Has an anime ever made you cry?

Has an anime ever made you cry?

Total Votes : 6,035
It takes a little bit to get me to feel for the characters enough to cry or have any kind of emotion. Basically, if I can put myself in their shoes (which I can often), I can cry with/for them.
milkyjoe Milkiest of All
Puella Magi Madoka Magica is one of the only things that has ever made me cry
Elfen Lied, man. 'Occasionally look up the Theme on youtube if I'm looking for a good weep.
I cried a few tears when Yui died in SAO.
Grave of the Fireflies was one of THE saddest movies I have ever watched.
Angel beats and anohana were close. Clannad and fate/stay vns too.

More often I am crying tears of laughter from such gems as seto no hanayome and baka test

EyesofaPuma wrote...
I cried a few tears when Yui died in SAO.

except she didn't die..
I threw a extreame tear bomb at the end of angle beats!
Clannad and 5 Centimeters per Second. I cry watching anime and cartoons all the time. Not ashamed. :)
Elfen Lied came closest. When the chief's daughter blew up with the missile I almost cried. None of the stuff by Key even comes close, especially since it's so hard to relate to characters that don't even look human. Seriously, those eyes are freaky. "From which planet do you come??" is usually my first thought.
Dog of Flanders really destroyed me.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann when Kamina died.
The epic space battles in Gurren Lagann's time skip, where Dai Gurren Dan's crew is dropping like flies.
"Libera Me From Hell" swelling in the background as they go screaming defiance into the very face of their Doom, curling a fist to give one more serving of bloodied knuckles to its face.


The end of the this epic amv on amv.org still makes me tear up every-time with those scenes.
Dragon force + Gurren Lagann = awesome
Angel Beats. Almost cried like a baby. The first half of the main character's backstory got me. Then episode 10. That was the big one. Those two almost broke me. And the breakdown in the last scene. Yep....
I havent actually shed a tear but then again I haven't watch the infamous Clannad that I hear everybody talking about. I plan on watching it soon though, just to experience it.
However I've come close to getting my eyes heavy. Its when I read Naruto Shippuden manga title Fourth Hokage's Deathmatch. You know where Naruto is just born and all those events take place. Damn it really hit me in the heart. It was aching! The feels... Especially Minato and Kushino's final moments with Naruto. Aah man that was when I realized the power of arts and imagination.
Forum Image: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081113020907/fma/images/4/4f/Nina_ChimeraForm.jpg

On..nii...ch..chan.. Da..ddy..
I cried the during Elfen Lied because it was the first anime I watched. Since then I've been becoming increasingly critical of sad scenes in general. SAO was a joke. Anohana was a mess of forced drama and people crying. The only reason Ushio died in Clannad was to fit in the dragonball game mechanic.
Does the ending of School Days count?
'Clannad' and 'KimiKiss' for me.
The majority of people cried like a little bitch at the last few minutes of Clannad AF episode 18.

I know I did.
Only 2 Animes made me cry Clannad series and Dog of Flanders. :)
Monster Girl
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