Computer nicknames?

Desktop- The Beast V2.3 (First digit is an OS change, second is a hardware change)
HTPC (Raspberry PI)- Beast Pi V4.0
Tablet- Androibeast v1.0
Mushimaster PRO- The monster gaming setup I have
Mushimaster Lite- a tiny PC which I use for LAN parties
Destroyer- Practically destroyed except being held together with a LOT of electrical tape
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Mac, it's hard asking my sister "Where's my Macbook?". Or maybe just 'Laptop'.
In my bedroom: my main PC. Labelled administrator pc. It's simply named otaku-pc.
Windows 2000 professional server.
Location: near the corner of the attic next to the router.
Name: mizuno
Cute witch from the Video Game Tombi. She fails to boot sometimes though, so wake on LAN sometimes results in starting a machine without responding.
Raspberry Pi, a small linux machine.
location: next to \\mizuno and the router
name: iwakura
label: iwakura server
Name from Lain Iwakura. Kinda suits the device I think. And she's pretty...
WDTV device.
Location: under the TV next to the Satellite receiver.
label: WD TV LIVE
name: madhatter
My laptop.
name: stovepipe
location: --handheld device--
label: none
name: phyllit
PC in living room.
Location: living room.
name: flamehaze
From Shakugan no Shana
#workgroup: WORKGROUP#

otaku-pc, mizuno and iwakura have static ip adresses.
My laptop is usually referred to as [color=#9D0A0A]MINE[/color], followed by a signature glare and crawling back to a dark hole.
I call my laptop The Walking Dead because its been here for 5 years and keys are missing, it gets hot like fuck, the clip to keep the screen on is broken, i have to use a pen to start it up, etc.
IncrontomentalVortex wrote...
I call my laptop The Walking Dead because its been here for 5 years and keys are missing, it gets hot like fuck, the clip to keep the screen on is broken, i have to use a pen to start it up, etc.

How about "Necronomicon"?
Only thing I can think of is my Samsung galaxy note 2. Named it robo-booty
My new laptop is named IeeyaOS. For now that means IeeyaWin8 and IeeyaMint.
I have many computers, mainly portable ones. I name them all after gemstones, preferably masculine ones. My two main computers are called onyx and opal.
Since all my computers run some form of Linux, the names are actually used when accessing them.
Believe it or not I recently named my PC HALan.
Current hardware:
My PC - Catherine
PS Vita - Yaksini
Red God of War edition PSP - Yasmine

I have a thing for Atlus and Shin Megami Tensei, which is where I picked these 2 up.
Others have included a PS3 named Gaia and my last Vita named Noravita. Both of which have since been sold.
Never really had a habit of naming anything til the last few years, then I got to thinking about how all the badass things in old legends and stories are named. Like Excalibur. So I decided to give it a try.
Main box: Saber (fate stay/night fan)
Semi-retired file server: Sanya (Strike Witches fan)
Macbook Air: Lightweight (or lappy) - for obvious reasons the laptop is super light.
My PC's name is Fluttershy.
My laptop is named GLaDOS, my external harddrive is POTaDOS
I named my new computer Obliteration System-1.
Ok I have quite a few :3

Sinon - My gaming PC that I built a few years ago, People get confused when I refer to my computer as She or Her
Asuna - My Nexus 4
Shinobu - My Sony Vaio T13 Laptop (I would highly recommend this laptop)
Inori - My Nexus 7

They are all named after some of my favorite anime characters :D
Asus Transformer -> flip-top
- after flipping over and falling on the floor because of it's top heavy screen.

CW5356 Wifi Router -> ucantseeme
- because it's SSID is hidden

My three frequently used mouse -> trinity
- Razer Naga [tri], Roccat Pyra Wireless [ni], generic cdrking mouse [ty]

WL V911 -> buzz lightyear
- dat buzzing sound when it flies... also it's color

budget cree T6 flashlight -> star
- beam looks star shaped because of it's attack head
1st Rig, an AMD FM2 based rig-Naomi

2nd rig: Gaming Rig- Maya
Delltoid (because dell).
He is now resting in peace after a severe case of MotherB.overheatitis