build it. Some players are either surprised by it, or they assume it's the 'dumbest fucking thing a player can do'.

I mean it REALLY fucking hurts on Mundo. Why do people look at it like it's a bad thing?
Cyndas wrote...
I mean it REALLY fucking hurts on Mundo. Why do people look at it like it's a bad thing?

Because LoL players don't believe in trying new things. If it's different from the common build, you're a noob who needs to go back to bots.

I remember when (pre) season 3 first started and boots were lowered to 25 ms and champion base ms was raised by 25. I said to myself, there is no reason to start boots on an AD carry unless I plan to go for an early kill, which I didn't. So I sat in base for a bit and decided to stack potions. The entire game I got flamed for not starting boots, "noob graves only buys potions report please", and even though we were winning, they couldn't admit that my potion start wasn't bad, and just said, "Graves only got kills cause you guys are worse than he is." And now stacking pots is fucking standard. At least it was a month or two ago when I still played, I don't know if people still do that cause I stopped playing a while ago.

ok. done ranting
Badguy wrote...
Cyndas wrote...
I mean it REALLY fucking hurts on Mundo. Why do people look at it like it's a bad thing?

Because LoL players don't believe in trying new things. If it's different from the common build, you're a noob who needs to go back to bots.

I remember when (pre) season 3 first started and boots were lowered to 25 ms and champion base ms was raised by 25. I said to myself, there is no reason to start boots on an AD carry unless I plan to go for an early kill, which I didn't. So I sat in base for a bit and decided to stack potions. The entire game I got flamed for not starting boots, "noob graves only buys potions report please", and even though we were winning, they couldn't admit that my potion start wasn't bad, and just said, "Graves only got kills cause you guys are worse than he is." And now stacking pots is fucking standard. At least it was a month or two ago when I still played, I don't know if people still do that cause I stopped playing a while ago.

ok. done ranting

they recently nerfed stacking pots though. now you can only buy 5 at a time (mainly due to how stagnant 9 pots 2 wards really is).
i do remember when people used to go 10 pot morde. back when he was good enough to get a ban from ranked.

anyhow i started playing Zac and he's a pretty fun champ. i seem to have trouble maintaining my hp early though, even after i get the spirit of spectral wrath.
yummines wrote...
Badguy wrote...
Cyndas wrote...
I mean it REALLY fucking hurts on Mundo. Why do people look at it like it's a bad thing?

Because LoL players don't believe in trying new things. If it's different from the common build, you're a noob who needs to go back to bots.

I remember when (pre) season 3 first started and boots were lowered to 25 ms and champion base ms was raised by 25. I said to myself, there is no reason to start boots on an AD carry unless I plan to go for an early kill, which I didn't. So I sat in base for a bit and decided to stack potions. The entire game I got flamed for not starting boots, "noob graves only buys potions report please", and even though we were winning, they couldn't admit that my potion start wasn't bad, and just said, "Graves only got kills cause you guys are worse than he is." And now stacking pots is fucking standard. At least it was a month or two ago when I still played, I don't know if people still do that cause I stopped playing a while ago.

ok. done ranting

they recently nerfed stacking pots though. now you can only buy 5 at a time (mainly due to how stagnant 9 pots 2 wards really is).
i do remember when people used to go 10 pot morde. back when he was good enough to get a ban from ranked.

anyhow i started playing Zac and he's a pretty fun champ. i seem to have trouble maintaining my hp early though, even after i get the spirit of spectral wrath.

A bit off topic, but this comment reminded me of (very old vid but funny):

The fun starts at 11:08.

Hallo. Garena player here (asia)
Asian LoL Esports is kinda stagnant cause we lack sponsors (except south korea). Our solo queue isn't as competitive as NA or EU, people wouldn't care about counter picks till gold2 and most of the guys on silver doesn't even care about the meta. A lot of us shifted from dota, making us good in lane and bad in team fights. I also find GPL boring. The skill difference of teams is just too big, you could almost always predict the winner unless the dominant team tries an experimental/badmeta comp. I mean, a two month old team against TPA?
Im getting my computer back this week so I can play again yay.
I posted here a while ago but then my comp went on the fritz and I was unable to play with you guys.

Feel free to add me: TheUsagiHime. Im in canada so NA and im kinda new and only a lvl 20 right now but im not awfull! :) I stick to playing Lulu all the time though... I need to diversify.
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1540179-74PKLCT.png

We still won because I'm the best Orianna NA.
Cormac wrote...
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1540179-74PKLCT.png

We still won because I'm the best Orianna NA.

Wow.... it's my first time seeing kha'zix and elise not being banned.
They're kinda staple bans here in asia.