[Anime] Rate The Last Anime You Watched

echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I will review the last 2 anime I watched since they were in close succession.

The first is Deadman Wonderland. I always enjoy seeing mature shows that break out of just trying to be cutesy, and this show was for sure very mature. Some elements of the show felt unique and other elements reminded me of other good shows like Elfen Lied. Sadly, the main character kind of reminded me of Shinji from Evangelion, although no one is as bad as Shinji I still really didn't like him. Sometimes Shiro came off as annoying too. Overall I would say I did enjoy watching it. I look forward to seeing a good ending when I read the manga.

The second show that I just finished is Canaan. As I said before I like seeing shows that aren't about being cutesy so this is another one that pleases me. Canaan has a very interesting plot I really liked what they did with the story. My favorite stories are always the urban fantasy types. Stories that are mostly based in a realistic modern world but have elements of fantasy, So I was completely hooked on it. The creators did an excellent job of combining action, drama and comedy all of which were well done. I greatly enjoyed watching this one.
Katanagatari - 9/11

Loved it. The length was just right. Zanki Kiguchi best girl.
Ghost hound: 7/10. Was entertaining enough just the ending was hurried.
Blue exorcist: WAS TOO FUCKING HURRIED. Manga is good. The shorts were funnyasfuck 6/10
Eureka seven AO: Crap ending. Was ok. The shorts were better.
Incest penguin nutjobs: Yeah was ok.
Inari fox god boobs: Good. 8/10
Mikakunin de Shinkoukei 9/10
No-rin: AWESOME 8/10 i need more ringo fuck books.
noragami was cool
Dyke highschool girls i haven't finish yet.
Ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai. - 8/10
Quite enjoyable, but mindfuck ending.
Tits, booze, explosions, syndicates, robots, bromance and cars all rolled into an hour thirty of gorgeous animation. I enjoyed it quite a bit, especially considering it's theme to pay homage to classic racing anime (which nobody watched for the racing funnily enough).

Kara no Kyoukai
I want to forget the last hours of the series. I'll just listen to sexy gibberish and ignore the rest.
I jumped a bit when I realized that Kara no Kyoukai was going to be all about Dem Sexy Perception Eyes with Ufotable and initially it was as much fun as I thought it was going to be: gorgeous animation (Ufotable can make a fight scene give sexual pleasure), great lore and lovable sociopaths. Then it got on to the latter movies where the formula became introduce aggravating characters that LOVED to run their mouths(Enjou was sorta cool and unfortunately Souren could never touch little boys like Kotomine did)-in fact the entire epilogue was a dull as dirt conversation. There were also extended periods of time where characters would just stare at each other's faces for no reason, or scenes would needlessly drag on them walking. I became so disinterested that I just hopped scenes in the later movies because it was just wasting my time with trivial scenes and boring personalities. Honestly viewers could watch the first movies and the latter if they REALLY want closure-and I only say closure as a formality because the ending was weak.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Nisekoi 9/10

Little sad that it ended, but I still have to get up to date with the manga and season two is on it's way.
Bokura wa ritsukawaichan show. ep 8
I had a heart attack with the cute desu girl.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Date a Live 8/10

On to Season 2!
Knight in the Area [10/10] - I'd highly recommend this anime for anybody who loves soccer!

Another [8/10] - While I really enjoyed Another by the end, I felt that it had a really slow start... The first four episodes just kept confusing me more and more and I couldn't figure out what the heck was going on. It was driving me insane, but when things FINALLY got explained it became a lot easier to watch.

Myself; Yourself [9/10] - I felt like I could relate to this anime decently by the end, but I watched it quite a while ago actually... I can't remember tons about it, but I do remember enjoying it.

Good Luck! Ninomiya-kun [10/10] - OH MY GOSH, I absolutely LOVED this anime!!! At the very least, I HIGHLY recommend that people at least watch the first 2 minutes of the first episode. The main character is SUPER epic (and his sister is too) and the different events are really fun to watch.

Nakaimo - My Sister is Among Them! [10/10] - This was a fun little anime to watch. It has a fun little mystery, and the characters are loveable.
Kokoro Connect 9/10
Ergo Proxy. Some of the characters are masterpieces and others make me want to forget they ever existed but that was the minority, the setting is really damn deep in the sci-fi department and while the ending did tie up everything in a fantastic fashion it left off on a trailing note. I got pretty exhausted near the 19+ mark because some of the character interaction felt pretty hamfisted and some of the episodes in that area were completely inconsequential so eh. It's good.

Mardock Scramble, there's some tit flashes and rape scenes if you're uncomfortable with that sort of thing. Nailed characters, everyone that wasn't thrown into the chopper was a fleshed out masterpiece carrying deep and intriguing interactions with the other characters. Fight scenes were gorgeous, the animation is top notch, the setting is in that greyish area between medium and light sci-fi but manages to give enough information to live by. It's a damn masterpiece go watch it and if you ever find a golden mouse in your life, marry it.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team 7/10

for being a 12ep. ova I thought it was a good gundam series for the most part and one I enjoyed watching. I thought they did a good job time wise for the story it never felt rushed but I wish it was 24ep. not only 12. most of the character I liked and thought they all played a good role . I do think the romance between Shiro and Sahalin could have been better but again it was only 12ep.
Samurai Champloo ★★★★★★★★☆☆ - very good
A classic, it is the last anime I finished and I enjoyed each minute. The characters are so funny and adorable, I loved their development and them growing on each other. I enjoyed the music and the normal storyline though I felt a few things was missing or maybe was left unsolved? I liked the ending even though it is the kind of ending I usually dislike the most but I would definitely rewatch and recommend it.

Diamond no Ace 34-35 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ - Good
dkladkalkfhalskdjljasdkajfalksdæ -fangirl- dkfhdjlahdkj -more fangirl-
Okay I'm a sport anime addict so yeah when the team spirit goes all "WE GONNA KICK ASS AND SHOW THEM HOW COOL WE ARE" I was sold. I have been waiting for Furuya and Sawamura to like show off their growth through out the entire series.. It is ending soon but I feel like I won't be let down. Sawamura being such a stupid idiot and Furuya being stubborn was just too adorable. I also love how Miyuki is so calm and composed yet so teasing.. adorable senpai is adorable. -talktalktalkblablabla could go on forever-

Bokura wa minna kawaiso 8-9 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ - Good
Been waiting for development between Kawai and usa.. and well I feel like something is about to happen. I love this series because of the different types of characters (the stereotypes but hey I still love them) Also because I see myself in Mayumi a lot I just can't help but feel all happy and bubbly when I watch this show. Also the art is so *sparkle sparkle sparkle* beautiful.

Yowamushi Pedal 35 ★★★★★★★★★☆ - great
*insert endless fangirl about handsome cutie and unnatural cycling high schoolers here. + Not forgetting all the feels about the team keep fighting, rooting for them to win and keep crying trying to convince yourself they will be okay even through they are injured and hurt and mentally damaged. Laughing too much because of horrible magical girl songs while cycling and repeating the opening and ending cause Rookiez is Punk'd... love love love okay? ... ps can't wait for s2*

One piece ★★★★★★★★★★ - Masterpiece
*...... if you don't like one piece then I don't know what is wrong with you.. /JK/* most people know one piece no? I just love shounen friendship and adventure okay.. can't help it.
JoJos Bizarre Adventure - 9.5/10

This show is just fucking amazing!
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin [7/10]
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin was a good anime for this season with some really cool things going for it, but I think the first few Episode's were not the best thing ever, but it did get a lot better as thing went on.

The Characters were all pretty funny at times, the best being Nanana herself and Tensai. I think having a cute ghost NEET was really funny, but I don't like that Nanana was more of a side character in it, but I do know why that is seeing how see can't go out of the room she die in, I just wanted more of her.

I'm guessing the way it ended there well be a season 2 so that makes me happy.

Akuma no Riddle[9/10]
I'm just going to say this. I. LOVE. ASSASSIN. ANIMES. Ok with that out of the way.
Akuma no Riddle had a had a good thing going for it. You take a lot of girl's that are assassin's put them in one class and tell them if kill one girl they get anything they went for doing so and in the end you get a anime where every girl has something their doing this for. They can ask for anything from no longer being a assassin or getting away with murder for all their life.
The over all story is their 13 Assassin's in one class, one target out of all them, and one protector, making it 11 Assassin's vs one protector.

The girl's them self are the best part of this anime, all of them are very well rounded and have a lot of character and they all have their owe ways of going about the job of trying to kill the target. One may try to head to head with the protector and one may try something sneaky.

Overall it was a very good anime and I loved every minute if it.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Akuma No Riddle: 8/10

Not my favourite Yuri series ever but it was definitely frigging amazing for the action. I think it was the first series to ever actually make my hands shake with excitement and anxiety over what would happen, especially those last 2-3 episodes. I was a little disappointed at what they cut out of the Manga and how little development they gave each character but that was to be expected from a 12 episode series with 13 main character with like 8 of them getting an individual episode to themselves. Also a little disappointed about the development of their feelings since there was some very deep romantic implications between some of characters that ended up sharing only maybe 7-8 lines between them instead of the detailed conversations the had. But again, that was to be expected because of its length.

The characters are still interesting and the fact they have all such deep and human motivations for trying to kill their target made it great! I don't think I expected assassins to move me in such a way that I almost wanted them to win.

Overall, I enjoyed it very much and would recommend it to anyone else :D
non non biyori - Was a cute and relaxing slice of life in the likes of aria and hidamari sketch. The characters all worked really well together and the comedy never tried too hard. I will say the character development, like the one tokyo girl becoming all yuri obsessive for komachan, felt a little off because it just came too suddenly and through exposition rather than actual content. Dont get me wrong, her feelings for her senpai and how she expresses them (knitting plushies and eating her horrible bento) can be pretty entertaining and adorable but I wouldve liked to see how these feelings actually formed. She only meets komari and the other characters in the first episode and yet by episode two she basically has a hidden crush on her without us even seeing them interact much. Compare it to how iunno takenashi first meets populachan in working! (similarly voiced by the talented asumi kana) and I think youll get what I mean.

My other small complaint was that, even though it is set in a rural town, the sort of country atmosphere where everyone knows each other never really came across. The show was pretty focused on its core characters and even has a single silent male character as a running joke about how these kind of shows purposly neglect male characters because it is pretty much what viewers want. Cute girls doing cute things. His guitar playing was still pretty awesome though. But yeah, I just sort of felt it was odd that it never really touched on the closenit community feel these types of places have. The few times we see someone from the town who doesnt appear in multiple episodes they only speak one line and typically as strangers. The town, aside from the main characters, feels kind of lifeless. Maybe this is intended since it is the middle of nowhere. Little traffic, people farming, only like 3 stores in the area. But I always find people in these types of places are more friendly and tend to strike up random conversation so it actually gives interactions more of a face than say a downtown transit ride. I guess I felt like the non-essential characters were all faceless and this seemed off to me, particularly since the show is sort of a hommage to the slower paced, carefree daily interactions available in a small community (between elementary girls >>).

Anyway, despite the length of my post, I really did enjoy it. It is one of the better shows Ive seen in a bit.
Bokura wa ritsukawaichan show
Riddle wa yuri

All three were 8/10
I admit I was wrong about Hitsugi no Chaika 8/10
[size=10]ain't watching black bullet though[/h]

The Cat Returns 7/10
Whisper of the Heart 8/10
Kiki's Delivery Service 8/10
Piano no Mori 8/10
Tailenders 6/10
MononokeHime ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 

Tenkou no Shiro Laputa ★★★★★★★★★☆

Maybe I'm just biased.. Rewatched these two movies from Ghibli studio for the 3-4 times and I loved them just as much as the first time. Also I got as scared as fuck as the first time haha. Reason I'm not going all in by giving them 10/10 is

MononokeHime SCARED AS FUCK okay.. I cannot.. and I had so much disgust against some of the characters and felt like I was left with hanging OTP feels. The boars were ugly and I couldn't sleep after seeing them. Other than that I just love it too much. The forest and the relation between nature and human is something i really admire and treasure + san is beautiful as adldldjad and wolves are so cool!

Tenkou no Shiro Laputa was left SO SO SO curious!! I wanted to know more about laputa and about the history behind it. I wanted to get background info, and to be honest I was wishing for more interaction between Sheeta and Pazu but knowing that they *spoilerspoilerspoilerspoiler* made me super happy and it made up for a lot. But I'm not good with *spoiler* endings so I was wishing for something to make up for it. Other than that OMG Laputa is so beautiful and the place is so mysterious and interesting and I want more info! I want to build a RP over the *nonexisting* background of the castle! Also I always notice new things in the castle every time I watch the movie!

but again.. I'm super biased about Ghibli so maybe you will be disappointed.. but they are classics so you should at least have watched them once~
Monster Girl
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