How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 11,847
How about a new bloody poll?
2nd year here, was desperate for hentai because I can't find good hentai sites back then, found fakku by accident :D
been here 4 a year made my 2 minutes ago lol. y`d i stay? great hentai, lots of verity, great games, great ppl, overall just a FUCKING GREAT SITE LONG LIVE FAKKU
Been lurking on Fakku for two years after randomly finding it. Finally decided to make an account today. I'll be staying for all the great content and the interesting people. :]
a dream told me about this site, i've been here for 3 years nearing 4 years...and what keeps me here is the content and the community...

ps: sorry..i lied..i'm here only for the H doujin
sudah lama di fakku . ga terasa sudah 4 taun . hahaha
I just started visiting this site. Everyone's pretty nice. The hentai is incredible!! :)
been checking out the site for more than a year love the content that why i joined
It's a caprice, depending on my mood or interest.
I visit here cos I feel like doing so, and I don't cos I don't feel like.
Love. That all. :)
I've been here for 2 years I think, and just registered recently xD (so I could answer the poll) xD
i stumbled upon Fakku via google 3ish years ago and have been stuck ever since <3
Long enough to know this isn't the first time that Fakku ask this question.
Ahhh, been here about 1 year and 5 months, and after getting to know Fakku its hard to spend a night without checking out whats new in here, just miss a lil the irc, hahaha, was pretty funny talking with the ppl there.
Been here forever. Found it one day, while looking for some free hentai sites. It had some good content on the site, which kept me coming back. When I found out there were more on the forums, I caved in and finally joined.
I`m here over a year. I found many great things here:Hentais,doujins,and animes that I never saw before! Fakku is really amazing and I still finding many wonderful animes and mangas-that`s what made me stay!
I have been lurking here for more than 3 years.... just made a account "right now" to say so...
been here two year now if im correct i came here wanting hentai and thats what i got haha just one down fall most of the hentai is sencerd witch was the reason i made an account i thought it would go away i was wrong T.T but still fun sunaryos and all your fav animes for the most part that is. (dorry for miss spelled words I had a leaning disability i can read just can spell)
I stumbled upon this site around 2-ish years ago or so at random. Needless to say I was overjoyed to find a good, stable and active site such as this.

Also, I just had to make an account to say this.
A friend of mine mentioned this site, I entered and here I am ever since
Monster Girl
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