[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

boltsandguns wrote...
RozenLetter wrote...
Quality over quantity, yes Fakku needs more content but it needs GOOD content im gonna be blunt here there are some mangas and artists that are well... bad sorry but its fact you have to realize that ppl want to see good hentai and instead of ppl hoping their subscription gives them 2 or 3 good ones doubling that makes it much more worthwhile.

Can you give some examples on this? Since its very subjective we have no idea what you consider to be quality manga.

Kinda tough since i don't have a sub but Ichimatsu he's ok but kinda meh overall in terms of what he draws. Tsukino Jyogi kinda reminds me of the older days of anime and manga which is great if you like classics but nowadays eh. Ayane really reminds me of boku no pico days of art like really at least for me. Shiden same as the last one. Nishi Iori again looks too much like old styles and just isn't appealing.

There are probably more but it doesn't just have to do with style, posing is boring and the themes are bad, that along with the generic and half thought out writing leaves these as kinda bad mangas.

Also why is there a horizontal slider on here??? That is poor design there is a reason why scrolling is only up and down. That and why non H??? like what 1% are you guys serving???
YQII FAKKU Translator
RozenLetter wrote...
Fakku needs popular artists in order to attract more ppl

"Good" is incredibly subjective when you're talking about art, but using what's available, we already have some, if no the biggest names in the industry.

TiTiKEi was the best selling h-manga of 2013. Shoujo Material is one of the best selling h-manga of all time. According to Toranoana's own 2015 best seller ranking, we're publishing books that placed 3rd-5th on that list, and several of the artists listed there contribute to the magazines we publish.

On the topic of magazines, we publish two of the most popular magazines in Japan. Kairakuten is the best selling magazine by a big margin, and X-Eros isn't far behind.

snowplow123 wrote...
Steam is the best thing to happen to gaming. Sales, cloud saves, digital library, hats, TRUST. Valve has proven itself competent and stable, so I can buy games and play them whenever I want.

Like I said, Steam wasn't like that 11½ years ago. All it was back then was DRM (Steam is still at its core DRM). According to a lot of people, we're already providing some of the best printed manga in the West, so given time I think we'll prove ourselves when it comes to digital distribution as well.

snowplow123 wrote...
Books are like 5% of the content here, everything else is subscription.

That's very far from the truth. There are 23 pages of book content and 39 pages of magazine content.

snowplow123 wrote...
I'm actually apprehensive about buying books as well, because that indirectly supports the subscription business model.

At the risk of sounding like a salesperson (which I admittedly am in a way), don't be. The subscription service is self-sustaining by this point, so boycotting the books would only hurt them in the long run.

I understand that your major gripe with this is that you don't like subscription models. You're not alone, but we've never said that we'll never update the model. We're actively looking into alternatives (purchasable magazine issues, offline reader, etc.), but we don't want to go out in public with anything before we know for sure that it'll be doable. We are currently working on three major things, and I believe that within the next month or so we will announce something that you will hopefully approve of.
snowplow123 wrote...
A doujin-moe subscription allows you to download their material to the safety of your hard drive.

With 2/3 of the weekly content they put behind paywalls ALREADY available elsewhere. And the stuff that gets translated, what makes you think they won't get leaked in the future?
CGrascal wrote...
snowplow123 wrote...
A doujin-moe subscription allows you to download their material to the safety of your hard drive.

With 2/3 of the weekly content they put behind paywalls ALREADY available elsewhere. And the stuff that gets translated, what makes you think they won't get leaked in the future?

This just goes back to what fakku is trying to do and making things easier to obtain never mind that doujin moe is a piracy site but its easy to get so why not and it usually takes a while for the paywall stuff to be available elsewhere.
I m probably the only one with this opinion, but I have went through lots of hentai and there probably isnt much more conent left for me to find either way.

Thanks for doing this, which is really amazing for the creators and for some of the users. Even though i need to pay around 12.53 € each month (different currency).

TAKE MY MONEY! ... because nothing is free in this world :D

P.S I hope that in the future the shipment of books wont cost that much anymore. I will only buy the digital versions of the books I like for now.
(Book costs the same as shipment for me in Germany :P)
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Hasenpfote wrote...

P.S I hope that in the future the shipment of books wont cost that much anymore. I will only buy the digital versions of the books I like for now.
(Book costs the same as shipment for me in Germany :P)

I´m also from Germany, so I know that feeling...

They plan ro reduce the shipping costs for international customers in the (near) future, so your hopes will not be wasted
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
RozenLetter wrote...
Price, yeah the price is high for what you're getting especially if you only get like 2 or 3 mangas you actually like. There is an option to buy books but eh its not like you have that many big name artists or even a huge selection YET but you know still an issue.

Forum Image: http://new4.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Owls+fw+chicks+hatch+_b3a630426e1e132a3dfd2d1749ef899a.gif
I am kind of confused here, I understand that as a site we want to make sure we do not put anything up that is "stolen." While adding a subscription fee will solve some of these issues I think there are other ways around this. I feel like as a whole there is a bigger picture going on here.

Ive been a part of this site for a very long time, some might say too long. Ive seen it change and grow into a world I never imagined possible, I'd have to say it was a nice surprise... Sadly, as I watched I started to see some of the fun community events that Fakku put on (IE art event n such of the like) fade away, while adds and money making schemes seem to take their places. Sure some of these things can be played off as ways to help your audience, like the random polls. While others seem to be just in your face, the endless amounts of ads that seem to be popping up more and more and more... and more...

At first glance I thought the subscription only idea was a nice one. If everyone pays then at least the ads could subside. As it turns out, the ads are still here, still show up when you click on things to read, and still boarder all areas of the site. So the question has to be asked. Where does the money go.

I know a website isn't free to run, you have to make your money some where, and as the site grows in popularity so does the price... But if you have 100 subscribers, which you should have more than that, at 13 dollars a month, 156 a year per person, pulling in 15,600 a year. Now granted thats not a lot, but you have more than 100 subs. I guess what I am saying is if we put some of that money towards buying these books, and then you made only a few books free a month, like you had before. You should still be within the rights, kind of like Spotify. Running that business plan would net in more views, which would increase subs, and keep the ads running... allowing more money to come into the site and more books that could be supported. Granted I dont know the books, but I know ads dont show up for sites that dont have a significant amount of traffic... I guess I just dont understand the switch. And maybe I'm just a jilted lover, but for me, this was a place to see different art styles and look at all the different stories that came out of things I wouldnt have the money to buy. lets be honest, we arent all going to buy 100 different books ever three months. Nor would I pay 156 dollars a year for it.

I would like to look back and think that this site has held its own and that this wasn't a greed thing. I'd like to know that this community that has impressed me over the years by being more than just a place people spank has thrived. I hope to see you guys in the future, Good luck in this endevour, and thank you for what you have given people like me.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
SamGus wrote...
I am kind of confused here, I understand that as a site we want to make sure we do not put anything up that is "stolen." While adding a subscription fee will solve some of these issues I think there are other ways around this. I feel like as a whole there is a bigger picture going on here.

Ive been a part of this site for a very long time, some might say too long. Ive seen it change and grow into a world I never imagined possible, I'd have to say it was a nice surprise... Sadly, as I watched I started to see some of the fun community events that Fakku put on (IE art event n such of the like) fade away, while adds and money making schemes seem to take their places. Sure some of these things can be played off as ways to help your audience, like the random polls. While others seem to be just in your face, the endless amounts of ads that seem to be popping up more and more and more... and more...

At first glance I thought the subscription only idea was a nice one. If everyone pays then at least the ads could subside. As it turns out, the ads are still here, still show up when you click on things to read, and still boarder all areas of the site. So the question has to be asked. Where does the money go.

I know a website isn't free to run, you have to make your money some where, and as the site grows in popularity so does the price... But if you have 100 subscribers, which you should have more than that, at 13 dollars a month, 156 a year per person, pulling in 15,600 a year. Now granted thats not a lot, but you have more than 100 subs. I guess what I am saying is if we put some of that money towards buying these books, and then you made only a few books free a month, like you had before. You should still be within the rights, kind of like Spotify. Running that business plan would net in more views, which would increase subs, and keep the ads running... allowing more money to come into the site and more books that could be supported. Granted I dont know the books, but I know ads dont show up for sites that dont have a significant amount of traffic... I guess I just dont understand the switch. And maybe I'm just a jilted lover, but for me, this was a place to see different art styles and look at all the different stories that came out of things I wouldnt have the money to buy. lets be honest, we arent all going to buy 100 different books ever three months. Nor would I pay 156 dollars a year for it.

I would like to look back and think that this site has held its own and that this wasn't a greed thing. I'd like to know that this community that has impressed me over the years by being more than just a place people spank has thrived. I hope to see you guys in the future, Good luck in this endevour, and thank you for what you have given people like me.

I don't believe there are any popup ads? I could be wrong, but you may want to scan for malware.
Subbers have no ads. If you sub and you have ads then your computer has a PUP or adware.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
I have never seen a single adds on Fakku (or any other site for that matter).
known about fakku for about a year and became a frequent visitor, the day I came to this site when you converted it over to this subscription mode was BS. there is no excuse for not having a free section implemented at the time of rollout. and you removed all the awesome content you had?!?! why not just keep releasing that content and ADD the subscription option to see content from the exclusive artists, for the people wanting to go that extra mile and support the site? there was nothing wrong with the old site, NOTHING, even though content was a bit slow at times, i was content.

what made fakku my go to place for manga fapping was:

- first one when google it.
- easy site layout and search functionality
- pretty good material
- no bs

but the ugly truth:

since that day, i dont even come on this site anymore because there is NOTHING TO FAP TOO!
what do you think would happen if redtube or pornhub forced a subscription to view any content on their site... ya, traffic would slow and nearly stop and nobody would go there anymore. sure some people are going to sign up when you initially switch but your not going to have many more people sign up after that because why should they?!

example: little jimmy wants to fipple his fapple before finishing his science project after school in his bedroom. jimmy googles hentai porn and is brought to fakku, he clicks on the site, eagerly awaits his flapping session. scrolling trough the main page of the site, he sees something he likes he is told its subscriber only content. little jimmy decides to click back to the homepage and see if he can find ANYTHING thats not subscriber only, when he sees there is nothing free to see and everything is subscriber only, he leaves and NEVER RETURNS TO THE SITE realizing if he clicks on anything with the fakku url in it, he is not going to be able to see it... so jimmy goes to the next site on google where he finds some content and completes his mission...

jimmy is gonna bookmark that next site and use that for now on...

~ just my 2 cents ~
RumbleShot wrote...
known about fakku for about a year and became a frequent visitor, the day I came to this site when you converted it over to this subscription mode was BS. there is no excuse for not having a free section implemented at the time of rollout. and you removed all the awesome content you had?!?! why not just keep releasing that content and ADD the subscription option to see content from the exclusive artists, for the people wanting to go that extra mile and support the site? there was nothing wrong with the old site, NOTHING, even though content was a bit slow at times, i was content.

what made fakku my go to place for manga fapping was:

- first one when google it.
- easy site layout and search functionality
- pretty good material
- no bs

but the ugly truth:

since that day, i dont even come on this site anymore because there is NOTHING TO FAP TOO!
what do you think would happen if redtube or pornhub forced a subscription to view any content on their site... ya, traffic would slow and nearly stop and nobody would go there anymore. sure some people are going to sign up when you initially switch but your not going to have many more people sign up after that because why should they?!

example: little jimmy wants to fipple his fapple before finishing his science project after school in his bedroom. jimmy googles hentai porn and is brought to fakku, he clicks on the site, eagerly awaits his flapping session. scrolling trough the main page of the site, he sees something he likes he is told its subscriber only content. little jimmy decides to click back to the homepage and see if he can find ANYTHING thats not subscriber only, when he sees there is nothing free to see and everything is subscriber only, he leaves and NEVER RETURNS TO THE SITE realizing if he clicks on anything with the fakku url in it, he is not going to be able to see it... so jimmy goes to the next site on google where he finds some content and completes his mission...

jimmy is gonna bookmark that next site and use that for now on...

~ just my 2 cents ~

I dont think Fakku cares about Little Jimmy as you literally described someone that is underage and should not even be on this site anyways >.>

~ just my 2 cents ~
I dont think Fakku cares about Little Jimmy as you literally described someone that is underage and should not even be on this site anyways >.>

~ just my 2 cents ~[/quote]

LITTLE JIMMY IS A HIGHSCHOOLER, of coarse you should be of age to watch porn, +18. little jimmy might also be a midget, hence the wording "little"

that last part was just a joke lol.

but i dont mean to be a downer.

like if there is nothing on the site to look at, then why am i going to sign up to it. gotta at least have a little sauce to make someone want to dump all that money into a subscription. i think it would also be acceptable to have different tiers of membership, like a basic 4.99/mo membership for fakku how it was (bronze). 9.99/mo for silver membership, followed by 14.99/mo for gold membership. 19.99 for VIP membership.

just use a video game marketing scheme like call of duty uses, you can have the basic experience for free... but your gonna want that awesome stuff, therefore you buy the membership ;).
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
RumbleShot wrote...

And what do you propose for tiers then?
Butcher size because "You're not giving us enough money"? There'd be way more backlash for that in my opinion.
Subscription only has two magazines under it and books are their own product.

Fakku already have plans for making free content available but it will probably not come until they have more magazines under their belt.
Hanayome wrote...
RumbleShot wrote...

And what do you propose for tiers then?
Butcher size because "You're not giving us enough money"? There'd be way more backlash for that in my opinion.
Subscription only has two magazines under it and books are their own product.

Fakku already have plans for making free content available but it will probably not come until they have more magazines under their belt.

Until they get more magazines that could take months if not years to do since they have a ton to do as is. Releasing some of the older work that doesn't make money anymore would be a good idea but doubtful that they would even attempt to do so.
"And what do you propose for tiers then?"

I say, make the first tear having access to all the comics and releases like the old fakku was, next tier gets like a book every month or something and some special fourm crap (like badges to accessorize your account or something), and the next tier above that gets access to some locked senior form section where special pole's and ideas on the site are being made and get a somewhat of a way what happens to the site... you get what im saying.

"Butcher size because "You're not giving us enough money"? There'd be way more backlash for that in my opinion.

Subscription only has two magazines under it and books are their own product."

could you explain that a little better ^ i dont quite understand what you mean.

"Fakku already have plans for making free content available but it will probably not come until they have more magazines under their belt."

hell they could open up or create a section for artists to directly post the older work so provide more content, or allow private creators who want to get their name out there to post there comics up

^ this could tie into the tier system where the top tier gets to vote on if a comic is worthy of being shown on the site in that special section i mentioned with the creative say... so it keeps the quality at a high level for everybody!
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
RumbleShot wrote...

I say, make the first tear having access to all the comics and releases like the old fakku was, next tier gets like a book every month or something and some special fourm crap (like badges to accessorize your account or something), and the next tier above that gets access to some locked senior form section where special pole's and ideas on the site are being made and get a somewhat of a way what happens to the site... you get what im saying.

So it's still going to be 12.95 for tier 1, the forum stuff are just extra goodies, they don't have a price.

Like I said before, the books are their own product. It's the only way currently to directly support an artist you like. Fakku has fancy'd the idea of adding books to the subscription but they're trying to see if it's possible to still incentivize people to buy the digital versions instead of just getting a subscription. Even if they do decide to include it, it won't be till early next year most likely.
RumbleShot wrote...

hell they could open up or create a section for artists to directly post the older work so provide more content, or allow private creators who want to get their name out there to post there comics up

^ this could tie into the tier system where the top tier gets to vote on if a comic is worthy of being shown on the site in that special section i mentioned with the creative say... so it keeps the quality at a high level for everybody!

Their works are owned by other companies. Fakku and the artist do not have legal claims to the works and Wani would be pissed if Fakku did some illegal stuff again. Fakku has already said that they want artists to contact them to see if it would be possible to have their stuff on this site (Doxy, gy, AI).
The vote thing just sounds like it'd end up insulting people more than keeping it "high quality"..
"Their works are owned by other companies. Fakku and the artist do not have legal claims to the works and Wani would be pissed if Fakku did some illegal stuff again. Fakku has already said that they want artists to contact them to see if it would be possible to have their stuff on this site (Doxy, gy, AI).
The vote thing just sounds like it'd end up insulting people more than keeping it "high quality"

I feel you, I suppose I really cant grasp all the details and manusha since im a greenhorn in this world lol and have no clue about fakku's history ex...

anyways, may be my last post here on the site, made the account to voice my concern and to see if creating an account would grant me access to at least some sort of material... but it didnt. might come back from time to time and check to see any changes in the future.

sorry that i offended some of you guys (obviously i did because my initial post was down voted 4 times lol)

i hope the site lives on strong and the creators stay loyal to you veterans here on the fourm! just remember 1 thing from good old rumbleshot, never stop fippering your fappers, for little jimmy's sake. haha
Hello there,

Been a lurker for 4 years...but decided to post for the first and maybe last time.

While i completely understand Fakku´s reason to turn into a full legal site, with all the cons and pros it carries (absolute paywall, locking freebies completely and better quality).

You do realize that most if not all internet business site like h sites, or games relies heavily on a free user base? because lets be realistic, the ratio of paying subscribers will always be ASTRONOMICALLY lower than the free user, and its the free users that brings more free users AND potential subscribers, true...you have a good and steady number of subscribers (do not have the numbers or data to back this) but take into account that they are a steady/non grown community, their number will unlikely grow and most likely decline faster than what it growths, for whatever external factor.

In the long run, its bad.

Also to add to that, you need to take into account several types of paying subscriber, not everyone is willing or able to pay a monthly fee for something that is most likely a hobby AND which in a very desperate case, can be found 100% free in other sites (so its not like they are compelled to subscribe here to get a good fap).

I myself lessend my amount of visit to fakku a lot after, the book purchase. I myself didnt like it, but totally understood it.

Now, i migrated my h comsumption to several of the other sites, while they might not have fakkus legit translation quality (or w-e thats called), they indeed provide everything fakku has, because after all, its mainly the art that you fap for and translation is just the icing in the cake for me as much amazing they are..

I´m very sure that my situation is the same situation for 80-90% of the old fakku userbase.

From my perspective and experience, things that turned full pay service, never reached back their former glory because we humans are greedy (most of us!) and free stuff will always sound more attractve than a full blown pay wall, more if you can simply get raws or go to other sites with such an ease (albeit with less quality, a tad bit less so its not the end of the world).

But then again, i completelely understand their legal issues with the companies/and decision for their future model and stuff, so im just rumbling like an old geezer.

I do hope that this site succeds and brings joy (and fap) to the remaining veteran userbase.

Monster Girl
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