
Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$...... why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self? i do it all the time. u dont need to hide it. were all friends …
[ Locked ] Request threads are not allowed Request threads of any form asking for help finding unlicensed/pirated content are not allowed anywhere on our forums: …


Song playing Where the hell is that song coming from whenever I go into any image topic in Nosebleed (and probably in other places).
That thing people say that makes you want to kill them. I'm pretty annoyed of hearing/seeing the word "life" added to sentences. It makes it seem like the speaker has been enlightened to some stupid self-aggrandizing belief that's stupid. Did I mention it'…
Happy Chinese New Year! For those who bother or care, you can discuss your celebrations here. …
[ Poll ] circumcised or not? I was talking to a friend and she was pro circumcised and I was pro uncircumcised and I wondered what others thought about it
Colored Hentai Manga Screenshot II Thumbnail
Colored Hentai Manga Screenshot II "Onegai! x Koukishin 2" by Kamino Ryu-ya Another one of my favorites...
Your Worst Nightmare? And How Do You Interpret It? So after replying to Evnyofdeath's 'Worst Fear' topic, it got me thinking: What's your worst reoccurring (or nonrecurring) nightmare and how did you interpret it? My worse nightmare …
Ice Cream Flavoured Ice Cream I got started on this idea from playing Katawa Shoujo, Rin says this is one of the four things shes thinking about when she mentions she can only think about four things at one time. I went and had a …
Favorite comics? What are some of the best comics around in your opinions, and what new comics do you want/are waiting for?
What are you attracted to? In Hentai, or real life. General, answer however you want to.
Prenuptial Agreements What do you guys and gals think about prenupts? I've been watching Mad Men on Netflix and it got me thinking, what if I was making loads of cash and I had a divorce, do I really want to s…
Powerpoint font always changed. when i open a ppt its always scattered the fonts format. Example when i open a powerpoint presentation created by the other laptop. the fonts format is too big for me. and also when i crea…
Snow White and the Huntsman Looks pretty good in my opinion. I don't know about Kristen Stewart though. She's …
PSP Help D= Okay, the gist of it is that my PSP 1000 which I've had for about... 10 years +/- recently started malfunctioning with the joystick. I bought a replacement from eBay and it worked properly again. I th…
Laughter at the Wrong Times I am a repeat, first-degree offender of laughing at the wrong times. GF#2: when I broke up with her, due to extenuating circumstances, I had to do it over the phone. She hanged up the phon…
I would love all the help I can get please I'm 5'11, 19 years old and weight 290lb. I have been trying to lose weight since I was 15 but would always fail at it. I'm not much of a vegetable or fruit guy and I'm willing to start and go to the g…
Rage music What's your raging music? I'm more than a little pissed off and I want to know what you guys listen to prevent yourself from smashing someone's face against a wall until it's a smear with bits of skul…
Advice on getting over a girl? I'll lay down the details. I've had incredibly strong emotions for the same girl for over a year now, and during this time I've had two relationships with other girls, which both ended bec…
New Movies: Chronicle Anyone excited to see this? In my opinion this looks like an EXCELLENT movie!
Monster Girl
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