One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Well for one I'm still worried about those two kids from yesterday.

That and work kinda sucked.
I have to move because i got in to that conservatory.

Not complaining tho, since i won't be living off unemployment benefits much longer.
fakku tags broken again, missed out on acquaintance's funeral
Gravity cat the adequately amused
My male friend is a feminist. Make any gender-specific statements or jokes and he will piss all over your bonfire. Though he is one of my closest friends and a majority of the time he's easygoing.

Most recent example was when I referred to the new Thor in the Marvel comics as "femme-Thor". Boy he didn't like that. "No it's just Thor. It's sexist to refer to her by her gender" or something along those lines.

I told him that it wasn't sexist to use gender to differentiate between the male Thor we're all used to, and the new female one. Otherwise to talk about the new Thor and thinking he's talking about the male one would be fucking confusing. What would have been sexist is if I said that Mjolnir should've transformed into a frying pan.
I couldn't get a game to work on Bluestacks.
It's been just over a week since my dad had that freak heart attack.
i really don't like that he has to start taking more pills than he already does. He doesn't seem to mind at all.

It just hit me though. My dad's health has been deteriorating over the years in quite a rapid pace. I didn't realize it, but that's likley because he's treated this sort of thing like it's not such a big deal. Well it is to me. A huge deal.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
People whining to me about Game of Thrones spoilers.

I would understand if I fully explained the circumstances behind the deaths, but I didn't. And it really should not be a surprise that people die regardless of popularity.
There are all kinds of terms for a man shooting his load, getting his jizz everywhere, and having the lizard drained... (Among dozens of other things)

Well I wanted to look up hentai where it shows the girl having an orgasm. I really only got results when I looked up "female ejaculation hentai." Not even "squirting" gave me good results (there was more men squiring than women) and that's the only term I know of for when a woman shoots out her ejaculate.

There is no good term for a girl squirting her cum when she orgasms is there?... That bugs me. We women need a better name for our stuff than just "female ejaculation." Also most if not all sunonyms I found for that word were male cum slang...
Thought Voynich Hotel got pick up and was pretty happy to get to buy English copies.. turns out it wasn't that at all...
My tablet pen broke and I got a minor virus in my computer. It'll be two weeks before my new tablet comes in..
I think i dislike my new tattoo, or it didn't turn out to be like i imagined in my head. Not that it is ugly or anything, it does look relatively good and i don't think my money went down the drain and i now have a permanent tattoo that i hate, it just didn't turn out to be as 'cool' as i imagined to be in my head.

You gotta live with your decisions and indecisions ;)
Having to steam clean and mop the area around my dogs beds cause they won't take 1 minute to pop in the rain and pee...
Got off work early due to a power outage :/ ...Means less money for me :/
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Next week I'm only in for one day, all day. Half 10 until 6. Almost everyone loses half an hour off the usual time. Little bit annoying. But that's shift work for you.
It's a curse that I'm able to understand a language that I can't speak, because I couldn't talk back to my relatives while they shit-talked about me.
My order is still processing when I thought it would be in transit by the end of today. Ah well..
Well I am disappointed by the lack of porn on Kelly's phone personally.
A few slime girls and a Loli pic, and her Gelbooru page was looking for bikini beach yuri.

And as for what Kelly didn't like today. i can't really say. She certainly won't like that I lied to see what porn she likes looking at. I have her phone because I said I wanted to play Fairway Solitaire because bored and that my phone was charging.

She'll probably be a bit embarrassed reading this.
Work and life have been a bit rough atm, my anxiety is also been bothering me more, but I'm dealing with it one day at a time. My friends and family help so I'm grateful for that.
Drank too much last night so I got to empty the contents of my stomach in the toilet this morning.....
Seems like yesterday was the last day of the summer that we have overtime at work. Guess i'll have to start selling my body to get some extra €€€.