Which age group do you prefer in your anime?

Which age group do you prefer in your anime?

Total Votes : 5,519
i had no clue what the question meant until i read some responses, guess i'm kind of stupid
15yrs-30yrs. There needs to be a variety of ages for the anime to seem more realistic. Cuz lets be serious. In how many different settings are you gonna find where 99% of the people in a story are all about the same age? (I'll admit that a few good ones that are). But most of the time if you just venture out of their little bubble you'll find people of all ages.

Usually I like the main character to be 17yrs-22yrs. That way he/she is still in the prime of his/her life and doesn't hold all the answers. He/she usually needs to have those he/she looks up to and those who look up to him/her.
17-22 because I am in that age group.
to be honest some of my favourite characters are all over 100 but look like 15-20 years olds :D
Generally most of the anime I'm used to has characters in the 17-22 age range. It's also more relatable to my age so that's kinda why I chose it. However, there are some seriously badass older characters that I like just as much.
Any is fine..
tough choice, but I rather go for 23-30
I put 41+ because who doesn't like the old guy who kicks the living shit out of the young smartass, and walks away muttering about back pains or diapers or some other random BS.
I chose the 17-22yr option because of a few reasons, first off, I'm 20 and its near my age. second, it seems that those animes are a little bit lighter on seriousness and thus a bit funnier, not to say other ages aren't funny. And lastly its usually based during or after highschool, which is where a bunch of wonderful anime base themselves. (Plus the girls are hotter! :P )
17-22 because according to me, that's the stage where a story starts with the adventurer in a state where he is ready to face hardships with a proper, developed mind.
If you wanna show an already started adventure, then probably a little older will do.
Awesomely old people radiate intellegent, experience and serenity.

That said, Hanamaru Youchien was fucken kawaii.
I'd probably take a mix of two options, something like 15-21. Close enough in age that I can somewhat relate and you can still get a fairly serious plot.
I'm going with the majority on this. 17-22 master race!
Its all bout the story.
voted 11yr-16yr cause I like school setting the most
17-22... I really don't care.... for me anime is anime,
if it's good, then all is well.
WitnessX Starship Captain
I generally prefer characters I can relate to/empathize with, regardless of age. This is part of why I didn't like K-on.
I'll take the loli girls.
I'll have to say 14-18 really.
Any age group is fine by me as long as the story is good. However, I prefer between 14-25. You know...high school or college age.
All from 5 year to 40 year, dose't matter to me, I do like when there is new things doh.
Not like, 27+ for the whole home page.
Based on that most doujinshi is around 13+ - 25.
But yeah I will vote 5+ because I got a feeling few will support me there and I don't want it to die out on this site.