[Locked] FAKKU Subscription Questions

I just accidentally subscribed three times, does this mean I get three months of the subscription? Is there a way to to refund two as I wish to try out how the releases go for the first month?
Homer22 wrote...
I just subscribed and love it! Ive been a Fakku fan for over 2 years and never had a problem. I don't know if this has been answered or not, but is there a Fakku App for Samsung Phones? Thank you:)

At the moment we are more focused on making the website more mobile-friendly rather than working on a native mobile app. If the demand for a native app is high though, we could re-visit the idea. We had a barebones Android app last year but it got put on the back burner for now. Would you prefer a native app over the website being responsive/scale to mobile devices?
Sonicfanx1 wrote...
Jacob, can you add a "read later" function for us free users? In case I (we) come back, I'd like to catch up on all the stuff I couldn't read like the "getting NTR'd" manga that I heard (according to the comments) is "a love story" and "is good" (doubt it but curiosity be damned).

That's actually a good idea, and a good point that free users could really make use of the Read Later function while they aren't subscribed. I'll consider making this feature available to everyone.

Sonicfanx1 wrote...
P.P.S Edit:

Will content on the month you paid for still be available after your subscription has ended?

Yes, once you cancel the renewal of your subscription you will still have access to all the content for the remainder of the month you paid for.
Joffree wrote...
I just accidentally subscribed three times, does this mean I get three months of the subscription? Is there a way to to refund two as I wish to try out how the releases go for the first month?

Haha yes it will just add three months to your account, but do me a favor and send me an email so I can get you refunded for the extra time you paid for (you will keep the time). It shouldn't actually allow you to do that. My email is mailto:jacob@fakku.net
InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Is this still in beta? I did get an email for beta 23 hours ago but I was just a tad busy to hop on right away. I'm a slave to achievements.

Also, I'm not sure what happened, but upon submitting my card I got an error that looked like my card was rejected, but I was billed anyhow and gained access to Subscription no problems. Just a heads up.

Subscriptions looking great so far, reader is great still, and all I can think of suggesting is tag and organization stuff, which will be overhauled later so my thoughts wont be helpful until then. Keep up the awesome work Fakku!
And with that I'm finally caught up with this thread! I'm going to sign off for the night but I will start answering questions again in the morning. If you are new to the thread I recommend going through and seeing if your question was already answered, to make it easier you can even go through my posts.

And I want to thank everyone for the support so far, a ton of users have already subscribed. We have already passed the goals we set for the first day. I love every single one of you.
Kisuka wrote...
Homer22 wrote...
I just subscribed and love it! Ive been a Fakku fan for over 2 years and never had a problem. I don't know if this has been answered or not, but is there a Fakku App for Samsung Phones? Thank you:)

At the moment we are more focused on making the website more mobile-friendly rather than working on a native mobile app. If the demand for a native app is high though, we could re-visit the idea. We had a barebones Android app last year but it got put on the back burner for now. Would you prefer a native app over the website being responsive/scale to mobile devices?

Thank you or replying. Now that I think about it, being at school/work reading Fakku on mobile device could be a pain. It could work out in the future but yes for now, continue making Fakku an amazing website.
InTraining wrote...
Is this still in beta? I did get an email for beta 23 hours ago but I was just a tad busy to hop on right away. I'm a slave to achievements.

Also, I'm not sure what happened, but upon submitting my card I got an error that looked like my card was rejected, but I was billed anyhow and gained access to Subscription no problems. Just a heads up.

Subscriptions looking great so far, reader is great still, and all I can think of suggesting is tag and organization stuff, which will be overhauled later so my thoughts wont be helpful until then. Keep up the awesome work Fakku!

No longer in beta, full release to public. Email got delayed for the beta test, it was at the beginning of the week.

That issue should be fixed now. Sorry for the confusion.


We figured out the issue regarding why double payments were happening. Sorry for the issues some of you were having. It should be fixed now. Email us if you got charged multiple times today, that shouldn't have happened. Deeply sorry for the trouble.
Bladesaber Vanilla Enthusiast
First off, Congratulations Jacob on multiple levels, firstly for bringing the site this far and secondly for enduring all the hate. However, I will have to wait to try anything that fakku will be publishing from this, solely because I have no extra income to spare that cannot be tracked easily (Still living with parents and all that). But I would love to get this some day and fap to my heart's content.
Now that the site has a subscription based model can you remove those advertisements? They really screw with mobile by popping up constantly.

And like someone else mentioned, I hope you can change the way this shows up on our credit card statement, like how dlsite doesn't say dlsite and mangagamer doesn't say mangagamer on the credit-card statements, so I'm sure there's a way if you looked for it.

Once these issues are sorted out and if you have a 3 , 6 month or even 1 year subscription price tiers I'd subscribe in a heart beat.

One more question, any chance you guys will give book discounts to subscribers?
so it mean won't be able to read something else than the book i purchased... i'm sad.. have to pay again.. like all month... (look's like brazzer & cie) think will be my last time here, will download the book i purchased before and leave... (i understand why you make it like this but think the think make people come here was the free) (12.95$.. like a book but all month when the book is unlock the whole time)
Well, I was surprised to see a bunch of subscription tags. Honestly, I'm worried. I'm not totally above paying for a subscription, though, especially since it would be uncensored, etc. What worries me is that since you've obtained this special deal with these magazines, you will only be providing content from those magazines and their associated artists from now on. You won't be translating or providing any content not from those artists anymore, right? No more doujinshi or hentai of other properties like Naruto, FS/N, etc. Just original manga? Really disappointing to me.
zecknor wrote...
Now that the site has a subscription based model can you remove those advertisements? They really screw with mobile by popping up constantly.

And like someone else mentioned, I hope you can change the way this shows up on our credit card statement, like how dlsite doesn't say dlsite and mangagamer doesn't say mangagamer on the credit-card statements, so I'm sure there's a way if you looked for it.

Once these issues are sorted out and if you have a 3 , 6 month or even 1 year subscription price tiers I'd subscribe in a heart beat.

One more question, any chance you guys will give book discounts to subscribers?

My Account -> Settings -> FAKKU Gold. Theres a setting there to disable ads.
Subbed! you guys have always been good to me and after meeting boshi in LA I knew where your heart was at. Waiting in line for his autograph I got to talking with other fakku peeps and saw that you guys going legit could bring us together in a fun way and if tossing some money your way every month fosters that then I'll be here ^^
Didnt even have to think about it, subscribed instantly. Although im from Old Blighty and have had to get my Fakku books through other means (J-List, Amazon.com e.t.c.) i own at least 4 of them and am very excited to see this development. £8.50 a month? I would have paid more :D
To be honest, I'm not so certain about all this. Near as i can tell, this basically marks the end of the free hentai generation, at least on Fakku. I mean I'll consider subscribing because i love this site so much, and i understand that there's plenty of good things for the developers and translators, but i still can't get rid of this feeling in the pit of my stomach tht this is a dark day in hentai history...... but you're fuck mothering FAKKU!!! I'm sure you'll do fine ^.^
How do I unsubscribe? I kinda just want to take it a month in a time. I can't access this accounts email anymore.
Jostice wrote...
How do I unsubscribe? I kinda just want to take it a month in a time. I can't access this accounts email anymore.

My Account -> Settings -> FAKKU Gold.

At the bottom is a link to cancel.
Is there a chance that the subscription fee will make all content available on the site, including digital versions of previously published books? Perhaps in a non-downloadable fashion?
Mr.Everwood will see you now ;)
Everything seems to be in order for me.

All right, I have a whole day worth of fapping ahead of me. Here we go!
Monster Girl
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