Shows with great dubs

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What shows can you think of where the dub adds something to the show?

Main examples I can think of are Cromartie High School, Space Dandy, and Baccano!. In all three cases the voice acting and localizing/rewriting added an extra something to the show, imo.
Samurai Champloo / Cowboy Bebop
I think Full metal alchemist had a pretty decent dub. Also dragon ball z dub. It took me a while to get use to gokus high voice in sub. It made sense when he was a kid but when he was an adult it sorta sounded weird to me.
Drifters was alright IMO. Haven't really found any other with a tolerable english dub. Not that english is my first language anyways, so there's really no point in them for me especially when I'm trying to learn japanese.
Also, could just be nostalgia but I remember watching anime on my local tv way back and I was quite fond of the dubs. I feel like they've gotten worse recently though.
Yu Yu Hakusho has the best dub
I've heard a lot of people say Panty & Stocking.

Although, these days plenty of newer anime get good dubs too. Va's and directors improved. I still prefer sub but it would be ignorant to blindly demean modern dubs.
11470 wrote...
I've heard a lot of people say Panty & Stocking.

Although, these days plenty of newer anime get good dubs too. Va's and directors improved. I still prefer sub but it would be ignorant to blindly demean modern dubs.

panty and stockings dub is truly a work of art. i also prefer subs, but dubs really have been upping their game lately. i watched beastars in subs as it was coming out, then again when the dub released. pretty solid, actually.
MrFlour Flatchest enthusiast
Dragon Ball is the one that comes to mind, other than that I never watch anime dubbed.
Yu Yu Hakusho by far has the best dub vs sub I've every watched. Not to say there aren't better, but I've not seen them.
Mob Psycho 100 is surprisingly well dubbed, My Hero Academia also does it pretty well
In general I prefer dubs, but Zombie Land Saga is notable for dubbing all of the insert songs.
I kinda like the dubs for one piece. dunno why
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
For me off the top of my head Toradora, Serial experiments lain, Mysterious Girfriend X, Beautiful Bones, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Cowboy Bebop.
I think the only dub I might have enjoyed more than the original Japanese audio might have been FLCL.
I think Higurashi is a good one.
IMO Code Geass did a good job a dubbing
I think fate stay night night unlimited blade works had a really good dub.
Only one that comes to mind for me is DBZ.

Insertanime wrote...
I think fate stay night night unlimited blade works had a really good dub.

I think it was horrible, knowing Fate lore in the very first episode there was a bunch of stuff that was translated wrong. I didn't watch past that.
Konosuba has a really good dub
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