Why is being a virgin/forever alone an "insult"?

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You've probably heard this insult before: "virginfag". But where is the origin of being a virgin an insult? So you've had sex before, so what? What does that prove?

I know that some people want to save it until they found the "right one". Some even want to save it until marriage. But what if it was none of those reasons? Is it because those of us who have done the dirty deed see it as failure?

What about being "forever alone"? Sometimes relationships don't work out and sometimes, its for the better if we stay to ourselves. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. There will always be a flaw about ANY interpersonal relationship. Its called individuality; things that make us different and sometimes makes us disagree with each other.

How are these insults, really "insults"?
This (I think anyways) Probably would have been better in the serious discussion board.

Anyway, I think people are just really insecure about what people think about them. Some people are shallow, and only want sex: I dont know about you, but I see this (almost being promoted) in the media (How I met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men, etc). I would think people think its cooler to have lots of sex then to actually use your brain and realize that some people might see it to be better to save yourself for the right person. Personally I wouldn't wait until marriage, but I definitely wouldn't want to have sex with people I dont feel like I know well.

So, Basically I think its an insult for people who wish they could be what is known as "Cool" in some cases.
Nothing great about meh sex, I'd rather stay a virgin, but too bad.
Because humans are social creatures, insinuating someone is incapable of intimate relationships is a way of playing with their emotions. But most people probably don't realize this when using these insults.
Anything that deviates from the norm will be ridiculed by the majority. If it's an intimate situation, the personal reasons can vary wildly.
Usually if your eternal virgin then you fail at life, love, or just getting a person to touch your naughty parts.

Which is isn't a bad thing if your just waiting on your maturity or the right person.. which their is no right person and if you wait on the right person you will be shit in bed from the lack of skills.. virgins get your pee pee's touched by a whore and learn something so when the right girl(the one you don't pay for) wants your 3 ins of fun... you won't make her 180 on her sexuality and go with girls..

Don't be a 2d lover for the rest of your life's, fapping to doujin or your love pillows and masturbatory aids. Go talk to womens.. their vagina don't have teeth or Pillow Pants(clerks 2). Your mama wasn't right, your dick won't melt from Jesus's tears..
animefreak_usa wrote...
Usually if your eternal virgin then you fail at life, love, or just getting a person to touch your naughty parts.

Which is isn't a bad thing if your just waiting on your maturity or the right person.. which their is no right person and if you wait on the right person you will be shit in bed from the lack of skills.. virgins get your pee pee's touched by a whore and learn something so when the right girl(the one you don't pay for) wants your 3 ins of fun... you won't make her 180 on her sexuality and go with girls..

Don't be a 2d lover for the rest of your life's, fapping to doujin or your love pillows and masturbatory aids. Go talk to womens.. their vagina don't have teeth or Pillow Pants(clerks 2). Your mama wasn't right, your dick won't melt from Jesus's tears..

You're probably trolling but if not, then I am dissapoint.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Usually if your eternal virgin then you fail at life, love, or just getting a person to touch your naughty parts.

Which is isn't a bad thing if your just waiting on your maturity or the right person.. which their is no right person and if you wait on the right person you will be shit in bed from the lack of skills.. virgins get your pee pee's touched by a whore and learn something so when the right girl(the one you don't pay for) wants your 3 ins of fun... you won't make her 180 on her sexuality and go with girls..

Don't be a 2d lover for the rest of your life's, fapping to doujin or your love pillows and masturbatory aids. Go talk to womens.. their vagina don't have teeth or Pillow Pants(clerks 2). Your mama wasn't right, your dick won't melt from Jesus's tears..

Yes, but how do you fail at life if you don't get laid? I know that sex is essential for the ongoing of human species but besides that, what reason is there to ridicule a virgin?
Difference between eternal virgins and virgins are so wide it can be explain in one post.

Virgins: people who want to get laid just not now for a multiple reasons like old moral customs of religion, cultural dogma and personally reasons. If you don't wanna have sex until your married then fine no problems.. it's asinine since marriage ain't shit, but a paper and a ritual.. you can get married by jumping a broom. it's a state of mind. If your not ready because of your mental/emotional age then that perfectly fine.. waiting until you can be in peace with sex and the following issues of " oh i did pull out damn i have a kid or aids" Shit i wish i would of waited until i like a bitch before we did it.

Eternal virginity- I don't want to have sex because i afraid or i like loli or i like my waifu and wanta married her in a wedding with all of my weeb friends... that my post. I was talking to the freak who won't ever have sex because they like fapping to porn and never attempting to talk to a girl.. and if there as girl.. a guy. There whores.. use them you feel better when the 40 years of sperm blocking your brain is remove with the force of a thousand suns comes out.

Virgins and the eternal versions are two different subjects.
Kinda like what the Freak is sayin'.

The underlying jab for both of those insults is not so much the targets current marital status so much as it is the implication that the person wouldn't be able to attract and interact with potential mates were they to try.

Basically- you're just calling them unattractive/undesirable.
Eat, sleep, fuck, survive, that is the meaning of life. if you if you fail at one of these, you have failed at life. from a biological stand point anyway.
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Eat, sleep, fuck, survive, that is the meaning of life. if you if you fail at one of these, you have failed at life. from a biological stand point anyway.

Thats deep.
It's only an insult if you give a shit.
Illustrious2031 wrote...
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Eat, sleep, fuck, survive, that is the meaning of life. if you if you fail at one of these, you have failed at life. from a biological stand point anyway.

Thats deep.

No, it's not.

How the hell is defaulting to basic biological needs deep? That's actually the exact opposite of deep.
Timeenforceranubis wrote...
Illustrious2031 wrote...
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Eat, sleep, fuck, survive, that is the meaning of life. if you if you fail at one of these, you have failed at life. from a biological stand point anyway.

Thats deep.

No, it's not.

How the hell is defaulting to basic biological needs deep? That's actually the exact opposite of deep.

Not sure if troll...
Timeenforceranubis wrote...
Illustrious2031 wrote...
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Eat, sleep, fuck, survive, that is the meaning of life. if you if you fail at one of these, you have failed at life. from a biological stand point anyway.

Thats deep.

No, it's not.

How the hell is defaulting to basic biological needs deep? That's actually the exact opposite of deep.

kgods wrote...
It's only an insult if you give a shit.
kgods wrote...
It's only an insult if you give a shit.

Being a virgin is generically uncool. I don't give a crap if someone hasn't had sex or not. If people are looking for an excuse to make someone feel bad or just to make fun of them in an argument, then being a virgin is a good thing they go for. Sex is generically the ultimate 'cool' thing. As lame as it sounds, it's true.
Because, sex is as common as breathing now, if you don't do it/haven't done it you might as well be dead.
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