How do you feel if the girl ask you out?

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scenario- The girl only known the guy for less than a month and they dont talk as much.

Would you feel emasculated?
Is the girl being too straight-forward?
Would you date her out of spite?
Depends.. can't actually answer via anon forums.
I like a girl who is straight forward personally so i would feel perfectly ok with it. Just depends on the person.
I think it's attractive when a girl knows what she wants and goes for it.
I wouldn't. Only date people I know~
Why you freak out? Go out with her.
Being asked out has never bothered me. I find it pretty charming to see others make the first step since I won't really.
I would encourage that since it's pretty tough for me to ask a girl out. >.< So how would I feel? FREAKING FANTASTIC!
Depends on how good i know her and how much i like her.
I definitely wouldn't mind I've yet to be successful and am currently a hermit so I wouldn't mind lol.
I'd be flattered, and if I'm attracted to her, I'd accept.
Chag32 wrote...
I like a girl who is straight forward personally so i would feel perfectly ok with it. Just depends on the person.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
mibuchiha wrote...
Chag32 wrote...
I like a girl who is straight forward personally so i would feel perfectly ok with it. Just depends on the person.

Yeah, I'm with these guys. Might as well give her a chance before thinking that there would be nothing between us.
I would start on a lower basis, get to know her better and then respond, like said before its nice to see that a girl knows what she wants, but that doesnt really mean that shes the one for you, I would feel surprised and would either ask for time depending on who i view her or automatically turn her down with the explanation that i dont know her but would like to know her better, if shes the real deal she wont give up after a single rejection.
One of my life goals is to get rid of the old fashioned idea that guys have to ask girls out and girls just have to sit there and do nothing, hoping to attract guys.

Both genders should be equally active in their pursuit of love. It shouldn't matter who asks out who.

It's actually nice.
It happened for my 'first' relationship. *cough* can hardly call it that... a 14 year old (me) and a 12 year old text dating. oh how that is fun... but yeah, she asked me out that way. i felt thrilled.. was the first time a girl had ever known me ^^
I think that is what got people to start respecting me a little more.. cause of how nice i was to her.. aside from her being in grade 6 when i was in grade 8 :|
I would personally feel suprised by the sudden confession and I might think its a prank especially if I have never talk to her but if I find out that she is totally serious then I might say maybe and go out with her to know about her and if I feel that we do have things in common

Then I would say

Remilia wrote...
One of my life goals is to get rid of the old fashioned idea that guys have to ask girls out and girls just have to sit there and do nothing, hoping to attract guys.

Both genders should be equally active in their pursuit of love. It shouldn't matter who asks out who.

This! And who has to call who first. It really shouldn't matter: genitals don't factor into the process of asking someone out or making a phone call or most aspects of dating, so why make the process gender-specific?
Personally, I'd be flattered and would very more likely to say yes.
Mostly because she has low standards a lot of confidence.
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