How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 11,847
time to time i browse Fakku hnn.. very long time
I've been visiting this site ever since I found it (accidentally) while browsing for some good stuff, that was like four years ago. It stuck to me unlike any other glue and it was fakku day in and day out. XD
visited here because i like hentai and manga :)
I've been to fakku for around 5 yrs or so but it's my first time registering now just to post my opinion... Time really passes by so fast... For the last 5 yrs I've been visiting fakku, it keeps getting better and better... ^^,
Thousandhail wrote...
I've been visiting the site for years, but only recently made a account this year.
yes !!!!! i like to read manga so i try to read its
(3years ago)damn 4chan got me into hentai, from there i was directed to sakurahana website and from there found fakku, after that i started to get some of them directly from the translators websites, visit fakku at least 4-5times a week, keep up the good work guys
I found this site 2 or 3 years ago. Back than I was just searching for some Naruto and Bleach hentai (hell, I have only watched 10 titles back then :D ) but now there is not a single day without FAKKU ^_^
A little more then 2 years or so
It just can't be helped.
fakku is one needy bitch but u'll never tell her to fuck off because you love her deep down.

i remember when i needed to lie about my age to access the content. its been almost four years as of this november since arrival... feels like home.
I've been lurking for over 5 years now. I made an account 2 years in. Commented for the first time a week or so ago.

I believe searching for Shakugan no Shana hentai on Google(Shameless, I know) led me here some time ago,and I stayed because I'm too lazy to search for some half decent hentai site.
I'll be honest. I'm not supposed to be on thi website XD
Anyways, this place is great. The community is great, uploads are very good and everything else is awesome. Honestly though, I seriously love you all. No homo.
I've been visiting for over a year now. I love this site because you can never get anything else like this stuff for free and with translations and without problems! Also, it's nice that I was able to meet the creators at the anime expos, they're so nice and cool :3
Hentai comics are so easy to find here thats why XD
I've been here for a while now that I turned 18.
[size=14]i came because i couldn't find a doujin i was looking for and i ended up staying because of the variety of the site and the epic amounts of things to read, i usually visit the site every few days to check for new chapters from my fav artists.Jacob you are a god among men.[/h]
2 years and still lurking
Ah crap! I clicked the "2 years" button, but I think I'm older than that!

Anyway, been coming to this site for many reasons, but maily for the content that is offered; before I had to google search doujin/hentai to find a good site, which cause my computer to go down three times ><; (dang you viruses! you made me reboot to factory settings!), and stragely enough, after looking for Love Hina doujin (I think it was Naruto also), showed up this side and been coming here for more than four years (before actually registering ^=^;).
been visiting Fakku for several years now, never made an account until 1-2 years ago, came looking for doujin, found myself a gold mine.
The last few months i spent in China without access to Fakku was a living hell
Monster Girl
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