[Anime] Dangan Ronpa: The Animation

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Maizono already tripped a death flag when she asked to swap rooms, but wasn't expecting Junko to get killed too; Shit just got real. Pink blood, wtf is up with that? ED is pretty awesome.
niell wrote...
Maizono already tripped a death flag when she asked to swap rooms, but wasn't expecting Junko to get killed too; Shit just got real. Pink blood, wtf is up with that? ED is pretty awesome.

About the pink blood, censorship laws in Japan made it so the game had to have pink blood, obviously, for maybe the same reason, it carried over to the anime.

On the episode:
It was nice, pretty understandable and two already are down. I'm eager to see the class trial, and is still pretty nice to see the characters animated.
Also, that dance Monokuma did in the OP was hilarious and kinda weird lol
Lastly, ED is growing on me, I really like it.
For me it was a bit awful that the subbers didn't check their translations, some phrases were worded in an awkward way. (watched spanish subbed version)

I just started playing the game the other day and reached this part, so I wasn't surprised to see Maizono and Junko getting offed. I did wish that the scene where the Makoto and Maizono went to got get the gilded sword (along with the emotional episode of hers that followed soon after) would've been thrown in, but you can only hope for so much in a 13-episode series.

Can't wait for next week so I can see who gets caught. Judging by the evidence, I'm assuming its going to be Fake Shaman King.
Episode 2:
It was really good, but I'm kind of ticked that they killed Maizono off so quickly (she was one of my favorites). Since this episode cut off before the trial, I just had to go read the manga (which actually isn't very descriptive and far ahead). Oh well, I can't wait until the next episode.
I'm not real happy with magenta blood.
animefreak_usa wrote...
I'm not real happy with magenta blood.


Though the OP and ED are good enough to make me look past it.
Can't wait for episode 3.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Looky-tan wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
I'm not real happy with magenta blood.

Though the OP and ED are good enough to make me look past it.

Implying that using pink blood was a bad decision, which is actually not.
Kaimax wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
I'm not real happy with magenta blood.

Though the OP and ED are good enough to make me look past it.

Implying that using pink blood was a bad decision, which is actually not.

Only reason is bd sales. Crime edge and sepia scenes. It not like it a pg 13 show... use black instead of magenta.
Kaimax Best Master-San
animefreak_usa wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
I'm not real happy with magenta blood.

Though the OP and ED are good enough to make me look past it.

Implying that using pink blood was a bad decision, which is actually not.

Only reason is bd sales. Crime edge and sepia scenes. It not like it a pg 13 show... use black instead of magenta.

Only problem is, it's not a censor, the BD will also have the same color, because it's a staple of Dangan Ronpa, is what makes DR different from Ace Attorney and other murder mystery games. Even though it was originally used to avoid a 18+ rating, but people liked it because it compliments the theme of the game, and the game sold remarkably well, resulting in a sequel with the same blood color.
Kaimax wrote...
Implying that using pink blood was a bad decision, which is actually not.

Naw, sorry if I worded it that way. Just when blood comes up as such an odd color(and I mean odd in the most nicest way to describe this Magenta color which I guess is staying true to the source, since I've yet to play the game), it kind of takes away from the whole, someone just died feeling, in my opinion. I am not a big fan of gore/guro etc but I prefer when blood is red or some shade of red.
Edit: But I can understand that if this style got more people interested in the game and is the staple artistic draw to it then making the anime adaptation match this makes perfect sense.

Nice Batting cage. Not as graphic as the game but still funny.
I hope the future trials/mysteries are a little more complex- this one was fairly easy to figure out. But then again, it's the first one- so we'll see.

Really liking the style, though. It's- well- stylish.

Maizono, you bitch. Betraying the only person you knew. Her motives seemed kinda weak, too. Although I did expect her to go Yandere McStabby, I was expecting her to be a little more late-game. I also didn't expect Junko to clock out that early, either.
Kaimax Best Master-San
FuckYoHouse wrote...
I hope the future trials/mysteries are a little more complex- this one was fairly easy to figure out.

Because it was the "Tutorial Chapter" in the game. Everything was made obvious, you just need to make sure you don't fuck it up in the trials.

Don't worry things will get pretty complicated especially the last 3 chapters before the final chapter (DR has 6 chapters)
Kaimax wrote...
FuckYoHouse wrote...
I hope the future trials/mysteries are a little more complex- this one was fairly easy to figure out.

Because it was the "Tutorial Chapter" in the game. Everything was made obvious, you just need to make sure you don't fuck it up in the trials.

Don't worry things will get pretty complicated especially the last 3 chapters before the final chapter (DR has 6 chapters)

I take it you've played the game.

Available in English?

Or Engrish, at least?
Kaimax Best Master-San
It's for the PSP and has been fan-translated. Go check on Fuwanovel.
Yeahhhh for Class Trial.

PSP player would be happy. Original BGMs for the winner.
Kaimax Best Master-San
castor212 wrote...
PSP player would be happy.

Not really, some players I found has the usual complaint of "this is a bad adaptation because of the pacing", some are even mad at the changes of the evidences.

It's the whole "it's not the same = bad"
I have become OBSESSED with Dangan Ronpa, I read the entire "Vide Game" and really look forward to the future class trials & execution. Since I read the Video Game and didn't actually play it, I think they did an alright job with the first execution.
Episode 3:
Pretty nice episode, the pacing was fast, but it kept the dynamic feeling and style of the game, at least how I see it anyway.

Hearing the BGM of the game during the trial was good too.

I'm looking forward to the next trials, specially since they get more complex as they go on and would like to see how they get resumed.

Also, seems there'll be a pacing of "episode with OP and ED will be a small amount of free time/ events/ the murder case begin" and next "episode with no OP or ED being the class trials" I suppose.

Lastly, the censoring on Kuwata's execution didn't bother me, I'm guessing there won't be that much censoring in the executions, there's only two in the whole game that show blood anyway.

Off-topic: lol, haven't written this much about an episode or recently on these forums in general since... I don't even know haha
Kaimax wrote...
castor212 wrote...
PSP player would be happy.

Not really, some players I found has the usual complaint of "this is a bad adaptation because of the pacing", some are even mad at the changes of the evidences.

It's the whole "it's not the same = bad"

Well, can't do much about the pacing considering it's 13 episodes. But I sure love dem class trial and execution animation.
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