Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

Total Votes : 2,920
i like both for alot of reasons, but anime takes the lead for me. Only cause it's like manga with voices and movement to the pages. Manga is like more graphic tho then some anime. Butt still anime by a thin lead for me. Plus Anime I have hands free! WOOHOO Oh Yeah! (^_~)
Ahhhh!! Can't choose!!! Isn't there a third choice "Love both of them till your dead"?
There are both good and bad traits like Anime is cool because u get to see more detail and animation but is most likely to have dumb fillers (ex. Bleach), Manga gets straight to the point without to much crap everywhere but less detail and places an urge to watch the anime. So overall Anime wins.
Its anime for me :) all the way
i vote for both (eventhough not exist)
because whether the anime or manga is great depends on hard work and creativity
i means sometime the manga is good but when anime its the worst and vice versa..
if people just put a lot of hard work in doing it, it will be a great such as Fullmetal Alchesmist ,i liked both manga n anime :)
Manga is just to expensive for what little you actually read.
Tough question..Good thing about Anime is that..Well you watch it...all the effects and stuff ..But you have to watch it on your computer or TV...So if your electricity or internet stops..your kinda screwed..
On the other hand..Manga is just paper so you can bring it with you and read it everywhere...bad thing..that you have to imagine how the scenes go sometimes...

I vote for anime cause I'm a lazy bastard
Anime. I rarely read manga.
Both as usual,but manga wins due to speed =.=
I actually like both but I voted for anime. I prefer watching than reading.
I found out about anime way before manga, so I gotta go with anime. Not to mention that anime has voice, although that isn't always a good thing...
I like manga better because even though I love anime I get tired of the filler they put in to extend the season or they use it to make a completely new season like they did with the bounts on bleach, so i read manga to get the actual story without all the jumping around
I voted for anime, but there are some manga series I like that dont have an anime adaptation yet, like Yotsuba&!
i like anime because is more realistic but i still reading the manga to
but i do watch more anime them read manga.

one of the reason why i love the anime!

Forum Image: http://i948.photobucket.com/albums/ad329/The_Gif_Album/Anime%20Gifs/d7f18eb5d2908f5dd3f382de46f0b233.gifForum Image: http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd299/heminga13/Gurren%20Lagann/Gurren%20Lagann%20GIFs/2cca96ed.gif
mostly anime, but sometimes manga is good to :)
I love me some Manga but most of my time is spent watching anime.
Only manga, I hate anime.
Only anime, I hate manga.
Manga, because it has more detail if the series also has an anime. But if they are one or the other I'd have to go both.
I vote anime...for the sole reason that I like moving images better than stills
Monster Girl
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