If you could have any useless power...

personally i'm torn between my own theme music and making rainbows with my hands.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
lessthansuperhero wrote...
personally i'm torn between my own theme music and making rainbows with my hands.

your first power would get annoying fast, the second would probably be considered pretty gay by most.

I think my ability would be to make only my clothes invisible at will.
Honestly I would love to hang out with someone who could shoot rainbows from their hands. I would want the power to see through wooden doors. Like X-Ray Cat.
hey i could totally rave the shit outta those rainbows
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
I would like to enter games by crawling trough my TV and help the main heroes ^_^
What if you die in the game? How does that work?
glow in the dark power, with complete control over the color.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
almost all of your powers have use, they have to be USELESS.
see all sexy women naked.. xD
Waar FAKKU Moderator
dotadota wrote...
see all sexy women naked.. xD

you're doing it wrong bro.
Raise or lower the tempreture of the current drink of the person next to me by 1 degree.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
Mattarat wrote...
Raise or lower the tempreture of the current drink of the person next to me by 1 degree.

Bravo good sir, bravo.
I wish that my actions had batman-indicators. Like POW and ZAP. This wouldn't increase the intensity of the action or only be limited to combat, but every once in a while when I put some milk in a glass, a giant POUR should quickly hover into reality.
power to pounce for quite a distance (hunter style)
StarInfinity wrote...
power to pounce for quite a distance (hunter style)

power pounce doesn't seem very useless friend
tsuyoshiro wrote...
I wish that my actions had batman-indicators. Like POW and ZAP. This wouldn't increase the intensity of the action or only be limited to combat, but every once in a while when I put some milk in a glass, a giant POUR should quickly hover into reality.

I liked this one. Made me laugh.
To be able to see through Gold. The mineral, not the color.
Changing a television channel only if one of my hand hold the television's remote
a sixth sense that would let me see how many times anyone has masterbated and/or had sex in that day
The power to eat cellophane without causing indigestion.