General Questions Thread

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FoolyDooly Bought With Mastercard
I haven't found answers of these (maybe I'm dumb, I'm sorry), so here we go:

1. How will digital copies will be delivered?
2. What format will the digital copies arrive in? And what resolution and etc? And in extension, will there be DRM on them? (DRM-free is a PLUS but I'm sure many don't care)
3. For purchase-related event, will there be multiple entries allowed? (I'm hoping no, but I was curious)
4. Will there be option to buy hardcopy only, especially for those who made previous purchases on digital-only copy or digital/hardcopy bundle?
5. How are you guys taking Paypal for these? I thought PayPal doesn't do Adult-related for their payment service/goods.
6. Can I get this pinned/stickied so people who also get curious can see this immediately?
For questions one and two, look here and here.
As for question 5, I don't remember all the details, but Paypal does allow transactions for adult goods/services as long as the transactions take place in the U.S., which the Fakku store is located in.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
Perhaps I have overlooked it, but is there a listing of the artist/works available for us to order/request from? Maybe an online catalog?
ToyManC wrote...
Perhaps I have overlooked it, but is there a listing of the artist/works available for us to order/request from? Maybe an online catalog?

Online catalog

Also, here is a list of the works Wani has published.
Do you intend to keep illegal fan edited releases of doujin and manga on this site despite going legal now?
Since this is under general questions, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how FAKKU books are different then the Manga & Doujinshi that is in the FAKKU store? I see that Velvet Kiss (for example) goes for about the same amount of money as Renai sample, so what is the big difference between the two? Is it because FAKKU has an exclusive partnership with Wanimagazine?

I'm not too familiar with the Manga & Doujinshi scene so excuse me if I ask the obvious.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
DubiousMasturbatah wrote...
Since this is under general questions, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how FAKKU books are different then the Manga & Doujinshi that is in the FAKKU store? I see that Velvet Kiss (for example) goes for about the same amount of money as Renai sample, so what is the big difference between the two? Is it because FAKKU has an exclusive partnership with Wanimagazine?

I'm not too familiar with the Manga & Doujinshi scene so excuse me if I ask the obvious.

The only real difference (and the only difference there should be) is the English publisher. Velvet Kiss is published by Project-H, Renai Sample is published by Fakku Books. Simple, right?
luinthoron wrote...
DubiousMasturbatah wrote...
Since this is under general questions, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how FAKKU books are different then the Manga & Doujinshi that is in the FAKKU store? I see that Velvet Kiss (for example) goes for about the same amount of money as Renai sample, so what is the big difference between the two? Is it because FAKKU has an exclusive partnership with Wanimagazine?

I'm not too familiar with the Manga & Doujinshi scene so excuse me if I ask the obvious.

The only real difference (and the only difference there should be) is the English publisher. Velvet Kiss is published by Project-H, Renai Sample is published by Fakku Books. Simple, right?

Also our books will be significantly higher quality than Project-H books. We will be mimicking the Japanese size, have the pin-up posters, dust jacket, etc.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Jacob wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
DubiousMasturbatah wrote...
Since this is under general questions, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how FAKKU books are different then the Manga & Doujinshi that is in the FAKKU store? I see that Velvet Kiss (for example) goes for about the same amount of money as Renai sample, so what is the big difference between the two? Is it because FAKKU has an exclusive partnership with Wanimagazine?

I'm not too familiar with the Manga & Doujinshi scene so excuse me if I ask the obvious.

The only real difference (and the only difference there should be) is the English publisher. Velvet Kiss is published by Project-H, Renai Sample is published by Fakku Books. Simple, right?

Also our books will be significantly higher quality than Project-H books. We will be mimicking the Japanese size, have the pin-up posters, dust jacket, etc.

Right, and that. Which I really love about Fakku Books, too many English manga releases are missing things the Japanese releases have, especially color pages.
luinthoron wrote...
Jacob wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
DubiousMasturbatah wrote...
Since this is under general questions, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how FAKKU books are different then the Manga & Doujinshi that is in the FAKKU store? I see that Velvet Kiss (for example) goes for about the same amount of money as Renai sample, so what is the big difference between the two? Is it because FAKKU has an exclusive partnership with Wanimagazine?

I'm not too familiar with the Manga & Doujinshi scene so excuse me if I ask the obvious.

The only real difference (and the only difference there should be) is the English publisher. Velvet Kiss is published by Project-H, Renai Sample is published by Fakku Books. Simple, right?

Also our books will be significantly higher quality than Project-H books. We will be mimicking the Japanese size, have the pin-up posters, dust jacket, etc.

Right, and that. Which I really love about Fakku Books, too many English manga releases are missing things the Japanese releases have, especially color pages.

Agreed. Project-H specifically will just turn color pages into b/w pages, which makes them look pretty awful.
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
Jacob wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
DubiousMasturbatah wrote...
Since this is under general questions, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how FAKKU books are different then the Manga & Doujinshi that is in the FAKKU store? I see that Velvet Kiss (for example) goes for about the same amount of money as Renai sample, so what is the big difference between the two? Is it because FAKKU has an exclusive partnership with Wanimagazine?

I'm not too familiar with the Manga & Doujinshi scene so excuse me if I ask the obvious.

The only real difference (and the only difference there should be) is the English publisher. Velvet Kiss is published by Project-H, Renai Sample is published by Fakku Books. Simple, right?

Also our books will be significantly higher quality than Project-H books. We will be mimicking the Japanese size, have the pin-up posters, dust jacket, etc.

Makes me excited to see how the future of Fakku Books is going to turn out!
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Would be nice to see the business expand from hentai to regular manga as well in the future, this kind of quality is sorely needed in that market as well.
Jacob wrote...
Agreed. Project-H specifically will just turn color pages into b/w pages, which makes them look pretty awful.

Do they do that on all their books or just some? The only stuff I've bought from them so far is Velvet Kiss, which is still in the shrink wrap.
Jacob wrote...
Also our books will be significantly higher quality than Project-H books. We will be mimicking the Japanese size, have the pin-up posters, dust jacket, etc.

If/when you release the monthly Wani magazines, will you have the phone sex advertisements translated?
GDB wrote...
Jacob wrote...
Agreed. Project-H specifically will just turn color pages into b/w pages, which makes them look pretty awful.

Do they do that on all their books or just some? The only stuff I've bought from them so far is Velvet Kiss, which is still in the shrink wrap.

I know they did that for How Good Was I? by Yamatogawa, which was pretty disappointing. I can't recall any others though.
Made the purchase and forgot to check to make sure the delivery option can actually deliver in Canada... Derp. It did say something about international though, so I imagine that is the case?
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Just wanting to know when the releases will be put in Amazon (before or after release?).
Due to my constant moving, I was wondering real quick if it's possible to change my mailing address?

I'd rather not have it be sent only to get sent back to you guys. Thanks~
Sorry for the probably really dumb question but if we preordered the digital only copy are we going to get the pin up in the mail or is that for the hard copy preorders only?

oh and first forum post ever kind of excited XD
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