One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Having Chores to do.
[color=#993300]I got more sick
I woke up really late
I lost my house key and had to break in through a window to get my spare.
wanting to play a game that i havent in years
How late I allowed myself to sleep til TT.TT
Boxes. SMALL DEVILISH BOXES. Tons of them.
Lime is home from the hospital! Yaaaay!

I just wish she'd do something other than sit there at my dining table and occasionally use this clicky thing.
She just wants to sit there, alone, and "observe" while the rest of us do stuff and have fun without her. Iast time I looked at her face she looked so sad and now she has her head down on a pillow she asked me to get as I walked by... Even called me by name before I could speak to her as though she recognized me by the sound of my footsteps alone. I guess her "observing" as she puts it, is her learning to use her ears and other senses to see her surroundings... But she looks absolutely miserable and she doesn't want any company to sit by her.

And I tried talking to her about coming over to the couch with the rest of us but she kept saying no until enventual science from her with nodding. So I gave her some of my pudding cups to enjoy and they are all gone so she at least ate that...

It's just so hard to see her look so depressed like that.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
This Bi-Polar weather is pissing me off. Are we going to have bright sunshine or torrential rain? Decide already!
[color=#993300]She's getting even more sick, like I am, I just want to hear you again....[color=#FFFFFF]and RP again, I've been holding back >->;
ok, so i made a salad today, and i had it on my table, than i went to the fridge to get salad dressing. So, you know how when salad dressing sits, it seperates and you gotta shake it?
so i shook it, the cap came off, and i poured salad dressing all over my kitchen table and my lap top.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I finally got the right ram for my mother board, but bios only reads 32GB (which doesn't even matter since my version of windows can only use 16 GB. I have to get Windows 7 professional) out of 64GB. On top of that I keep getting blue screen of death whenever I try to install drivers or copy files from my old hd to the new. I called a computer repairman and he concluded that my old hd is corrupted, and either a few of the motherboard's ram slots are broken or some of the ram I bought is corrupted. I have to give up on my older hd and replace the ram. If the new ram doesn't fix the problem, then the motherboard is at fault. I hate when shit doesn't work.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Bitches who used to make my life Hell showed up and kept up their track record of pissing me off by making fun of my sexuality. I thought after two years they'd mature. Nope.
I want to get into Exhentai, but at every turn I get rejected.
Got sick again, but I'm recovering a lot faster than last time. Maybe it's just stress?
My Blu-ray player won't play Blu-rays anymore. :(
I lost my student ID. Now I can't use the Library anymore... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Getting a new one is 25 pounds. THIS IS ROBBERY.
I just saw my paycheck and it made me really happy... until I saw how much was deducted from it because of taxes...
My post count really low...
Blues lost last night....
Monster Girl
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