One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

I'm out of Snapple :(
I bought a game on live and turned out most of the game has a ton of in-game purchases.
My Braces hurt this morning
Aside from the chinese fog, this:


Boss: The sea looks calm. Let's lower the boat. You guys go with me.

When the boat hits the water, our boss released the hooks. Then the boat went up and down (pitching) abruptly due to the underwater waves (or swell)(swell height was about 1 meter, and that is fucking high for a small boat). It's so abrupt that it took us about half an hour to return the hook to its place, not to mention that the big hook itself might hit our heads.

What a day.

Translated and studied a lot of Kanji's. I'm pretty stressed out.
I'm sick... again... with tonsillitis... again. Gr.
Sorry to keep spaming but my problem is the same. I had a great day today hanging out with my friends. The only thing that could have made it perfect was to get a few more hours home alone to relax and it would be a perfect day. But no, my dad keeps hanging around which, for me, is unsual and incredibly annoying.
Very hard day of work.
It wouldn't have been a bad thing, except I got sunburned... Like, REALLY sunburned.
I have to work Sunday night during Game of Thrones. So, I hope they re-run the hell out of it.
Almost taking a nap.
It's so humid that it's friggin' annoying me.
I'm might a guy on a bus which had a terrible body odor and he sat next to me, I couldn't change seat because I was afraid that would be offensive to him
My brother played the PS3 far too long today.
I've fallen extremely ill again, at least I have someone to help me. But I have to work tomorrow and I don't know how I will get through the day...
Woke up at 4am and cant fall back asleep
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I got rudely awakened at 4am this morning by a sudden urge to vomit. Think I might have had too much chicken or my body didn't like the alcomohol I had yesterday.

I feel like shit and I don't know what to say to my friends to opt out of going clubbing tonight. I don't like being "that guy".
Hikikomori Saturday. I've only left my room once since I woke up this morning and I'm still in my pajama's.
badging a rave at a con with someone whos sanity was rapidly decreasing due to headaches. it got better at the end but it made my day less good feeling.
Vanilla frozen yogurt just doesn't compare to its ice cream counterpart.
My microdermal is being really lame, and I'm going to have to get it removed then redone D: so annoying.