How do you feel if the girl ask you out?

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I don't think there is anything wrong with a girl asking me out.
Frankly it's something you don't see everyday.
xodarap wrote...
You are right on. He is indecisive. I did the best i could as any girl could've done. Be nice to his families, went out of my ways to take his little brother to go trick-or-treating while he was at a party, be there to morally support him, gave him the best physical attention, etc. In the end he was still confuse and whatnot. It was a really hard decision but i've decided to let him go for it was only hurting me. He still wants me to be a part of his life but im only going to treat him JUST as a FRIEND as he desired. Hmm, his lost.

Sucks to be him. That is what he will eventually call a missed opportunity. There are plenty of other guys who know what they actually want. Maybe he'll figure it out someday but not worth the wait. ^_^
I also liked straight forward, honest, and courageous girls.
I'm a girl, and I have done most of the asking 9 out of 10 times. I preffered to do the asking I suppose. The guys never really plucked up the guts to ask me themselves. Except for maybe 2 of my exs but even then it took them a years worth of courage to ask me. Maybe I'm just too straight forward in what I want. I wanted to be asked but in the end nothing ever seems to go the way you want it to.

The guys didn't seem to really mind that much. If they did they never mentioned any such insecurities to me.

My current relationship was a mutual agreement to be together. Not really any one asking the other if we could be together, we just sorta asked each other "we want to be together, now to make it happen" and changed out status to "in a relationship" and that was it. Been together ever since. (1 year together now).
Aside from having respect for the girl, nothing really.
If I like her then go with her, if not then tell her politely you don't want to.
I try to believe in equality as much as I can...
i wouldn't mind if a girl asked me out, theres nothing wrong with that.
If a girl asked me out... I'm not going to turn lesbian for her. D:

Though, it would be better to get to know a person better before you confess...
I'm not brave enough to tell a guy how I feel. I tried once, it worked, but my heart stopped x//x

And I'm straight, but I think some guys would appreciate that the girl do the first move.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If by "Asking me out", you mean to meet up with her at a later date to hang out with her, so we can get to know each other better before hopping into a relationship and ultimately into bed, I wouldn't decline if she was nice or I could see her as relationship material. If she was cute, it'd be a bonus.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Depends.. can't actually answer via anon forums.
I have had a girl ask me out before. She was my first girlfriend. We weren't the best couple but she will never know how much respect I have for her to walk up to me and get what she wanted. That was an amazing moment for me and she is great for it. She was a good girl... She showed such strength, something I don't see in women. She is a rare breed in the low percent women like her. More power for my first girlfriend and her strong sense of self.

On a side note, I feel this is something all women should do more often. Take charge ladies. Have more control over the mates you get and feel the drive you are missing.
I don't think there is a problem with a girl asking a guy out I would think it's attractive because she knows what she wants
I'm a girl. But I go both ways. So far with girls, I've only asked them out, but if a girl asked me out I think it'd be more nerve wrecking than when I ask them out
If it happened in real life I would feel excited over the fact I matter enough for a girl to admire me from a distance and gain more confidence about my self appearance and if online still pretty good but used to it.
Remilia wrote...
One of my life goals is to get rid of the old fashioned idea that guys have to ask girls out and girls just have to sit there and do nothing, hoping to attract guys.

Both genders should be equally active in their pursuit of love. It shouldn't matter who asks out who.

I'd love a girl whos straight forward. but a month is a little too soon. I'd have to get to know her better. I wouldn't want both of us to feel like we're going to rush into it.
Josephl64 Shizuka-chan ~
I would be fine with it, and actually prefer it that way.
Damoz ~Not A User~
hightide wrote...
I think it's attractive when a girl knows what she wants and goes for it.
Its so upsetting. I really want to get over this guy. We havent texted in over a week and went MIA. I hate being confuse. I feel like im desperate for a relationship..Not saying i cant get one, just not the right one.
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