glasses, who wears them?

Do you wear glasses?

Total Votes : 142
EZ-2789 wrote...
This may seem like a really dumb thing to say, but I honestly have no idea how to find out how bad my eyes are. If I'm supposed to find out when I go to the glasses-thing-place, then I obviously haven't been asking the right questions. Or I'm just going to shady places.

Now I'm just envisioning someone buying glasses from that guy in Resident Evil 4.... "What're ya buying?"
I have to wear glasses, but I plan on getting some contacts soon.
Lollikittie wrote...
I do. Always. Without them, I have no depth perception.

That's called astigmatism (X
And you should learn to see using sound like this nigga

.... It's harder than it looks /:
mantisprime1250 wrote...
Lollikittie wrote...
I do. Always. Without them, I have no depth perception.

That's called astigmatism (X
And you should learn to see using sound like this nigga

.... It's harder than it looks /:

I don't have astigmatism. I have cataracts, and scar tissue.

The depth perception issue has been a rather recent development.
Lollikittie wrote...

I don't have astigmatism. I have cataracts, and scar tissue.

The depth perception issue has been a rather recent development.

I wear them, even though I look more rugged without.
I rock bifocals...
I can barely see anything clearly a few inches past my face.

Don't know my prescription though, should probably set up an appointment since I know its old...
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
mantisprime1250 wrote...
Aki-chan wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
I do, all the time

R: 2.25 miopia
L: 2.5 miopia
And both are sensitive to light, which I consider somewhat cool since I can see really good in the dark

Lets compare all our horrible visions! XDD
L: -5.25
R: -4.75

You're twice as blind as I am!

And... my aunt takes the cake

Both eyes >25 miopia + astigmatism on both illnesses

I've got, I think...

L: -1
R: -2.5

Something like that, or less (closer to zero).

Oh, and I wear 'em all the time. Kinda proud of them now, actually.
I only wear them when I am in class and even then only when I remember to bring them with me to school.
not always i only wear glass for reading!
I wear glasses a lot mainly due to the fact that I'm too lazy to take the thirty second required to put in contacts.
+.75 in the right eye and -.25 in the left eye, with acute astigmatism in both eyes. I also have a sensitivity to bright light, which is why I have a slight tint to my glasses as well. I don't really need them for every thing just reading and driving. But I wear them out of habit.
L: -3.25
R: -3.5

Constant and got even better since I was 16 and started wearing contacts. Still enjoy wearing glasses, so you can see me far more often wearing glasses than not.
I've had the same pair of glasses for a few years which is bad since they're only my second pair since my first got destroyed lol
I wear them to drive and to class but I prefer not to as most ppl think I look better without them
Had glasses for as long as I can remember which is about 4-5 years. However, I don't always need them unless reading text mid-distance min and/or looking at far images clearly.
It is the duty of every Otaku to own and constantly wear a pair.
According to my madical papers, I should wear one all the time. But meh, it's a pain in the ass. It irritates me so much, I only wear it if it's necessary.
All the time except when I sleep!
Only wear them in class lectures.
I found people wearing glasses attractive, but not myself…
Monster Girl
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