[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

Wow. After a few weeks of being away from checking FAKKU, it's surprising to come back to see that everything is gone. At least everything that I had under my favorites and stuff I mean. I understand what's going on, and I know as a "business" you have to do what you have to, but as a person that comes on here only once in a blue moon sometimes, I can't see me paying to read stuff on here. That's $12.95 that I would be paying a month, to which I can't guarantee that I'll be able to read before the next billing cycle or not. Maybe I'll check back to see if perhaps you have some free stuff I could read, but other than that, I hope things work out.
All of my favorite Futa is gone! Oh well, most of it was super old anyways. I can say I won't miss most of the content because I hate the really old art. What you guys have left is pure gold, and I love it. I do hope that all of our niche fetishes get some love. Only 3 Futa so far? What? I love the direction you guys are going, I love the artists you guys are supporting, and I love how you guys are not only being visionary in your goal, but standing behind it despite the criticism from others. I do believe you guys could capture a large enough audience to make your model viable, I've been subbed for sometime, and I keep buying books despite the whole, "paying for porn is bad," Mentality. The uncensored content makes it all worth it by itself. I was getting turned away from the whole doujin form due to the censorship, which is sad because it's a one of a kind art form. Let's show those Japanese artists we are worthy of their work and that America truly is the fappiest place on earth!
hgatedc wrote...
Everything has to go. No such thing as half legit. The jap companies wouldnt want it either. Do or die.

You realize that it's exactly what Fakku was for more than a year, don't you?
Quick question regarding doujinshi. Since the material is at times based on licensed content as a fan work, are we allowed to buy those books? I remember reading somewhere that they aren't really supposed to sell them. Authors get away with it at Comiket because content creators feel that it is more publicity for the source material. Can someone confirm if this is how it works? And will we see doujins based off licensed material available on here again in the future? I'm glad I get to support some of my favorite artists, but I also would enjoy a way of getting more of their fan works based off other series.
LtCliff wrote...
Quick question regarding doujinshi. Since the material is at times based on licensed content as a fan work, are we allowed to buy those books? I remember reading somewhere that they aren't really supposed to sell them. Authors get away with it at Comiket because content creators feel that it is more publicity for the source material. Can someone confirm if this is how it works? And will we see doujins based off licensed material available on here again in the future? I'm glad I get to support some of my favorite artists, but I also would enjoy a way of getting more of their fan works based off other series.

Yes since the doujinshi circle isn't really making any profits over cost of the printing and table at comiket. That's why the license holders and authors allow them to parody their property. We can't because we will make money off someone own licensed art and be giving the money to the japanese artist. Fakku does or will sell original doujinshi when an artist ask us to.

Damn. I miss my swag i had to leave.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
AkureiSama wrote...
Wow. After a few weeks of being away from checking FAKKU, it's surprising to come back to see that everything is gone. At least everything that I had under my favorites and stuff I mean. I understand what's going on, and I know as a "business" you have to do what you have to, but as a person that comes on here only once in a blue moon sometimes, I can't see me paying to read stuff on here. That's $12.95 that I would be paying a month, to which I can't guarantee that I'll be able to read before the next billing cycle or not. Maybe I'll check back to see if perhaps you have some free stuff I could read, but other than that, I hope things work out.

The working alternative for the subscription is the digital books in my opinion.

for the pros, you can choose the content, you can download it and it's available forever, so if you don't go to FAKKU a lot you can still read the books without paying monthly for it.
This stuff is precisely why I jumped ship from fakku months ago. there are much better alternatives to this.
Volaverunt wrote...
hgatedc wrote...
Everything has to go. No such thing as half legit. The jap companies wouldnt want it either. Do or die.

You realize that it's exactly what Fakku was for more than a year, don't you?
yeah, so what about now?

nice try
So my only problem with this is just the fact that this happened before there was any form of free content on the site. So I recently went pretty low on cash so I stopped my subscription and now there is literally almost nothing for me here. (if there is anything for free I can't find it) and even if this content is added later by that time a large chunk of your audience is gonna be gone by then. It's just a few worries of mine. As long as this site exists I will still be around and I'm glad to fork over some money when I got it but there really needs to be some free content. Or maybe you could add some weird thing that allowed people to check out a few subscription books for doing something that didn't rely on money. Just brainstorming ideas here but it would be cool if there was a way to gain access to certain sub books instead of all of them. Like paying for access to a single book or paying to access a certain artist. Of course along the all or nothing model of the subscriptions I just find it a little annoying that I can only pay 12.99$ or no not be able to use the site.
Volaverunt wrote...
hgatedc wrote...
Everything has to go. No such thing as half legit. The jap companies wouldnt want it either. Do or die.

You realize that it's exactly what Fakku was for more than a year, don't you?

That was a transitional period, and I'm surprised they were able to do it at all, much less that long. Everything Kisuka said above still applies, they can't move forward without taking that step and removing the illegal content. Some companies have even specifically turned them down and told them to come back after they've removed the content.
I have only this much to say...

I think it´s a good decision to go that way. Supporting artists which try to make a living is never wrong.
Piracy is actually a pretty bad thing, everyday people download/stream/spread movies (or any kind of
content which normaly should be bought or paid for) online illegally. How would you feel if millions of
people do that with your content you worked on so hard? You probably would feel robbed. Piracy will
always be present tho, people will keep doing that, that won´t change so easily, but fakku tries and
I think does the first step in the right direction.

While fakku does the right step, I think it´s also important to make the subscriptions and what not, PAYABLE,
for reasonable prices. After all it´s DIGITAL content and not physical. In my opinion, physical content weighs
more than digital.

I will be one of those persons which won´t be able to afford subscriptions and what not, for many reasons,
money is not the only factor.

Anyways, I wish the fakku team goodluck with their new path.
Well while I enjoy Fakku and have been here for a fair number of years...its sad that I cant really read the doujins and stuff anymore here due to everything going subscription. I don't really like doing subscriptions for things. While I do see the plight that artists go through for not getting credited for their works and getting paid for them...I sadly won't be buying a subscription but I will be checking in from time to time and hopefully there will be some doujins that I can read for free without a subscription.
LtCliff wrote...
Quick question regarding doujinshi. Since the material is at times based on licensed content as a fan work, are we allowed to buy those books? I remember reading somewhere that they aren't really supposed to sell them. Authors get away with it at Comiket because content creators feel that it is more publicity for the source material. Can someone confirm if this is how it works? And will we see doujins based off licensed material available on here again in the future? I'm glad I get to support some of my favorite artists, but I also would enjoy a way of getting more of their fan works based off other series.

Doujinshi is a legal gray area within Japan. It is not viewed as a form of publicity despite what many western fans seem to think. Artists draw fan made parody works of already popular series (last comiket was Touken Ranbu, before that was Kancolle) or ones they personally like. License holders in Japan are only okay with this due to the nature of how doujinshi are sold. The artists produce very limited quantities (in the 1000~5000s) and sell them for 3 days. A number of books are sometimes produced (and remaining stock after events) for shops like toranoana or melonbooks to sell. Toranoana buys them from the artist then turns around and resells them to the public. Once all copies of a doujinshi are sold, that's it, it's gone. No more are ever produced (unless the artist chooses to reprint it, but it's rare or you buy them second hand).

Volaverunt wrote...
hgatedc wrote...
Everything has to go. No such thing as half legit. The jap companies wouldnt want it either. Do or die.

You realize that it's exactly what Fakku was for more than a year, don't you?

We did that as a way to transition people, we didn't want to just turn off everything suddenly and piss off the community. We did announcements, we did press releases, we did panels at conventions, we did podcasts, we posted on twitter, we did AMAs on reddit, we made sure everyone knew what was happening and when it would be happening.
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
Kisuka wrote...

Doujinshi is a legal gray area within Japan. It is not viewed as a form of publicity despite what many western fans seem to think. Artists draw fan made parody works of already popular series (last comiket was Touken Ranbu, before that was Kancolle) or ones they personally like. License holders in Japan are only okay with this due to the nature of how doujinshi are sold. The artists produce very limited quantities (in the 1000~5000s) and sell them for 3 days. A number of books are sometimes produced (and remaining stock after events) for shops like toranoana or melonbooks to sell. Toranoana buys them from the artist then turns around and resells them to the public. Once all copies of a doujinshi are sold, that's it, it's gone. No more are ever produced (unless the artist chooses to reprint it, but it's rare or you buy them second hand).

How does Cure Assort fit into all this?
It's a PreCure doujin so wouldn't that be selling unlicensed content?
I use to come to Fakku for Years, and my Book shelf has grown cuss of Fakku. Now that I'm unable to Preview the Manga. I'm picky on what I put on my shelf, I'm gonna have to move on to sight that has not gone to a high-priced "pay-site" to help fill my book shelf.

I know running a website takes $$ I get this. But the monthly fee is a bit step, ($12.95) per member. Lots do some numbers. Lower the "Member(s)" user "Fee" to a vary low the amount its more appling to people. Lots take ($1.00 a month fee.) have 500 members thats $500.00 a month ruining a website dos not cause that much, ....Now you have a 1000 members thats $1000.00 month thats a Good bit of money to run the site. Now at the current Fee of $12.95

Memmber = $money scale

1 = 12.95
2 = 25.90
10= 129.50
50= 647.50
100= 1,295.00
500= 6,475.00
1000= 12,950.00

How much money are you maken relay? And how much coud make with lower fee that more "frugal" person will be more willing to pay a user Fee. when it seems cheap.at($1.00)

1= $1.00 per month just starting
50= $50.00 per month
100= $100.00 per month a few members
5000= $5,000.00 per month
10000= $10,000.00 per month wow look at that
500,000= $500,000.00 per month
1,000,000= $1,000,000.00 per month something to think about.

Hope you can see what I'm trying to get at, Your site's fans will stands behind you a lot more by not being greedy.

Sry for flameing but this how I feel, about the change.
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
TummyLover wrote...
I use to come to Fakku for Years, and my Book shelf has grown cuss of Fakku. Now that I'm unable to Preview the Manga. I'm picky on what I put on my shelf, I'm gonna have to move on to sight that has not gone to a high-priced "pay-site" to help fill my book shelf.

I know running a website takes $$ I get this. But the monthly fee is a bit step, ($12.95) per member. Lots do some numbers. Lower the "Member(s)" user "Fee" to a vary low the amount its more appling to people. Lots take ($1.00 a month fee.) have 500 members thats $500.00 a month ruining a website dos not cause that much, ....Now you have a 1000 members thats $1000.00 month thats a Good bit of money to run the site. Now at the current Fee of $12.95

Memmber = $money scale

1 = 12.95
2 = 25.90
10= 129.50
50= 647.50
100= 1,295.00
500= 6,475.00
1000= 12,950.00

How much money are you maken relay? And how much coud make with lower fee that more "frugal" person will be more willing to pay a user Fee. when it seems cheap.at($1.00)

1= $1.00 per month just starting
50= $50.00 per month
100= $100.00 per month a few members
5000= $5,000.00 per month
10000= $10,000.00 per month wow look at that
500,000= $500,000.00 per month
1,000,000= $1,000,000.00 per month something to think about.

Hope you can see what I'm trying to get at, Your site's fans will stands behind you a lot more by not being greedy.

Sry for flameing but this how I feel, about the change.

Something that low would not be feasible. You're not factoring in any factors other than price points.
$3 - CCbill fees per transaction. So it already can't be less than $4 or they're literally working for free.
Wani and the artists want a share of the money.
Fakku has to pay their employees who also get benefits such as healthcare.
Let's say at the very least, they're paying minimum wage (9.25)
They've stated before that there are 12 full-time employees, which costs ~17.8k a month minus benefits.
Server costs.
People are leaving in droves, they have to compensate that in the price or they won't have money to consider other ventures.
Kisuka wrote...
We did that as a way to transition people, we didn't want to just turn off everything suddenly and piss off the community. We did announcements, we did press releases, we did panels at conventions, we did podcasts, we posted on twitter, we did AMAs on reddit, we made sure everyone knew what was happening and when it would be happening.

And there are still people acting like it's so sudden lol.
Eros is 400Â¥. Comic Kairakuten is 800Â¥. 10.24$. Plus translation, ccbill. I don't think Jacob will be able to afford a Ferrari... I don't think he can afford a Soviet era hoopty.
Kaimax Best Master-San
TummyLover wrote...
Hope you can see what I'm trying to get at, Your site's fans will stands behind you a lot more by not being greedy.

By posting that, you just made yourself look much more greedier than Fakku will ever be because you completely ignore Costs and other expenses that Fakku needs to spend to give you each chapter.

Even in the worst case scenario that all these translation are all done by ROBOTS, Fakku still needs to pay for the Electricity Bill.
Well its been fun. Time to look elsewhere.