One insignificant thing that made your day better

Got free watermelon (^w^)b
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I had a lot of energy in me today, which means I got a lot done at work. Though after 3 hours of rushing around I finally crashed in my last hour.

One of the things I did was bring in baskets and boxes of gift wrap from the container and put them out onto the shop floor. Most of the boxes for the gift wrap were naff so I had to improvise; brought more baskets in and put them in there.

Earlier I suddenly had a horrid feeling I left something outside the container and forgot about it. I'll have a look tomorrow before my shift starts. Though if I did I'm pretty sure all that was left out was a box of gift wrap, so nothing big.
That anniversary surprise mentioned a few days back... Cherry and I stayed in a decent hotel room and had a spa weekend.

Massages. A Mud Bath. Mani/Pedicures. A Hot Tub.
Other stuff... It was relaxing.

And the hotel stuff. Hotel stuff was mostly more relaxing together as we watched TV or listened to soft music and snugly pillow talk and also sharing a tiny bathtub.

It was fun. It was relaxing. I fucking love that woman.
My month and half "summer vacation" started! Woop Woop!
Cut contact with a girl I liked who had a toxic attitude towards me, for the sake of my sanity.

I've posted about her before. She got with someone else and I removed her after she posted a billion images of her and him together. She finally realised almost 2 weeks later and had a go at me for it. I told her why and she responded with:

You've had plenty of opportunity to pipe up and do something about the fact you liked me, yet you didn't even bother to answer the phone. Can it not be enough for you that I'm actually happy? Well no, you're obviously not. You're meant to be my friend, and all you're doing is thinking of yourself. I'm gonna say good riddance cause it's an absolute dick move on your behalf.

(I actually told her that I didn't like talking on the phone but was willing to if she gave me ample warning. Gross exaggeration there.)

I gave two responses to that. First:

Whenever I did try you got the arse with me. And what exactly was stopping you trying with me? You said it yourself, I annoy you and you don't know why. I got sick of it and decided to distance myself from you. You really call that a friendship?

Second, was going to do it via text but it was much easier doing it over Book of Faces:
Forum Image:

And I cut off all contact.
This picture :3
Forum Image:
managing to get a fuck ton of sleep, almost 12 hours. That felt better than anything I've done recently
Gravity cat the adequately amused
My first day off in 10 days. But...
just having the day off from work and cleaning up my place feels good; the simple things I guess if I had to describe it lol.
Fekk Icelandic Viking
I learned how to make coffee for the first time in my life now that I got a new job. The coffee maker is extremely high end and something around 30-40K. They taught us how to make good latte's and cappuccino's and whatever.

But what really made my day was the time and effort they put into teaching us how to make Hearts with the cream while pouring the cup. It made me smile like a goof and I had alot of fun. Really tied my day together.
This is a little late but fakku started to bring back loli and neko
My coworkers threw me a surprise birthday party out of nowhere. One of the happier days I've had recently
Not much. This weekend sucks so far, but at least I'm gonna go and pay the twins a visit. They're sick with a small flu or something, so while I'm out running errands ima go pick them up some ginger ale and some candy.

I can make my day better by making their day better
Gravity cat the adequately amused
  • I got through today. It was incredibly busy today, I spent my entire 8 hour shift stood at the till serving people. To give an idea of how busy it was, we took 3 grand by the time I finished. We're classed as a discount retailer which means most things are cheap as peanuts.

  • I sparked a YouTube arguement over what is canon in the Dragon Ball series. Wasn't too hard, all I had to do was mention a video game.

  • About a week ago I irritated my gum by flossing too hard. It since healed but the area became sensitive to the hot and cold. I just flossed again and there was apparently a bit of something stuck between my teeth. The area's still sensitive as it'd just been cleared but since I dislodged it I feel the difference already.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Bugs? In my thread?!
Scotch scotch scotch; I love scotch.
FAFSA check came in finally
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Pulled Saber(Alter) on Fate/Grand Order
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Bought HuniePop after watching a hilarious Let's Play.

I think I've gotten addicted.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Gravity cat wrote...
Bought HuniePop after watching a hilarious Let's Play.

I think I've gotten addicted.

Monster Girl
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