How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 11,847
My brother-in-law introduced me to this site. He's been using it for years. I just started, but it is a pretty good site :)
Seriously i don't really know but a long time for sure it's just i never have been coming here often until recently before i was coming here only when i was searching something with google and Fakku had what i wanted but recently i made an account and started to come here more often.
I voted a few weeks since that's about the time i started to come here regularly not 1 time each 3-4 months even more sometime but the first time i visited Fakku is certainly at least 3 years.
Been visiting for a year, just recently joined.
about 4 month + and yet the best site ever :D
PhantomStar wrote...
Been here 5 weeks after you guys were created, best freaking hentai site on the planet so i stayed for the faps unfortunately i'm not a community guy, but regardless you people are great beings~

Account made today, but we won't question you about it.
[size=12]Fakku... had... been... always had... been.. a dear... site.. for me.....
Only... recently.. I had ... come to... post ... to.. be active..
even... for a ... second....
always.. check for... new.. batch... of... hentai... every we
.. Viva... la ..
It's partly the for the hentai, partly for the people, but mostly it's cause of the hentai. And it helps that Jacob is just a cool guy! see you guys at AX again next year!
Endless2100 wrote...
PhantomStar wrote...
Been here 5 weeks after you guys were created, best freaking hentai site on the planet so i stayed for the faps unfortunately i'm not a community guy, but regardless you people are great beings~

Account made today, but we won't question you about it.

*coughs* thanks dude 8D
whew its been a looong time
Been here for a long time! I've been here since 4 years back lol. This place is still my favourite site to get H-mangas
i dont' know i have forgotten why !it's way back when i was still in the first year in college, wait i think it's because i somehow stumble upon this great site when i was eagerly looking for tina armstrong hentai or related stuff !

yes that's it, and i've been coming here for as long as i can remember for the hentai of course. the site have improved a lot over the years and i like reading everyone comments related to the hentai's here some of it just damn to funny. >0
i dont know how long i've been visiting but all i remember was that this was my number one hentai site
over a year almost but yeah one hell of a year
Been visiting this site for some time now that I think about, but who wouldnt :)
Keep it up Jacob
i started hentai at boylamas.110.mb but then moved on to myincesthentai until it was shut down then i changed to doujinland ,traffic is too low, and, unorganized piece of crap, until i stumbled upon the holy grail that is FAKKU
been visting fakku over the last year now...what brought me here? the doujin's at first then I started posting so I normally come back for that.
Fakku has brought sunshine to an otherwise pretty dull life. plus i'm an underground anime junkie. 3 years i've been enjoying fakku. i just created the account to show my support. thanks jacob
I was here when Fakku was born. It was...truly, completely free porn, with a community that could provide more. It brought a single tear to my eye, that was all the colors of the rainbow. As for the forums, I was on-and-off active, and I've actually stopped downloading porn these days.
I found this site via 4-chan and ever since I have made this site my hub for hentai.
4 Years. Found my first H here ^-^ Registered after like, 3 years though.
Monster Girl
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