How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 11,847
Fakku members who have voted in the poll... ITS OVER 11000!
Well, i only just made an account but i have been visiting for about 2 years and the reason i stayed on fakku and here only is because the people here have GREAT taste - not just hentai but real girls too (reffering to the nosebleed threads :D) anyway - thankyou for the AWESOME website!
i didn't no this site was going for 4years! i thought it started up last year! When i started i read something about the "first update" but now i no its just because people introduce themselves to the site. :D
Only a few weeks. :( But it's still amazing! ^_^
Hmm Someone I knew Brought me here, I used two sites but soon i was Hook to Fakku :D. No virus, less ads, it's like a little prev's paradise! :D
Come for the hentai, remained for the community, because the people are friendly and sociable and have amazing Doujinshi =)!!!!!
because fakku can make me relax, and enjoy the doujinshi, community and hentai of course :p
[size=12]The 4 of the 5 reasons I joined.

Yoshu Ohepe (Milk Junkies, My Sweet Elder Sister, Aniki)
Hisai (Tsun Devil)
Jun (Take your Mark, My Neighbor's Silent Smile)
Osuzu Akiomi (Smile Again, How Do You Feel)

5th was my love of boobs.[/h]
Hmmm... I forgot how did I get this site....Oh! I found it when I type English Hentai Manga on Google~
I got stuck from fakku after I get in.....Until now! and so on~xD <3
I've been visiting since 2008, though I didn't make an account until last year.
i can't remember exactly but i've been here for awhile so i kind of guessed XP
I've been lurking this site for over four years I believe. Member for three.

I need to post here more btw.
I've been visiting fakku since shortly after it started up! Awesome site, awesome community, awesome.. well.. everything!
The saddest part is, I found out about fakku through starcraft! xD
thx FAKKU for all these years... keep up d GOOD WORK!!! ^^
4 years and counting.. o.O it feels like i'm getting old, but still having FUN! right? :))
[size=10] [/h] I have been coming here for years but recently made an account.
who knew that my fakku account was already 2 years old
I found this place from googling. I had been going to 4chan, but it was all pictures and whole comics were rare and it was chancy that they'd be in English. I honestly like the stories in some of them. And I like how organized it was. (Plus, it was free and I don't have any money.) The longer I stay here, the more I like it. It's got a great community. Everybody seems pretty nice, and I've read a lot of comments on hentai that made me laugh.
Been here 5 weeks after you guys were created, best freaking hentai site on the planet so i stayed for the faps unfortunately i'm not a community guy, but regardless you people are great beings~
Monster Girl
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