Some ideas i think would help

Hello fakku team and others that read this, i beleive there a few things this site could use that would be best for everyone.
Also i apologize for bad grammar or spelling and any other bad things you English critics dont like.

First some tag tweaks.
You know how you let us click a tag and it turns green and we get notices whenever a story with that tag comes out, well i would love the ability to click it a second time and be able to turn it RED. This doesnt put it on any lists or anything it just makes it red so that for example, someone who doesnt like NTR, loli, or vanilla just to name some examples, can make that RED so when ever they click on a BOOK or a story they will see the RED tag and go "well good to know, now i wont have that surprise". i know what your gona say, why dont you just read the tags anyway, well cause i like just clicking and reading or seeing a new book and getting exited and buying, and would it realy be that hard to add this feature for those of us that dont want to spend their fap fap time on checking the tags to make sure they dont stumble on somthing they dont wana see and then completely ruining the mood.

Second, some tags i think are needed
Dark story's seem to be finding their way on here more and more and i for one am not a fan so i think they need a tag, things like tragic ending, dark story and also a tag for books that lets you know the whole book is one big story and not just a bunch of little story's cooped together. When i look at the tags of a book and see shota, i dont expect the whole book to be shota but man that would be nice. i expect one or two stories to be shota but ive been fooled now twice by this and didnt like it, i now have two books i honestly regret purchasing cause i felt tricked into it.

Third, i have an idea that would help people who are on the fence about purchasing a book.
there is two parts to this idea, one i think a much much MUCH more detailed description is needed for the books(and storys in general) and two i think if you allowed people who buy a digital version of a book to get a coupon that gives them 50%(or 40% if you really feel you need to make more money off this idea) off the physical copy they would be more inclined to buy a digital and even physical copy, think about this, you see a book but your not sure if your going to like whats in it so your not sure about getting the physical copy and i know i for one only like materiel that i agree with on my book shelves and dont wana waste time on a fetish im not into. so you buy the cheaper digital 9.99 and take a quick read and maybe you like it and now you take your 50% discount(or 40%) and buy the physical or maybe you hate it and save your self money on the physical. now i know what your gona say "the digital is free with the physical" but lets be honest, the physical and digital costs 19.99 and the digital costs 9.99 its half the price plain and simple. Right now if you tried buying the digital just to check too see if you like the book it will feel money grubby and kinda like being cheated. if i NOW wanted to go buy a digital 9.99 and find out i like it and then have to pay 19.99 for a physical copy and a "second" digital costing me 29.98 plus tax i might just never mind, why pay another $20 for the second half of what looks like a $20 deal. now im more inclined to just say fuck it and pass on a book at this point cause ive been burned twice by books i didnt like and so i no longer wana take a risk on buying anymore books unless i agree with every tag. but with my idea you would most likely make more digital sales for people to just confirm if they want a physical copy or not. Honestly think about it, would you be more willing to buy the digital asap if you knew you could still get the physical without coughing up and extra $10, plus this would help for people that only purchase physical copies on release dates instead of paying money for nothing till months later.(i personally like my money to do its job within 10 days not 30 as ive experienced twice as well).

These are just my ideas that im sure i would like but im not sure if anyone else would like, thats up to those that comment either in agreement or disagreement.
lilryoko wrote...
i think if you allowed people who buy a digital version of a book to get a coupon that gives them 50%(or 40% if you really feel you need to make more money off this idea) off the physical copy they would be more inclined to buy a digital and even physical copy, think about this, you see a book but your not sure if your going to like whats in it so your not sure about getting the physical copy and i know i for one only like materiel that i agree with on my book shelves and dont wana waste time on a fetish im not into. so you buy the cheaper digital 9.99 and take a quick read and maybe you like it and now you take your 50% discount

Regarding the 50% thing.

Right now, at this moment if you buy a digital FAKKU book and then want to get the physical copy you get the entire price of the digital book refunded to you after you buy the digital copy, and this has been in place...I wanna say since the beginning.


You buy a digital copy of Kira Kira by Hamao for $9.99 and then you want a physical copy so you buy that for $19.95+shipping, then you email and tell them:

Your original Digital Order #
Your new Physical Order #

and then they will refund the price of the digital book which was $9.99.

Also when you buy a FAKKU Book digital or physical you will not be charged Sales tax.
See! i didnt know that. ive been on here for a while now but im not the type who finds a site and throws himself into it, i come here for the books and the storys and i dont spend a whole lot of time in forums and other areas, also where did you learn that? if that is a thing i wana know what someone has to do to find that info. was i just blind when making a purchase or is it kinda off to the side somewhere?

Edit: also didnt know about the tax bit sorry, im just used to being taxed everywhere i go now days even PlayStation taxes me now
luckydog001 wrote...

they will refund the price of the digital book which was $9.99.

also doesnt this sound like a hassle for the team as well as for you, wouldn't it be easier to just make the coupon function?
purchase digital, get auto email with coupon code that you enter when buying the physical?
Regarding where I found the info:

If you go to the book section of the forums the 3rd stickied forum topic is the FAKKU books FAQ

Scroll down to the Support/Feedback section and you will find the information about the upgrade process.

lilryoko wrote...
luckydog001 wrote...

they will refund the price of the digital book which was $9.99.

also doesnt this sound like a hassle for the team as well as for you, wouldn't it be easier to just make the coupon function?
purchase digital, get auto email with coupon code that you enter when buying the physical?

Yes that sounds good however I guess the key aspect of this is that not that many people are doing its regularly.
If it ever gets to the point where other work is being hindered so people can process refunds then they may look for alternatives.

Another thing may be that FAKKU has only been 100% legit for less then 1.5 years, it's still early in their history and they probably wanna focus on the amount of quality content they can get out and focus on the minutia features later on.
>First some tag tweaks.
You can blacklist tags in the search bar. - to exclude, + to include. Though I think this function should be more public. A lot of people don't know that it's even there.

>Second, some tags i think are needed
Yeah sure. These would be nice to more specify the content of the work. However I don't it would be possible to give a value as to how much content of said tag is included. Other than tagging a book by the individual chapters, which I think Fakku is already doing.
sorry been away for awhile. on what everyone has said its seems there are ways to do some of the things that i was asking for but the common theme here is that they are all kinda hard to find, i understand this site has a forum but when it comes to sites that sell product or services(to my knowledge) forums are not where you learn those things,usually when you first make an account theres a rundown on the basics of the site and sometimes there is the helpful information when using the those things like for example, on purchasing a digital maybe they should let you know during the purchase or after the purchase that if you choose to buy the physical you can let support know and they will refund the digital and when it comes to tags maybe when you search there should be a something that lets you know you can do something to only see tags you like. i understand there are ways to pull these off on but im just saying it wouldnt hurt to make these things into easy, out in the open options that people(new guys mostly) know whats goin on. just saying