US comics or Japanese manga?

US comics or Japanese manga?

Total Votes : 5,905
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I suppose they're all forms of comic books, but if you had to choose between US comic books and Japanese manga, which would you pick?

It's a really hard call for me, but if I had to choose just one it'd be US comics. I grew up on them so they have a special place in my heart.

Don't get me wrong, I love manga. It just can't top comics with me.

While you're at it, what's your favorite? I really love Green Lantern comics and Nightwing is pretty awesome. I also really dug the Marvel Ultimate line before it kind of went to crap. Some of the X-Men offshoots are pretty cool, too.

As for manga, I really love Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist. One Piece is a great read, too.
I am 99% manga and 1% comics I guess - "bad" influence in my childhood I guess
Manga is my all time favorite
I chose Japanese manga,cause,IDK they're more intriguing and the art suits my taste more I guess.
I grew up without comics in my life. And I prefer the manga's art anyways. So manga.
Do you even need to ask? I'm always go for manga all the way!
Asks their fanbase to choose between Japanese Manga vs US Comics?
And expected an interesting poll?
Seems legit.
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
When I was younger, comics. Once I learned about anime, manga. My uncle was a pretty big Marvel comic collector. I liked what I read of Superman. Right now in the manga world I'm really into Denpa Kyoushi.
From looking at the site were on its a no brainer.
Always preferred it to Western Comics. For one, most Manga-ka seem to actually understand the concept of closing a series. The Western ones, especially mainstream, tend to run characters into the ground with arc after arc of ever more complex stories, recycled villains, and reiterations of past plots.
Seems like a poor question to ask in a Hentai Forum. As Hentai are mostly doujinshis from Japan which makes them to be in manga style. The community present here would be totally in support of Manga rather than Comics.
This is Fakku. A site of manga porn and a breeding ground of lonely perverts
Dont expect US comics to be supported
Manga, if only for the art style.

In terms of comics I'm more of a fan over Belgian comics, with André Franquin being one of my favourite artists. His most famous works are Marsupilami and Gaston Lagaffe.

But I still love Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes more than anything.

But because I'm a Weeaboo and Yotsuba&! is so fucking awesome. I'm gonna go with Weeaboo Manga.

Forum Image:

Why didn't you add Korean manwha (or whatever it's spelled.)?
why not both? also where are the France Koreea and Belgium comics at? :))
Simply because I grew up with a lot of them and still enjoy most of it (Batman, F4, X-men, Avengers, Deadpool, and variations of others here and there).
Not to take anything away from manga, but the only one I grew up with was Dragonball.
Either way, I prefer reading both (as I did then).
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Manga interests me more than US comics.
Well, hello, Captain Obvious.
painstakingly obvious
Manga of course! What hentai lovin fool would come to FAKKU if not to choose from this epic stash of porn MANGA!?
Monster Girl
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