Why is being a virgin/forever alone an "insult"?

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PumpJack McGee wrote...
Kinda like what the Freak is sayin'.

The underlying jab for both of those insults is not so much the targets current marital status so much as it is the implication that the person wouldn't be able to attract and interact with potential mates were they to try.

Basically- you're just calling them unattractive/undesirable

That's most likely it. And feeling undesirable is about one of the worst feelings a person can have.
Because societal norms say so.

If it bothers you, then start paying no heed to these standards.
Isn't it just a shitty troll line?
sex is overrated
People make sex out to be more than it actually is. Funny thing, a friend of mine was bragging that he had sex, and was trying to downplay everyone, thinking he was a hot shot. Afterwards, the girl comes up and says that he was only able to put it in before he blew and was done. Makes you wonder who should be talking shit to who.
PumpJack McGee wrote...

Basically- you're just calling them unattractive/undesirable.

What he said.
kgods wrote...
[font=Courier New]It's only an insult if you give a shit. [/font]

Too good.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
kgods wrote...
[font=Courier New]It's only an insult if you give a shit. [/font]
as with any insult, it's just a stupid way to try to make yourself feel superior to someone.
kgods wrote...
[font=Courier New]It's only an insult if you give a shit. [/font]

^I totally agree with this, and I'm not insulted by hardly anything.
Lelouch24 wrote...

as with any insult, it's just a stupid way to try to make yourself feel superior to someone.
kgods wrote...
[font=Courier New]It's only an insult if you give a shit. [/font]

^I totally agree with this, and I'm not insulted by hardly anything.

I concur....
Because it's cooler to be a whore.
(Whore logic)
Regardless.....U all know beining a virgin sucks, and try not to care what people think to much.....most of em are assholes.
Timeenforceranubis wrote...
Illustrious2031 wrote...
Thats deep.

No, it's not.

How the hell is defaulting to basic biological needs deep? That's actually the exact opposite of deep.

Not sure if troll or just really stupid...
Monkey_D_Luffy wrote...
Regardless.....U all know beining a virgin sucks

Apparently, the English language also sucks so hard you stopped caring for it.

Insulting virgins for being virgins is in itself an attest to you intellectual poverty. Easy as that.

We are no longer bound by the need to procreate. Hell, Earth is pretty much overcrowded. To derive your social status from a once vital biological function that is no longer fundamental (dis)proves a pretty twisted logic.
Its considered an insult because you're supposed to want sex! It feels good so you're supposed to want it... Want it so bad that you cant live without it... Even though you cant get the pussy and nobodys gonna give it up to an otaku like you... So sometimes you just have to TAKE the pussy!!

When I say I'm going on a dry spell, my friend who is still a virgin despite being 20, always says shut up, I haven't even had it yet. I say then you don't know what your missing. Until you have it you never know how it will feel. Fapping isn't even close. Sex is one of those things that you need to try 3 times before you decide. And saving it for marriage, Its 2011, sex is no longer bad in church, as long as you wear protection, its okay.
CrosbyKid4049 wrote...
When I say I'm going on a dry spell, my friend who is still a virgin despite being 20, always says shut up, I haven't even had it yet. I say then you don't know what your missing. Until you have it you never know how it will feel. Fapping isn't even close. Sex is one of those things that you need to try 3 times before you decide. And saving it for marriage, Its 2011, sex is no longer bad in church, as long as you wear protection, its okay.

See, you gotta understand. We know we don't know what we're missing. Those of us who aren't virgins by choice would certainly have had sex by now, had we been presented with the opportunity. What you call a "dry spell" is what we call "day-to-day life." Not all of us have the privilege of swimming in bitches all the time.
Thats what hookers are for
I'm not sure why it's an insult. I've had it, but I don't care for it.
I'm not fond of relationships, trying to constantly please another person becomes tiresome, after giving it a few shots I realized long-term relationships would never work for me.

Why let name-calling insult you, if you are content with your life then why give a fuck about what others have to say about how you live it.
CrosbyKid4049 wrote...
Thats what hookers are for

#1: Prostitution is illegal in many places

#2: Prostitution is denser in some areas than in others

#3: Money may be an issue for some people.

#4: Some of us actually want to like the person we're fucking.
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