Which age group do you prefer in your anime?

Which age group do you prefer in your anime?

Total Votes : 5,519
Where is the "all of the above" option? I like different age groups depending on the setting. It's hard to pick just one because I like many different genres. I guess I will pick the late teens/early twenties option.
23-30 .... the mix of the 40's mind and the 20's body ...
I don't really care too much. The 5-10 year old range generally consists of cute little things causing trouble, so I picked that for the hell of it.
Around my own age group (15-25) would be the most enjoyable, and relatable.
17yr-22y pretty much
It depends on the genre, really. A slice of life can be pretty much any age, but I can't see a series like Ghost in the Shell working with a bunch of 12 year olds.

As others have mentioned, however, I adore the idea of the characters aging throughout the series. Even something like a time skip ala TTGL can be fantastic.

I suppose I just like seeing a series acknowledge that no one stays the same age forever.
It's kinda hard to choose. Anime's have this thing where people who are are like fifteen look like they're already adults.
It's very dependent on the genre.

5yr-10yr : Cute anime like Ichigo Mashimaru or Hanamaru Youchien.
11yr-16yr : Moe-blob, like K-ON or Lucky Star.
17yr-22yr : Shoujo anime, generaly focused on relationships and feelings. Or shouen anime you know, "friendship overcomes all" badguys failing "because of reasons" and plot armors galore.
23yr-30yr : Straight-up badassery style. A fighing anime, like Yuyu Hakusho. Maybe GTO. Stuff like those.
31yr-40yr : I yet to find one in this age group, but I'm sure there are some good example out there.
41yr+ : Same as the prevous.

There are plenty of good examples for all of these, so I can't vote and be 100% sure about my decision.
Preferably i choose them to be around my age so as i can put myself in the characters shoes
I had Nanba Mutta in mind when I cast my vote.

Forum Image: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Wc0KoCh5ZcE/UGsQEvdFu3I/AAAAAAAAFxM/GNfOspu1YF0/s1600/Space_Brothers_%2326_Mutta_Nanba.jpg
Also maybe 13 depending on pettankos/loli.

also "We know their age but we pretend that they're legal" is K
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
I don't REEEAAALLLYYYY care THAT much...As long as it's good.

But I generally watch ones with people around teenage times to make it slightly more...nostalgic, perhaps?

I dunno. Like, High school settings mostly have them at teenagers, right? And yet, also in Hentai, they're all 18+...so...
well unless its shin-chan
I honestly like any age range as long as the story is good or it makes me laugh. There are gems in every age bracket.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Doesn't really matter, although I guess I'm most used to the 11-16 and 17-22 groups, if only because they seem to be the most common.
Considering I read a lot of slice-of-life series that revolve around teenaged girls I want to say 11-16 but I really prefer older. Just a lot of the comedy series I like happen to have characters in that age group (such as to-love-ru and soremachi).
not too young or too old will do it!
I voted 11-16 year olds but, I'm torn between the first 2. 5-10 is just adorable like yotsuba but i also think the 11-16 year olds are really funny too
Age doesn't matter as long as the characters have a good impact in the story.
I prefer that they are old enough to know what they are doing (mostly. still like lina inverse for some reason ) while not LOOKING old as shit. In otherwords, if they look in the 20s or teens, then i dont care if they are 5816 years old. A wise man once said "Age is nothing but how close to death you are, it's the experiance that matters" (that sounds like something a wise man would say right)
Monster Girl
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