One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Odamust wrote...
Friend's got anxiety issue.

Friend: I can't sleep.
Me: Why not?
Friend: I don't know man. Probably anxiety.
Me: What are you worried about?
Friend: I don't know. Something.
Me: What? Studies? Relationships? Life?
Friend: Something.

Nigga pls. You're seriously shitting on my mood.

I know both of those feels.
[color=#993300]I broke down in class today, I promised her I shouldn't but I cried and cried anyways....good thing I wear a jacket.....
I'm sad right now. Don't get me wrong, my life is pretty damn good right now... It's the lives of those around me that are starting to take a dive towards sadness... The twins especially.

They just aren't taking the blind thing well anymore. As stated yesterday we had to talk to them about taking anti-depressants. They still refuse to see a doctor. Luckily I know a guy in my neighborhood. A psychologist. Maybe I can get him to talk to them for a bit.

Still, I thought I'd never have to do anything like that.
The only thing keeping me from spiraling into hopeless depression is my strong desire to branch out and leave my own mark on the world.

I'm gonna be rich someday, and I'm gonna have my petty and meaningless revenge.

I've had a pretty hard day.
Nephews at house this morning and omg they don't know how to let someone sleep....
Just... Fuck all this drama. Seriously.
I love the twins. Everyone I know wants to help them but for some reason Lime doesn't want it.
Didn't win the poker tournament i played today :( or finish on money for that matter.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Friend has to go through shit he doesn't deserve. And I'm sat here useless in the hospital, suffering from my illness...
Ordered a doorway pullup bar from Amazon and when it got here some parts were missing (bolts and nuts). Now I've got to find a hardware store around here to get the missing parts. I guess it was cheap for a reason.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Missed out on playing GTA Online with friends because my dad once again wanted to watch a show about how the Titanic sank. By the time he got off it it was too late at night and they'd come off.

Another friend of mine is on at the moment but I don't particuarly want to play with him on my own because he doesn't shut up; he pummels you with useless information about what he's doing at that exact moment and constantly asks for opinions on what he's considering doing. In GTA Online it's whether to sell a car to buy another, on Minecraft it's what to build next. Any other time he sings (badly) or puts music nobody likes on.
[color=#993300]I haven't heard from her again and I fear for the worse, meanwhile. My own body is degrading as well
Headache + Stomach Pain + Unstable Internet + Alone Most Of Time = Sad Day.

I'm trying to cheer it up anyway~! Somehow...
The questions on the assignments are seriously tough.
[color=#993300]I cried again....
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Gonna be confined to a wheelchair for a week since the Hospital say it's better that way. Although it makes me feel even weaker than I am...
Despite the good news of Lime being able to now see light coming through her eye patch (though apparently it was painful for her to do so as her eye is likely really sensitive to light right now), meaning she isn't tottaly blinded by this whole ordeal and her eye is probably healing nicely... So yeah despite that good news she didn't seem any happier at all

She still seems really depressed. The good news didn't even make her crack a smile.
I screwed up my re-enrolment stuff online. Gonna have to change everything manually by this week.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Oh God my sister is coming over....fuuuuuuuck....
[color=#993300]Still no news
I thought we had something special, but then I got NTRd.

I wanna kill myself;_;
Monster Girl
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