How do you feel if the girl ask you out?

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Ok so i found out he still isn't over his ex. They've broken up for a year now. Some of my friends said not to be a rebound. Should i confess and see where it goes from there or should i continue to be just a friend and build that bond...?
xodarap wrote...
Ok so i found out he still isn't over his ex. They've broken up for a year now. Some of my friends said not to be a rebound. Should i confess and see where it goes from there or should i continue to be just a friend and build that bond...?

Hmmm. Well, after a YEAR, I don't know that it'd be a typical "rebound".
But if he's still dreaming of the ex... might wanna wait until he comes to terms with that.
I would be very surprised (bad at picking up subtle clues) and probably quite attracted to her pretty quickly. I really like directness and self-confidence in a girl.

A month is probably at the end period of "haven't known someone long enough to take them seriously" for me. 2 months after knowing someone, I would definitely be take her seriously.

If nothing else, when people ask spontaneous favors of me, I tend to accept even though I would reject it had I thought about it for another minute, so chances are I would say yes even if I really shouldn't.
From my experiences, I've been told I can be intimidating x.x but I never had a problem making the first move, I guess I can be a little too pushy for some guys? Or maybe they were all just wimps :P

As for the ex thing, risky risky business.. from experience; dating a guy I'm head over heels for, find out he's still not over his ex, he's texting her, lies to me about it, I let it go since she lives in his home town a whole ocean away, 10 months of dating he buys a ticket to move back to his home town (on my birthday no less), tells me he loves me and wants to stay together regardless of distance, he leaves, never calls, never texts, dumps me, sleeps with ex, then comes crawling back.

Really guys?

Anyways, ex hang ups are dangerous and if you really like this guy, I honestly recommend taking your time and getting to know him better, maybe see if you can sense if he's ready or not.
ZombieQueen wrote...
From my experiences, I've been told I can be intimidating x.x but I never had a problem making the first move, I guess I can be a little too pushy for some guys? Or maybe they were all just wimps :P

As for the ex thing, risky risky business.. from experience; dating a guy I'm head over heels for, find out he's still not over his ex, he's texting her, lies to me about it, I let it go since she lives in his home town a whole ocean away, 10 months of dating he buys a ticket to move back to his home town (on my birthday no less), tells me he loves me and wants to stay together regardless of distance, he leaves, never calls, never texts, dumps me, sleeps with ex, then comes crawling back.

Really guys?

Anyways, ex hang ups are dangerous and if you really like this guy, I honestly recommend taking your time and getting to know him better, maybe see if you can sense if he's ready or not.

Thanks that really helps! A lot of people say i am intimidating, cause i am quite demanding and stand my ground. I feel like im rushing it because i have been single for like 2 years after my first bf and i broke up. The holiday season are coming and i feel a bit lonely. You know the saying that your first love will set the standard and so i've dated quite a few guys and none came close to my ex. I cant help it but to compare my first love. Because it make sense that the next should be better than the previous right? I dont want to dig info about his past if he isn't that comfortable to talk about it. I told him ill listen if feels like talk about it. We barely text because him and i are busy with school so i dont really know how to get close. It's hard and i dont want to come off as annoying or desperate.
xodarap wrote...
ZombieQueen wrote...
From my experiences, I've been told I can be intimidating x.x but I never had a problem making the first move, I guess I can be a little too pushy for some guys? Or maybe they were all just wimps :P

As for the ex thing, risky risky business.. from experience; dating a guy I'm head over heels for, find out he's still not over his ex, he's texting her, lies to me about it, I let it go since she lives in his home town a whole ocean away, 10 months of dating he buys a ticket to move back to his home town (on my birthday no less), tells me he loves me and wants to stay together regardless of distance, he leaves, never calls, never texts, dumps me, sleeps with ex, then comes crawling back.

Really guys?

Anyways, ex hang ups are dangerous and if you really like this guy, I honestly recommend taking your time and getting to know him better, maybe see if you can sense if he's ready or not.

Thanks that really helps! A lot of people say i am intimidating, cause i am quite demanding and stand my ground. I feel like im rushing it because i have been single for like 2 years after my first bf and i broke up. The holiday season are coming and i feel a bit lonely. You know the saying that your first love will set the standard and so i've dated quite a few guys and none came close to my ex. I cant help it but to compare my first love. Because it make sense that the next should be better than the previous right? I dont want to dig info about his past if he isn't that comfortable to talk about it. I told him ill listen if feels like talk about it. We barely text because him and i are busy with school so i dont really know how to get close. It's hard and i dont want to come off as annoying or desperate.

I know what you mean, I was the same way. Maybe just ask him to coffee or something casual, I recommend taking things slow, its worth the wait. :)
Lessee... I think I would be frightened, terrified, and feel totally like a fish out of water. And I'd probably run away... probably... Never been asked out before (nor have I asked any girls out). Think "sheltered childhood with an overprotective mother"...
It would be sweet, but I don't want a relationship so would turn it down and as a result probably feel bad, but I shouldn't because those are my feelings.
Maeve wrote...
Personally, I'd be flattered and would very more likely to say yes.
Mostly because she has low standards a lot of confidence.

WOW.. you got same thing with what I want to say dude...
I asked out my last boyfriend, but I felt awkward about it at the time. I actually much prefer being actively pursued... probably my ego's fault, haha~
ok, i confessed and he knew about my feelings...but he said he doesnt know what he want. He is a VERY confused boy..ugh. And we ending up making out for the first time and had sex..but it seems like that's as far as we'll go in term of relationship.. this makes me sad in a way. I never really chased a guy before but now Im starting to lose interest if i dont see the result i want. Which is a real relationship. I dont want to stand on the side line and wait..ALSO he has a small plays a big role for me. I know i sound a lil shallow but i need a guy who is able to please me. Another reason why im losing interest. 0__0
xodarap wrote...
ok, i confessed and he knew about my feelings...but he said he doesnt know what he want. He is a VERY confused boy..ugh. And we ending up making out for the first time and had sex..but it seems like that's as far as we'll go in term of relationship.. this makes me sad in a way. I never really chased a guy before but now Im starting to lose interest if i dont see the result i want. Which is a real relationship. I dont want to stand on the side line and wait..

ARGH this... I'm giving one guy a lot of signs that I like him but he just isn't giving much back. I am tired of these slow yet loveable and sweet guys... ;-;
gizgal wrote...
xodarap wrote...
ok, i confessed and he knew about my feelings...but he said he doesnt know what he want. He is a VERY confused boy..ugh. And we ending up making out for the first time and had sex..but it seems like that's as far as we'll go in term of relationship.. this makes me sad in a way. I never really chased a guy before but now Im starting to lose interest if i dont see the result i want. Which is a real relationship. I dont want to stand on the side line and wait..

ARGH this... I'm giving one guy a lot of signs that I like him but he just isn't giving much back. I am tired of these slow yet loveable and sweet guys... ;-;

That's probably because most of the sweet and lovable guys (apparently I'm one of them according to 20 girls i know) they are tired of the girls that seem to give interest but then tell them they never had any interest whatsoever. I know I am. so they are deciding to not take a chance anymore. you know the boy who cry wolf thing.
mibuchiha wrote...
Chag32 wrote...
I like a girl who is straight forward personally so i would feel perfectly ok with it. Just depends on the person.
hightide wrote...
I think it's attractive when a girl knows what she wants and goes for it.

Depends on the girl. If I like her, I'd be jumping for joy. If not, then I'd probably be puzzled.
Sad, I know.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I like a shy girl admitting she likes me. I kind of feel proud of her and it inflates my ego somewhat, you know?

If I like her then I reciprocate those feelings. If I don't, then I'd want to give her a big hug and take the chance to get to know her. Maybe something could come of it.
I personally think girls should be more opened, just like this.
Most girls i know just look at the guy, say nice things to them, but never express their feelings until it is already too late to start a serious relationship.

And to conclude : Yes. I would poblably date her if she is nice to me and can get along with me.
some girls think dating is being in a relationship with someone then getting to know them then.
Half Man Half Amazing! wrote...
hightide wrote...
I think it's attractive when a girl knows what she wants and goes for it.


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