Do you like mecha anime?

Do you like mecha anime?

Total Votes : 3,725
Personally, it's one genre I care less for than most others, but that's not to say that I dislike it. I've watched a few mecha in my time, most recently Aldnoah.Zero which was pretty highly anticipated, but have never truly given the genre a fair trial.
deltakiller22 wrote...
As long as it has an actual plot i am fine with it. Eureka Seven pulled this off pretty well. so did Gurren Laggan. i just don't like it when its just Giant robots fighting something Because why the fuck not. Gurren Laggan also did this to a certain degree, but at least it came off as slightly self aware, so that's fine.

This guys said everything I wanted to say. I would also add code geass.
InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I enjoy a good Mecha anime from time to time. Gundam Wing was probably the first mecha anime I watched all of in my childhood, pretty awesome fights. Zoids was my least favorite one..
Mecha girls are good fap material...
Heck yeah I like mecha anime. Sunrise does a good job, love Gundam, Dual parallel trouble adventure, Gun x Sword, Captain Earth, Tekkaman on
There's alot of it to love.
artcellrox wrote...
Fakku Desuka wrote...
I'm watching
Knights of Sidonia -aka- Shidonia no Kishi
on Netflix and it isnt really a mech-based anime

>not mecha based
>even though fucking Wikipedia says it is
>being this naive at understanding genres

In my defense, I had only watched about half of the first season when I wrote that, it turns out it utilizes the genre type much much more in the later episodes. But I didn't read the Wikipedia page before I watched it, they just didn't introduce the mecha very heavily until the later episodes.

And to everyone else who commented on my unawareness, as much as I appreciate you all getting on my ass and yelling condescending things at me, you have to understand that I said "I'm watching" not 'I've watched", so don't expect me to know how it all is, the mech stuff seemed minor in the beginning, watch as much as I did without knowledge of the rest of the season [and/or the manga] and tell me how much mecha is in it. I can say now that I was wrong about it's genre, only 'cause there wasn't much mecha in it yet. So you gotta give me a small break.
The absence or the presence of mechs aren't usually what guides my choice in anime. But I do notice that a lot of the mechs dont end up on things I want to watch.
i've loved mecha ever since i watched voltron
i don't read some mecha anime but i watch some of it.... so i have to try to read a mecha hentai. :3 just put a mecha hentai tag xD
I don't really enjoy it.
But I wouldn't go as far as to say it's stupid.
I love mecha anime from gundam to getter robo, mecha will always have a special place in my heart!
I'm sorry to all the fans of this genre, but I just can't find myself attached to any mecha anime.
I've seen plenty, but no anime of this has got me hooked yet.
I loved Code Geass (Both of them), but the mecha part was what bored me sometimes. I don't know, maybe it's just me haha
Oh man, I am not the biggest fan of mecha or a fan in general but in contrast I am really enjoying Code Geass and did enjoy Bokurano (though not as heavily involved in mech). I am just not as interested in mechs, and robots, and gundams, and really just kiddie toys that can move their arms and legs.
Loved Heroic Age and Mobile Suit Gundam 00 series :( Asura Cryin wasn`t bad too, but the first 2 i mentioned were epic. Where are good and DEEP mechanimes right now :( aldnoah zero was close, but it still didn`t capture my heart :(

btw. i hate fairy tale animations like most of gundam series has :( it ruines the gundam climat. bascially most of them look like a kiddie toon... Gundam Wing was epic though
Basically, with any kind of action shounen, if the plot is interesting and the action intense, then it's all good. Although I still prefer superpower anime over mecha.
tamathemad Cupcake Monster
If I can get through the first episode of a mecha without thinking it's stupid I'll watch it. I'm a pretty simple person.
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Some I do really enjoy like gundam I loved it but my favourite is with out a doubt big o
Got a few that I want to try on my list
If it was a Pacific Rim fanfic T'would be nice.Like loli robots and monsters.'3'
Monster Girl
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