[Anime] Valvrave the Liberator

Kaimax Best Master-San
deadsx wrote...

Episode itself felt a bit lackluster, but the ending raised some questions. Like Who is going to pilot those other Valvrave's is the MC and that Chick going to do it, is L-Elf Getting off from watching them do it. Next week should be better.

My main problem with the mechs now is:
Where's Valvrave II?

If you look at the released pics of the mechs, you could see that there are Valvrave I to VI, but there's no II
Kaimax wrote...
deadsx wrote...

Episode itself felt a bit lackluster, but the ending raised some questions. Like Who is going to pilot those other Valvrave's is the MC and that Chick going to do it, is L-Elf Getting off from watching them do it. Next week should be better.

My main problem with the mechs now is:
Where's Valvrave II?

If you look at the released pics of the mechs, you could see that there are Valvrave I to VI, but there's no II

Good thought

Looking at the website and then watching the intro, I can see everyone but number two. And it's too late for me to go back through the episode and count the units, when the girl made the comment it looks like a rainbow. Personally I'm thinking, either E-elf is going to take it or, it was moved away and we will see it at a later time in the show.
deadsx wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
deadsx wrote...

Episode itself felt a bit lackluster, but the ending raised some questions. Like Who is going to pilot those other Valvrave's is the MC and that Chick going to do it, is L-Elf Getting off from watching them do it. Next week should be better.

My main problem with the mechs now is:
Where's Valvrave II?

If you look at the released pics of the mechs, you could see that there are Valvrave I to VI, but there's no II

Good thought

Looking at the website and then watching the intro, I can see everyone but number two. And it's too late for me to go back through the episode and count the units, when the girl made the comment it looks like a rainbow. Personally I'm thinking, either E-elf is going to take it or, it was moved away and we will see it at a later time in the show.

or it's gonna be an obvious Black/Dark Colored Valvrave that meant to overpower all the Valvrave.lol.
Episode 5:
The Valvrave girl seems to be able to see what's going on in the cockpit. Although I wonder if what she said was a joke by Sunrise or if it is to imply they had sex. Considering a good part of the episode was dedicated to teenage impulses they might actually have done it. I really wonder what L-Elf is up to though. Did he already steal a Valvrave or what?

Also, this anime is turning into a love song for all other mecha anime. With Macross being the focus of this episode.

Which brings me to...

Kaimax wrote...
My main problem with the mechs now is:
Where's Valvrave II?

If you look at the released pics of the mechs, you could see that there are Valvrave I to VI, but there's no II

Oh man, just watch Valvrave II be the Eva Unit-01 of the Valvrave universe (since Unit-01 was the second model Eva).
Damn. Gotta wait for another week for the next episode. Hoping it will have 25 Turns Episodes before cutting off for the second part/season.
Finally A KISSSS!! I approve!!

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/65677_542883545755117_690410912_n.jpg

Bloodwind wrote...
Damn. Gotta wait for another week for the next episode. Hoping it will have 25 Turns Episodes before cutting off for the second part/season.

MAL said it'll be 12 though.
Must post that the #1 thing for me for this show so far is the INTROOOO SONGGGG. Go go TM Revolution!
I am very confused about this show now

Crisis averted, so let's break out into song? What is this, High School Musical? I appreciate the small bits of comedy, but that was just weird. Rukino seems to know more than she's letting on, kinda like Cagalli from SEED.
Kaimax Best Master-San
niell wrote...
I am very confused about this show now

Crisis averted, so let's break out into song? What is this, High School Musical? I appreciate the small bits of comedy, but that was just weird. Rukino seems to know more than she's letting on, kinda like Cagalli from SEED.

Not really that confusing honestly.
That's just their best way to show to the whole world that they're fine, and they used Saki's Idol popularity, so they decided to let her sing. And they're really showing the "social network" aspect of the show.

The only thing weird and awkward is the cat fight and the sudden jingle bells that made me skip the whole part because of high levels of awkwardness...
Kaimax wrote...
niell wrote...
I am very confused about this show now

Crisis averted, so let's break out into song? What is this, High School Musical? I appreciate the small bits of comedy, but that was just weird. Rukino seems to know more than she's letting on, kinda like Cagalli from SEED.

Not really that confusing honestly.
That's just their best way to show to the whole world that they're fine, and they used Saki's Idol popularity, so they decided to let her sing. And they're really showing the "social network" aspect of the show.

The only thing weird and awkward is the cat fight and the sudden jingle bells that made me skip the whole part because of high levels of awkwardness...

Uh, wasn't Rukino the one singing? And lol i didn't know she was an idol either..

Rukino's full name is Saki Rukino....
Episode 6

-so the pilot is Rukino.strangely when she agrees,that "valvrave" didn't appear on the monitor.
-this time,they showed how the "bite" works if another pilot bite another pilot.
-goodbye figaroo,you will not be missed.
-those legs....maybe it's because i played Gundam Extreme VS/FB but when it jumps around like that,it immediately reminds me of when most of the players controls their own MS.lol.
-uwaahh.....those posts pops out on the cockpit screen is really annoying if it were implanted on a real cockpit.lol.
-oh get over it you emo.lol.

Some nice combat this episode. Never notice how those Dorrussian mechs had lifesupport pods like that. But that was a good plan by that leader dude. Fight at range and if anything goes wrong, you sent in a infiltrator to take them out. Though I think L-Elf is going to stop that guy, due to his own hidden agenda.
So long Moses, we hardly knew ye.
Episode 6:
That was the most amazing petty use of an extremely powerful mecha I have ever seen. But it was damn hilarious. Saki also called herself a vampire.

"L-Elf. For the sake of our friendship... please die."
I can't remember what this line is unintentionally(?) referencing.

The Dorssians are going to be in for a big surprise when the HBV-502 Raiden-like Valvrave come out an foils the only real tactical advantage they have against them.
I dont get the logic of this anime anymore.

That aside, dat handjob
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/968821_545043148872490_434044121_n.jpg
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
My thoughts
So I watched the first episode of this and it was cool. Invading army kills the protag's love and he goes on a vengeance rampage. The vampire thing at the end made me all like "holy shit!" Then I get to episode 2 and the girl is still alive. That kind of bugged me cuz now there isn't that whole driven by vengeance thing. But its not that big of a deal. So he is about to confess to her and I actually thought in my head the moment before "He better not do something pathetic and depressing like say how he isn't worthy of her." Then he doesn't confess and runs off and he says "I can't confess, monsters don't have feelings" At that moment my fucking rage exploded. You no good idiotic pathetic excuse for a protagonist. Its obvious that girl wanted you to confess. I bet you a million dollars that no matter what she isn't going to think you are a monster. I bet she thought you were cool piloting the robot and everything. But no, this fucking guy had to go and have a pity party and be god dam self loathing character. I can't stand that kind of character. It really pisses me off. I don't think I can actually watch the next episode now
echoeagle3 wrote...
My thoughts
So I watched the first episode of this and it was cool. Invading army kills the protag's love and he goes on a vengeance rampage. The vampire thing at the end made me all like "holy shit!" Then I get to episode 2 and the girl is still alive. That kind of bugged me cuz now there isn't that whole driven by vengeance thing. But its not that big of a deal. So he is about to confess to her and I actually thought in my head the moment before "He better not do something pathetic and depressing like say how he isn't worthy of her." Then he doesn't confess and runs off and he says "I can't confess, monsters don't have feelings" At that moment my fucking rage exploded. You no good idiotic pathetic excuse for a protagonist. Its obvious that girl wanted you to confess. I bet you a million dollars that no matter what she isn't going to think you are a monster. I bet she thought you were cool piloting the robot and everything. But no, this fucking guy had to go and have a pity party and be god dam self loathing character. I can't stand that kind of character. It really pisses me off. I don't think I can actually watch the next episode now

i want to kiss you and make you mine
castor212 wrote...
I don't get the logic of this anime anymore.

Yep me neither.

What an attention-whore. And plot holes, plot holes everywhere.
If it wasn't for the artwork for these episodes I would've dropped this show no doubt. The story is so clunky and it's frankly all over the place, and the points that they ARE showing are literally all over the place.

The decent sound-track, and the artwork for the fights are literally what keeps me from dropping this show.
Episode 7:
Man, starting off the episode with a time skip, very random. Also, I guess we have seven Valvraves? Did not expect Aina to die (temporarily?). L11 is really good at reading things. On another note, did Saki possess Takahi to gauge her own feelings for Haruto?
Monster Girl
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