Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Elysium; I give it an 8/10 as well.

Spectacular imagery, and I liked the ending. However, I didn't expect the progression of events to turn out the way it did. Kind of a let-down.
Elysium was pretty good, I liked it at least. It had oh shit, god damn it, and what the hell moments in it, and tons of action and explosions
Olympus has fallen. 9/10
Supernatural Activity- 5/10...just lots of bad parody moments and bad acting, though I did get a good laugh or two out of it

Street Fighter:The Movie- 8/10...still a gloriously cheesy movie but still funny as hell!
Project X - 6.5/10 not really the best, but still enjoyable
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
I suppose it counts here, since it IS a feature length film.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack - 7/10

+Great visuals and mobile suit designs
+More Char vs Amuro
+Engaging score

-A lot of the supporting cast (I'm looking at you, Quess Paraya)
-Biggest WTF ending ever (they basically left it to "it's magic, don't gotta explain shit")
-Overall plot outside of the rivalry is of questionable quality
Kickass 2 -................ -10/10 fucking lame terrible.
Gummo... was't too bad. 7-10
Pain and Gain 7/10

A Michel Bay movie with out explosions:O, anyways this was a good movie it had some funny moments and it kept me watching.

Pacific Rim

- Good popcorn (didn't get the overpriced shit) movie with giant mechs vs giant monsters. Enough said.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
OK, let's get something in-depth here, because I owe the person who got me to finally sit down and watch it that much.


The last movie I saw:

Forum Image: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs18/f/2007/127/e/7/Nausicaa_Wallpaper_by_therat10430.jpg

First off, let's get the minor gripes out of the way. Some aspects of the film could have been used properly more. Namely, the character of the Counsellor, and the usage of the Warrior, especially the latter one. Hell, some people can even argue the ending was a complete deus ex machina. Does any of that ruin the overall pace and feel of the film. HELL NO! Great score, great visuals for its time, atypical and well-executed plot, and holy shit, the amazing characters (GODDAMN NAUSICAA IS SO AMAZING, I ALMOST CRIED WHEN THAT ENDING HAPPENED). Is the film perfect? Of course not, nothing really is. Does the film still go beyond its minor flaws and still be spectacular like all other films of its tier? Abso-freaking-lutely.

Final rating:

[size=10]*a 10/10 from me does not signify a perfect film, just that it's fantastic enough to warrant a spot in my top films ever[/h]
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
Grown ups 8/10

Hehe. All the fun things in life.

Arrow Roulette anyone :3?
The Conjuring.

8/10 Best horror movie I've seen.
Tower Heist - 6.5/10
Decent movie, though just a couple of laughs is what he managed to make me experience.
The Hobbit - 9/10.

I like LotR, and this was awesome to see. Dragged a bit, but still awesome.
The Man with the Iron Fists


Complete shit show. Bautista was the only saving grace. Even the Asian women were boring. I cannot overstate how much of a waste of time and how disappointed I am by this film.
Kick Ass 2 8/10

Pretty awesome movie, lots of action and full of funny momments
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
Disney UP!


Good cartoon. especially the end.

Epic house they own in the end XD.

Want one now.
Taken 2

The sequel to a great movie this movie almost seemed like a budget version of the first movie. It involved the daughter about as much as what made sense and Liam Neeson being his usual badass self. It felt like a much smaller scale movie compared to the first but i think it still managed to be pretty damn good. 8.5/10
Gravity cat the adequately amused


I think I expected more. The action was good and the South African bloke who played Kruger made for a brilliant psychotic antagonist. I felt there was something missing but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Monster Girl
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