One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

All of the limited edition versions of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's new single Invader Invader are sold out and now out of print. I am disappoint. I'll still get the regular edition, but I really wanted that limited edition... I miss out on a poster and an awesome case. Fucking consumerism and materialism.
the fact that the new pokemon just keep getting lamer and lamer, i loved first 150~
Feeling sicker.
Five people in total slapped my behind this day.
I wasn't amused in any of them.
Hearing the Word " Menanablah " .
My cat won't stop annoying me for food... She has had 2 breakfasts already, and she already wants third breakfast.
Got too much feels from listening to various piano soundtracks. Felt like crying throughout the songs.
Sick and my hair dried funny so my bangs are all over the place. It looks really ridiculous.
I have to go to work early

forgot to order the socks I need.
I forgot what I really wanted to do today, so I just watched 4 hours worth of BBC World War 2 documentaries.
I forgot to take an evening shower...because too lazy
A sudden power outage that last for one morning.
My back feels pinched and I have to take some gross pills to take away the pain.
It's sunday. I hate sundays.
Played megaman x4 after fixing my old psx and after breezing my way to the last boss, the controller's analog (which turned on/off randomly thus messing my controls) just had to pull a dick move causing me to run into a wall full of spikes right when I was near to beating him and used up all of my e-tanks.
My kittens got poop on the carpet ;___;
I have to do the laundry all by myself.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I woke up with a draught-induced "headache" at the back of my left eye which left me feeling like shit, all because I was smart enough to leave my window open all night while it was windy. Nothing paracetomol didn't cure though.
That awkward moment when you're on a table studying when a couple sat on the same table then suddenly started kissing, then they kiss again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Seriously, I hate the library because of one of these things. Can't I study in peace wihthout you guys sucking each other faces off which might lead to foreplay and probably public sex?