Magazine section ad features?

InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Will there be a magazine section similar to how we have a Books section? And, on top of that, can we have each story involved in a specific magazine be treated the same way as chapters are for books?

EDIT: Realized I typoed "and", I'm not asking about ads, just to clarify if my title confuses anyone
Well probably just gonna change manga to magazine and remove doujinshi or just remove doujinshi and manga still be the same since only magazine and book content left..
BitNdragon More Than A God
I'd like something like that where you see the different magazine covers and can click them to see all the chapters from that magazine preferably in order but I'm not entirely sure how easy that would be at least something to take us to the tag page would be nice
BitNdragon wrote...
I'd like something like that where you see the different magazine covers and can click them to see all the chapters from that magazine preferably in order but I'm not entirely sure how easy that would be at least something to take us to the tag page would be nice

That's what I'm hoping for, just like the book section lists all the chapters.
InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
BitNdragon wrote...
I'd like something like that where you see the different magazine covers and can click them to see all the chapters from that magazine preferably in order but I'm not entirely sure how easy that would be at least something to take us to the tag page would be nice

Each magazine does actually have a tag page, but I still feel like the book format would be best for these magazines, especially since we have the English covers made up as well.
BitNdragon wrote...
I'd like something like that where you see the different magazine covers and can click them to see all the chapters from that magazine preferably in order but I'm not entirely sure how easy that would be at least something to take us to the tag page would be nice

This is exactly what I'm looking for feature wise from Fakku. Until then you can make due with this page and then searching for the magazine you're looking for.Magazines
InTraining wrote...
BitNdragon wrote...
I'd like something like that where you see the different magazine covers and can click them to see all the chapters from that magazine preferably in order but I'm not entirely sure how easy that would be at least something to take us to the tag page would be nice

Each magazine does actually have a tag page, but I still feel like the book format would be best for these magazines, especially since we have the English covers made up as well.

I've been looking for links like this. It would be really nice if it was this easy to browse though each magazine from a menu off of My Account like the Books.