
Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$...... why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self? i do it all the time. u dont need to hide it. were all friends …
[ Locked ] Request threads are not allowed Request threads of any form asking for help finding unlicensed/pirated content are not allowed anywhere on our forums: …


Noticed about my browser This past days I noticed there is something wrong with my mouse cursor I think it's my browser. My problem is, if I place my mouse cursor in a link for example, my mouse cursor became "pointing index …
Anberlin? For some reason I find myself continually on this Pandora station at all time. I've really gotten into this band haha :) Anyone else?
Yay, Its Back Megaupload
Does Anyone listen to Drake? Thumbnail
Does Anyone listen to Drake? I was wondering does any Fakkuers listen to Drake or any hip-hop/rap for that matter.
[ Poll ] Taking Action in Society! (SOPA, etc) Organizations like Google, Youtube, Wikipedia, and even Fakku are making a stand against SOPA. They redirect you to send a letter of complaint to your senator or sign a petition. In general, do you te…
[ Poll ] Coffee or Tea? Just bought myself a delicious gingerbread latte from Dunkin Donuts right now. Got me wondering what warm drinks tickle the fancies of the denizens of FAKKU. I'm pretty sure I made my choice obvious.
Gay Parent's are the Best Parents? Read first, then comment. Why gay Parents May Be the Best Parents Reading this made me fe…
Mind-blowing Solos Just simply post any solo play you find mind-blowing, from any kind of instrument. To start, this is a drum solo by Virgil Donati in Steve Vai's concert in Astoria. …
Soundtrack for your mind Hey there, peeps. I'm in bit of a standstill at the moment. I'm in the moment of writing out my comic (a large script for it mostly), and I always try to have music playing to convey the mood I'…
Favorite JAM Project songs Just post your favorite JAM Project songs, if possible assign one of them to be the top one~ Right now, my favorite is Ryusei Lovers …
Anyone here plays any instruments? Thumbnail
Anyone here plays any instruments? Im learning to play the guitar and just wanna know anyone how plays anything else?
The hell's happenin'? Have you tried pressing it?
Fixing a keyboard? Ok, so there was a little incident involving my keyboard and a glass of pepsi, and after a dozen of minutes or so the poor thing stopped working. Anyone know of a way to fix it? The keys themselves ar…
Your facebook? Do you guys use Facebook? If so whats your facebook? (even though I dont think its a good idea to add a whole bunch of perverts :D)
Lights On/Off? Thumbnail
Lights On/Off? So I was wondering, do you like to get it on in the dark or do you like to see the action? Are you comfortable enough with your body to do it in broad daylight? Elaborate, I'm all ears( well eyes actu…
Biggest Male Dream Ever Okay, so ITT we list the biggest, most epic male dream (EDIT: to clarify, this would be your dream as in a perfect life) ever, one part at a time. (maybe this belongs in Random but I'm new here so nya…
[ Poll ] This new so called AMD "FX" series These things are driving me nuts, everywhere I look I hear negative feedback about them. This leaves one fapping fury to question... Where is the phenoms? it seems it is finally time to switch to Inte…
AntiSOPA Petition for non-Americans The Google anti-SOPA petition is the most popular one, but it can only be filled by Americans, since it asks for your zip code. I´m not American but the approval of this bill would be a problem for m
my stuff i thought about posting my previous and current and future avatars and drawings here, since i drew/made them - get your opinions on my stuff and eventually putting up more works, if ya guys like 'em.…
Remove background music from vocals I am making a Code Geass trailer that uses vocals from the english dub. I don't know much about sound editing software, but I need to find a way to re…
Monster Girl
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