If you could have any useless power...

I'd have the power of GreySkull!
The power to look at a person for 5 seconds and delete all their shortcuts on their desktop.
The power to finish reading ANY book in 3 seconds.
The power to make the Twilight saga good.

It'd still be useless either way, no?
the power to give other people the same power that let me give my power to them
The power to never forget shit.[It happens all the time. ALL THE TIME.]
the power to eat anything i want on the holidays and NEVER GAIN WEIGHT
I think a good useless power would be RANDOM INSTANT BONNER! lawl
The power to smell that girls is a virgin or not
Yamazaki Rojin wrote...
The power to smell that girls is a virgin or not

that is quiet usefull one.
The power to know the exact amount of eyelashes on any person within a one foot radius of my right earlobe.
you know many of these arnt so useless. A power that is useless is something you dont want cause its useless, and btw the definition of power is energy/(time unit). So what I have to chose is an energy/second that is useless I guess that would be a power of h/Ï€ wich is an energy of the size plancks konstant divided by pi seconds, wich is a power of the size
((6.626068 × 10^(-34))/3,141592653589793238462653383279)Watt
(with as many decimals on pi I can remember for the moment)
I think its a smal enough number and it contains two beutifull constants.

And you know what I have this power and more at that LOL ;)
The power to make my piss dark yellow or light yellow
GreenZero wrote...
The power to make my piss dark yellow or light yellow

I wouldn't call that useless... I can imagine many places where that power would be useful.

*Sinister grin*
power to have limitless cum.. it sure will be useful..
rokushou wrote...
power to have limitless cum.. it sure will be useful..

to live out some of those insane hentai finales?
Rovencrone wrote...
rokushou wrote...
power to have limitless cum.. it sure will be useful..

to live out some of those insane hentai finales?

whooaah! you could read my mind! what curse did you plant to me? *LOL*~
The power to grow my toe nails. Seems useless to me.
rokushou wrote...
power to have limitless cum.. it sure will be useful..

You have read my mind good sir.
The power to make my eyes blink 100 times a second.