How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 11,847
Came for the awesomeness that is hentai, stayed cause of the fellow lovers...for real you guys are the best ]0_0[
been a lurker for about a year, but just made an account a few months ago.
I have been visiting fakku for only a few months and everything here is just awesome! the hentai and the people! you all rock!
Was linked to here from 4chan
a year in two days...
A true devotee, been visiting this site for 3 years, and only just recently I made my account. Seen all of the vids, had almost all the games in my PC and a bonafide
doujin reader. Hope Fakku will stay the same and wont go offline, unlike H-Fap
Been around for 3 years, here for the nice,romantic doujin. Even though been busy with life recently but still checking in now and oftenly soon.
I've been here since I was in highschool. Hell, that was 3 years ago. Woah.

Never became active as I'd just lurk around an such.

Kudo's Fakku.
I've been visiting the site for at least 2 years. I just now made an account because I had too many bookmarks of my favorite doujins and artists. I literally had about 30 bookmarks.
2 years and still going XD
The awesome people in this site. other sites did not have such interactions with people. I wanna say a long time already,I LOve you Fakku!!
I love me some Fakku!
im been here for a year and know where to go but still need to learn ahaha
been here for about a year maybe more but i just made my account today! xD....... unrelated but i must say it khoi20 your pic is brilliant! absolutely love it! xD
Jacob wrote...
How long have you been visiting FAKKU? What brought you here? What made you stay?

I've been visiting since this January, a friend recommended me to this site to get my fap on ;o although I just now made an account so I can vote.
i just had this account 4 weeks ago i guess that i am still new here i loev this site o.o hope that i will stay longuer and meet alot of friends
my friend introduce the website to me.then fakku become my 1st choice of hentai website.i sign up as menber after a year i spend in fakku.
Been on Fakku for about 4 years. i found this website by chance, but stayed for the hentai and the Hentai fans =D
Started visiting fakku something like 3 years (more?) ago. Was looking for a handy place to get doujins I was looking for.
Since I prefere rawrs over translation I sometime feel that fakku is getting a little too much of the latter but I guess I can't complain :P

came for the hentai... and definitly stayed for the hentai!
I've been visiting the site for a few months now and what I like about it is that I can read some good doujins of my fav manga/anime's like Naruto, Bleach etc :) thanks for everything!!
Monster Girl
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