what was the stupidest thing you did to your first comp.

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I blow up the sound card...
I brought it to school without a password, needless to say I was branded a pervert and almost got expelled
Shinibi wrote...
It wasn't actually my first computer (my first PC was a budget gaming PC that my dad built for my birthday, he set it up good, so no problems there), but my first PC that was truly mine was a laptop, and one day when I was getting off the couch with it and going to place it on my desk, my hand slipped and the thing landed hard on the table, which made the fan start making a rather bizarre rattling noise.
No harm done, a few months later, I still haven't called the repair service. The rattling has gone down, and the little guy doesn't seem to have any problems; strangely enough, has actually been doing better in games than before the accident. Weird.

You accidentally did what everybody would like to do with a pc(specially Windows): hit it, and then get it working better.
(BTW, congrats for your first post!)

flyguy45 wrote...
Forgetting to install anti-virus software and watched mass amounts of free porn.

Hahaha... Wow, that brings me back memories. Not good ones for sure.
My parents still don't know how an "innocent website with flash games" turned my pc into a virus' nest.
(I hadn't installed a program to take care of spywares. A silly major mistake...)
[quote="mushimaster0323"]I brought it to school without a password, needless to say I was branded a pervert and

how did they get ahold of it? I can't imagine you just letting someone borrow it? Lol
Back in 2005, I'd created a new user account for my personals, then I was nearly close to delete "My Computer" folder which contains all information about our computer, thanks to warning message, I undo that thing and made computer working again. lol
Installing The Service Pack 1 beta for Windows 7, It was never the same after that, very very slow.

Now I never install Windows Updates.
The stupidest thing?
Hmm…I guess downloading a lot of porn and hentai mangas.
Do you know what is stupid in this?
Well, the computer is a public computer (my parents/friends/cousins use it), so you guys must have known what happened next. (¬■_■)

PS: It was a very horrible experience having your mother scold you for almost 4 hours. (TT^TT)

kanakanakana wrote...
So, my story goes like this:

  • Young kid.

  • Discovered Hentai.

  • Leaving the computer to get oreos or something.

  • Mom goes into room to do ninja cleaning.

  • Get busted

  • Make up shit about doing homework and computer viruses.

From that day forward, learned to use the minimize button. Aaaand like other people, deleting Windows System files to make more room for hentai. (HDD was like 2.1GB)

#1, #2, and #5.
Oh yeah, that fucking happened to me as well.

By the way, 2.1GB that's really…umm…small?
I'd have a really hard time downloading mass amounts of hentai manga.
Actually did nothing bad with my first computer.
However, the last Desktop I personally owned, a highend gaming rig, died because I got the idea to clean it... while it was turned on!! So one little touch by me and it was killed by static discharge :-/
Power-Senpai This is very custom.
Schroude wrote...
Searching for learning resources on hacking and attempting to hack a government entity without knowing the consequences. A couple of guys from CSIS showed up at my house, I was lucky I was only 8 and 9/11 hadn't happened yet, my dad banned me from the computer for a month.

Other than that, loading it with many, many bad programs.

That must have been the coolest mistake you have ever made!
Went absolute full retard and bumped up everything on the GPU to the max. (voltage, clock, ect) I managed to make it pass on the warranty somehow.
my first was a 386, by dad bought it for me when I was 10yo, I never once shut it down properly lol
Trying to "program" in Microsoft Access. I was like 10 yo...
When I was a kid, I decorated the system unit with toy magnets. A week later, the PC wont start. It was only when a technician came and told us not to play with magnets on a pc.
put my cpu fan on the wrong way.
Slotted a floppy disk into an empty driver slot, fell right in and never bothered getting it out until a month or so later.
XD the dumbest thing i ever did to my 1st computer was try to unscrew the harddrive while it was on, then drop the screwdriver onto the harddrive's bottom, shorting the circuit, and blue screening the whole computer, mind you I was 12 or 13 at the time, and have dedicated my life, so to speak, to learning everything I can about computers since then. lol I wish I couldve known that the rest of the computer was actually fine, (just the damaged harddrive) because i threw it all out, and it was actually still good parts! There's a red working motherboard and processor in a landfill somewhere :P I didn't recycle back then either... I was very foolish.
As a kid, turning the power on and off constantly, tearing apart the harddrive. Then it was sticking the powercord through a series of lemons to se if it would turn on. It turned on before the lemons started to explode for some reason
I snapped my laptop in half.

Why? I don't remember.
I had my first computer for 6 years until recently.
I snapped it in half.
Letting my dad borrow it
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