Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

Total Votes : 2,920
I don't watch a lot of anime and I barely read any mangas. I prefer books but if I had to choose it'd be manga.
Manga. Usually more detailed in terms of plot.
Mixed bag. Usually I like manga because of lack of censors and a lot of detail to the story. But I am not an avid reader and I like to see characters in full animation.
well, you can see jugs actually juggle in anime so yeah, anime wins. although manga come out earlier?
Mangas always have a better story line because they have more room to work with. Anime usually gets a lot of pieces taken away in order to stay within the budget. Also, some manga's are just plain better than their animated counterparts.
Manga because anime are often inaccurate in terms of the story.
For me, i tend to pick manga more than anime...
I read more than i watch... depending on the situation... if i can watch anime, why not? But if i can't, then manga it is....

But usually manga is faster and easier than anime but anime got motions and sound... ya... if your loading is slow, then watching anime is a problem... so ya.. i pick manga over anime... hehe
for each 15 pages manga chapter, the publisher can create a thirty minutes long anime movie. In order to keep weekly release rate, they also extend the plot of the manga chapter, which takes a week or more to be released. And of course, the quality of the plot's getting worse and worse with unnecessary events or action. So what's the point of watching the same picture in 30 secs with only the character's mouths are moving? And one scene just keeps replaying for what? few secs for few mins?
That's what i hate about anime.
I'm loyal to manga!
I have to say anime, but there are some times that the manga is better, really better.
I like both but I chose anime because anime displays more emotion through the colour, the voices and the music!! =3
for me its manga,,coz I love its art..
Why isn't there a "i like them both" option? Because i really can't decide. Sometimes the anime is better than the manga, sometimes it's the contrary.
Manga is just so much more involving than anime.
I must go with anime, moving boobs are more fun to watch ;)
i like anime more.
I'm a real anime man..
no major reasons.. just because I'm terible at reading, I like sound, I like colour and it's easier..
BUT.. and as you can see it's a big but [I like big but's and I cannot lie].. If I found a great anime serie, reading the manga ain't that bad. It's actually pretty epicly awesome..
I've always preferred anime, and i can't really answer the second question since I usually read the manga or watch the anime, I rarely do both.
Manga str8 up, most of the time the anime cant do the manga justice. However i do love the original anime that isn't based off of an established manga.
tswarthog The Iconoclast
I like to watch the anime first so that if the manga is better or continues past the original anime you get really exited. If you read the manga and the anime does not live up to it or go as far as you would like you just end up being disappointed.
I prefer Anime. I would have liked manga more if they were coloured but almost every one of them is black and white which is tiring for the eyes
Monster Girl
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