
Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$...... why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self? i do it all the time. u dont need to hide it. were all friends …
[ Locked ] Request threads are not allowed Request threads of any form asking for help finding unlicensed/pirated content are not allowed anywhere on our forums: …


What is the most attractive eye color to you? So weve already covered what the most attractive clothing and hair color was to you, the members of the Fakku forums :P Heres a link if you havent already posted your thoughts https://www.fakku.…
Watching someone masturbate. Mostly targeted to the female members of Fakku! Would you rather watch a man masturbate or a woman masturbate if they are of equal sexiness? I'm referring to porn~ Or loved one.
Being in Asia - like a real life Manga experience? Hey guys, I was just wondering if you guys feel the same as I do but here goes my story. I am German, and since my childhood I have enjoyed Anime and Manga. And I always imagined that Japa…
Things you would say to your ex... Something that you ever wanted to say to your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend but never had the chance? Me: "Seriusly? Fuck you and I hope you have a horrible and painful death, have a cheap funer…
What do u guys think of Coldplay's Mylo Xyloto Dude, I got there album and I SWEAR THATS ALL IVE BEEN LISTENING TOO, I got coldplay tickets and I'm soooo luckyyyyy, they got sold out in the first 5 MINUTES HAHAHA. Just wait till they start selling…
Shit People Say to _____ People It's been a recent video trend: videos of people pretending to be the ignorant individuals who make rude, offensive, sexist, racist, etc. remarks to certain groups. For example... (videos …
My band's first decent recording (Instrumental) I know I posted it in IB. My friend wasn't digging his vox and so hes working on fixing them but for the meantime I have the instrumental version for you all to enjoy without the loud guitar at the be…
[ Poll ] Need Your Help! 1. 2. Edit: See newer posts and disre…
How often do you eat salad? Thumbnail
[ Poll ] How often do you eat salad? And I'm not talking about those salads that have 90% meat or 50% or mayo based salad dressing. I'm talking about salad that has mostly greens in it. Like lettuce, cucumber, tomato, pepper, zucchini, g…
Alina's Shoppe Thumbnail
Alina's Shoppe Hello there. My name is Alina/MinHe and other names people call me. I realized that I've been slacking off practicing PS because of Flash, and I just wanted to improve. If yo…
Um, HELL YES SABER LILY Remeber a couple years back when I was asking when Figure companies re-release figures? Well it finally happened for certain Sa…
No space OK so theirs almost no space left on my cpu I have deleted unnecessary programs all my pictures videos and music yet theirs still only 2.41 GB left please help
Pettanko Trend Hey. So I've been seeing so many pettanko tags lately, and I was wondering: is pettanko a huge trend in japan in doujin circles now or something? EDIT: I debated putting it in…
Ups & Downs to Online Courses? Okay, so I'm in my 5th year of high school (I graduated already, last year), and I was planning on taking 3 courses in one semester and taking the second off. There was a problem with the…
cigarettes they are delicious and [supposedly] poisonous. what brand do you prefer? i myself enjoy marlboro menthol smooths. mint chocolate chip nomnomnom
Alaska Users Hey guys figure this could go in Random, but i was wondering who else is browsing FAKKU from Alaska. Also I know people can somtimes have questions about Alaska as it is a bit different so anyone not …
VCR -extra space- Who still remembers using them? Ah, the not so good times~
The Best Place You've Ever Masturbated Not the most weird, most common, most obscure, but the best place you've ever masturbated. What makes it the best is at your discretion. Personally, the best place I've ever masturbated wa…
[ Locked ] Ask me anything no matter what about Love, Romance.... I am Willing to answer any question asked to me about Love, Romance, and Relationships, No matter what if it just in general or about me. Feal free to ask me what ever you want. bu…
Asian Gets Ganged On.. Ok this video im about to post is almost to hard to watch, and if anything must be done they need to find these people and do the worst to them. I dont know the whole story and i seriously dont …
Monster Girl
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