[Anime] Space Dandy

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Oh god. Episode 3 was just crazy. There was fan service alright but it made you think "Titties don't move that way".

Turns out there's a good reason for it as the woman turns out to be an alien that gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "titty monster". Then there was the double reference to Gurren Lagann ("Do the you-know-what") & FLCL with the escape pod transforming into a motherfucking mecha that looks like Lord Canti.

Also dear lord, DAT ASS.
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
2nd ep

I find it odd that they introduced this Scarlet character and she's gone out of the episode just like that. The fight scene looked cool. I watched the dub...and in the Japanese version, did QT call the currency Woolongs???

Yeah, it seemed to be a bit of a let down having her exit the stage after kicking A. And yes, QT called 'em Woolongs.

Seems this series is along the lines of a mix of Cowboy Bebop, Galaxy Angel, and other gag shows.
Episode 3

I'm glad my girlfriend is flat chested; that booby monster was terrifying as hell.
Episode 3:
I can't help but feel that Space Dandy is sort of like Johnny Bravo.

Also, vagina aliens.
ZeroOBK wrote...
Episode 3:
I can't help but feel that Space Dandy is sort of like Johnny Bravo.

Also, vagina aliens.

Do U even pose!?! I'm getting a Johnny Bravo with a bit of a Lupin the 3rd vibe from him.

I thought the vagina aliens were the reason why this episode was rated TV-MA (the mature audience rating for those that don't know our TV rating system) that and the fanservice...screw a whale tail, her shorts were halfway down her ass....and she was a boob monster.

We now know that Dandy's ship is part mech...and it's bad ass. At last, he has a valid bounty...Spike, eat your heart out. Meow will come back in the next ep but plot inconsistency strikes again since that happens.
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...

Do U even pose!?! I'm getting a Johnny Bravo with a bit of a Lupin the 3rd vibe from him.

I thought the vagina aliens were the reason why this episode was rated TV-MA (the mature audience rating for those that don't know our TV rating system) that and the fanservice...screw a whale tail, her shorts were halfway down her ass....and she was a boob monster.

We now know that Dandy's ship is part mech...and it's bad ass. At last, he has a valid bounty...Spike, eat your heart out. Meow will come back in the next ep but plot inconsistency strikes again since that happens.

Once again, Adult Swim changed the Rating before it aired.

The Promo said TV-MA, but the episode was Rated TV-14 SV.
Well played zombies anonymous.

I will detest the age of zombies...breasts/butts will no longer have their flamboyancy! Plus necrophilia isn't that high on my list..unless she's really really worth it.
WideEyedMan wrote...
Well played zombies anonymous.

I will detest the age of zombies...breasts/butts will no longer have their flamboyancy! Plus necrophilia isn't that high on my list..unless she's really really worth it.

An age of zombies means and age without aging. Sure the attractive people stay attractive, as attractive as they can covered in bite marks with organ's hanging out. Also means the end of reproduction and aging.

But hey, if everyone's a zombie, just gotta make do. And those nurses where still quite... even as zombies. But ya, I definitely prefer living.

Episode 4...
As soon as they introduced the (first) nurse I went...

"HELLLLOOOOOOOOO NURSE!!!" (Sparked an interest in nurses I haven't had since the vintage of my reference.)

The second they had Nyaa attack her, I started cryin a lil...

The second half... so many levels of love I can't express. I am one of those people who have grown sick of zombies, loved them quite a bit at one point, but this episode... Loved every min.
Finished watching episode 5 a few 6 minutes ago. It hit all the right notes for me. I haven't walked away from an episode of Space Dandy yet where I didn't have a blast watching it. Really looking forward to the next weeks episode.

Episode 5 had a Hard Luck Woman feel to it. It was great and especially at the part where Dandy is chasing after the gentooian as a doll while the ending theme played. Sent chills up an down my spine. I love how each episode just gets better and better.
we've seen it a couple of times the past couple of episodes, but every time i see the statue of liberty wearing a ball gag i laugh hard

episode 5 was a surprise feel good episode - love the montage of the travel and wow the galactic visuals were stunning

my theory why dr gel and his goons, that galactic army, is after space dandy is since he has some device that resets the universe back to normal regardless if he dies from super nova, the whole universe goes zombie, etc

but even if the universe resets without an explanation - i'm cool with that. this is an action comedy based on characters, not plot
Did they even say her name once in the episode? Well whatever.

Pretty lame how they do not have the amazing soundtrack from the subbed version in the dubbed version, but oh well. Next episode which is more important..panties or bras. THE PLOT THICKENS.
Episode 5

I was reminded of another work Watanabe was working on during this ep; Michiko to Hatchin (Music Director IIRC). A cute and heartwarming episode. I want the girl to come back after rapidly aging and become Dandy's love interest, ah who am I kidding? I really wanted her to join the crew though.
WideEyedMan wrote...
Did they even say her name once in the episode? Well whatever.

Pretty lame how they do not have the amazing soundtrack from the subbed version in the dubbed version, but oh well. Next episode which is more important..panties or bras. THE PLOT THICKENS.

Her grandfather mentioned her name and it was in the credits as well. It's AdeliƩ (a-DELL-lay).

As far as the soundtrack goes, it's probably due to licensing issues.

This was a pretty good feel-good episode. As Iamnotchrishanson said, I really hope she comes back sometime in the future, maybe as a love interest, after she's grown up a bit.
liger0 wrote...

She actually told Dandy her name when they were eating eggs, so I totally missed that.
Someone direct me to a stream subtitled episode. Dubbed is fine, but I NEED THE FUCKING OST. It doesn't do me justice.

Also ep 5. Dem feels.

[size=28]GALAXY 999 ANYONE?[/h]
EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...

Anilinkz usually delivers pretty quick.
damn episode 5 feels
Episode 5

I kept telling myself, "just because you introduce a 'one time' little girl character, I'm not gonna get attached", "how many times has this been done, pfft", "I'm far to cynical for this".

I started singing another tune as the episode went on... I became so immersed in the episode, when he stated he was going to boobies, I was screaming, "NO~ she's in danger!", when she misunderstood him trying to tell her he found her grandpa, I was going crazy, and when they hopped into the train with her and dandy was chasing after them, I was screaming "GO! GO! GO!"...

When I think back on it, I behaved rather childishly... I fucking love this series... Everything feels so, 'Genuine'... (I think it hit my parental instincts a few times.) Now to act like the world is ending unless the next Space Dandy episode arrives sooner...

It's ending!!!! ARGH!!!! I am so unfortunate, pity me for I am too inpatient!!!!
oh and here's the full OP for Space Dandy


credits to animeost.info
This is actually getting better. I'm surprised. The recent episode was better than this season together.
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